- Comment on It's official, a new era is upon us for !! 11 hours ago:
Making conservative great again!
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 1 day ago:
This is a pretty standard affair for open sourced games.
- Comment on The metric counterpart to mouse DPI would likely be cm⁻¹. 2 days ago:
Decimeters are almost always superior to cm. Like in this case, dots per decimeter is basically “If you drag your mouse across your mousepad, how many ticks did it record.”
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 3 days ago:
When I was in undergrad and asked “Why are we doing this?”, if the answer was “I have absolutely no idea and neither does anyone else I’ve asked”, then my response was always “FUCK YEAH LET’S DO THIS!”
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 1 week ago:
It’s not always discussed as such, but Hilbert’s Hotel is a mathematically well defined topic and can be proved rigorously. An infinite set of rooms can be the set x1, x2,…xinf, and people can be y1, y2…yinf. You can pair every entry in these two sets. x1&y1, x2&y2,…xinf&yinf. You can’t number a room without having a person in the room, and you can’t find a person who doesn’t have a room.
- Comment on Trump prepares to change US CHIPS Act conditions, sources say 2 weeks ago:
Just bought a new gaming desktop, and just upgraded another home desktop with a new GPU as well. When GPU prices triple in 6 months, I’m gonna look like a genius.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
This is not a shower thought.
- Comment on It's 2025 now, what are the games you'll be starting the year with? 3 weeks ago:
Make sure to get the encounters dlc, it improves the main game experience, and make sure to prioritize Tareen’s tasks, they take forever.
- Comment on Pope Francis to young Ukrainians: ‘Be patriots, reject war, forgive’ 3 weeks ago:
I sincerely hope not. Fewer evil people=better.
- Comment on Pope Francis to young Ukrainians: ‘Be patriots, reject war, forgive’ 3 weeks ago:
“Just give Putin what he wants because opposing him is morally wrong. I can say this because I’ve never worked a hard day in my life, and am unaffected by the consequences.”
- Putin’s new BFF, the Pope
- Comment on Chatbot Software Begins to Face Fundamental Limitations. 3 weeks ago:
This is a solvable problem, but it requires humans to write the algorithms. For example, AIs can’t add, but there are ways to hook in external software that can do addition, which the AI will know to use. Similarly, we can train AI to solve logic puzzles if you give it an algorithm, but it can’t solve a logic puzzle an algorithm cannot.
- Comment on xkcd #3045: AlphaMove 4 weeks ago:
For the curious:…/RNBQ1BNR_b_kq_-_0_1?…
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 2 months ago:
There’s only 9 chevrons
- Comment on sad spinosarus 3 months ago:
This is not what spinosaurus would have wanted.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024's launch has been marred by long load times, server issues and now it has overwhelmingly negative reviews 3 months ago:
Kinda wild that their previous flight simulator was met with near flawless reviews across the board, then the complete opposite for the immediate successor that probably shares 90% of the same code.
- Comment on LG’s first 480Hz OLED gaming monitor is $1,000 3 months ago:
A frame is not just the picture arriving to the screen, it’s everything from input processing to game logic to rendering to picture arriving at the screen. What the other commenter was saying is that things like input lag and game logic smoothness should affect player performance as well. In fact, you can isolate for those variables with an unlocked frame rate, where you can get a frame rate in the 250s on a 144Hz monitor, and pros still see an improvement in that case because those hidden subcycles are smoothing out the non-visual calculations.
- Comment on BIOMES 3 months ago:
Are they a bastard born between King’s Landing and The Twins?
- Comment on Guerrilla Women 3 months ago:
Even after they decay a few times, they’re still nuclear women. They can also emit alpha women, which are fairly small but still nuclear women, betas, which are not fully women, and gammas, which are also not women, but eventually interact with other nuclear women.
- Comment on Toll from Mozambique election protests up to at least 30 3 months ago:
Good ol less than greater than operator to cover your bases; x >< 30
- Comment on DayZ creator reveals a "Kerbal Space Program killer" with kittens and challenges license owners to sue him 3 months ago:
If you want to sell a new IP, “From the creators of Day Z” is not a good angle to start with
- Comment on Russia’s Central Bank Raises Key Rate to Historic 21%, Signals Aggressive Fight to Curb Inflation - The Moscow Times 4 months ago:
I found a neat database on military expenditure as a percent of GDP. Tldr: 9% is a LOT, but also Ukraine is at 36%
- Comment on GRIZZLODILE 4 months ago:
Mythbusters tested whether it was better to zig zag or run straight away from a gator. Turns out, it doesn’t matter, gators won’t chase you.
- Comment on Tesla issues 5th recall for the new Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview camera 4 months ago:
One of these days, an engineer, the best and the brightest of us, will invent a reason way for it to be technically impossible to fix in production. They will be a hero, and save hundreds of companies from bad decisions, and they will never become famous or wealthy for it.
- Comment on Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 4 months ago:
My Amazon streaming app on my Xbox literally only works when using my PiHole. Their poorly tested ad software literally prevented me from watching Prime for a few weeks until I turned my PiHole back on.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 4 months ago:
This is the stock market, the value is set by what investors think the value could be. Mostly, they’re probably assuming people would come back if he sold it. Literally everyone knows the name Twitter.
- Comment on Horse archers ruin every game they are in. 4 months ago:
Um…archers on chariots were almost certainly extremely effective in any era they appeared. The main reason they stopped being popular in combat was because horses became big enough to ride after thousands of years of breeding.
- Comment on What letter has the best games? 4 months ago:
H for Hollow Knight, I think that pretty much settles it…
- Comment on Biodiversity 5 months ago:
Where Saddam Hussein? He has house and legs, both pictured in the only picture of Saddam Hussein.
- Comment on ocean depth 5 months ago:
This has been a very educational meme trend.
- Comment on Bluetooth 6.0 adds centimeter-level accuracy for device tracking — upgraded version also improves device pairing 5 months ago:
Don’t forget that thr data bandwidth is so low it can’t play higher quality mp3s.