- Mozilla is already revising its new Firefox terms to clarify how it handles user datawww.theverge.com ↗Submitted 12 hours ago to technology@lemmy.world | 78 comments
- Comment on 1 day ago:
You mean the Fabio game.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 day ago:
No, just for those that wanted a more “in depth” understanding of the image.
- Comment on If tomato's are a berry and jelly is a sugary fruit spread then my cheese pizza Lunchables is more akin to a pastry..? 2 days ago:
No, because a jelly has to be strained of the fruit pulp (it’s why jelly is clear), and the fruit usually has to have a high pectin amount in it.
It would be closer to a jam though. But calling it a pastry would be like declaring your ham is a pastry because you put some apple jelly on it. It takes more than a spread to make it a pastry.
And the pizza dough doesn’t make it a pastry, this is due to how yeast doughs (fermentation, in pizza dough also typically a high wheat protein count) are different from pastry doughs (high fat content, no yeast). To make an example, it would be like declaring a peanut butter and jam sandwich is a pastry. It’s not.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 2 days ago:
For those wondering, this is a (cropped) version of a art piece called “The Celestial Zoo”.
The original: Image
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 2 days ago:
Open Red Alert
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 3 days ago:
Sorry, that was the wrong link.
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 3 days ago:
The entire series is on sale on Steam right now for $6 if that helps.
- Submitted 3 days ago to technology@lemmy.world | 10 comments
- Comment on Qualcomm and Google team up to offer 8 years of Android updates 4 days ago:
- Comment on Amazon’s killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books 2 weeks ago:
You mixed up step 2, it’s supposed to be “Install KoReader”.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to technology@lemmy.world | 4 comments
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 2 weeks ago:
researchers at Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University found that the more humans lean on AI tools to complete their tasks, the less critical thinking they do, making it more difficult to call upon the skills when they are needed.
It’s one thing to try to do and then ask for help (as you did), it’s another to just ask it to “do x” without thought or effort which is what the study is about.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
It’s a bad headline, but I see where you were coming from.
The article does mention:
It follows news that Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, has already contributed $1 million to the fund. And Amazon has also promised a $1 million infusion into Trump’s inauguration coffers.
So it was name dropping, but it’s being done as a company, not the individual. Sam Altman is still mentioned as a single and not as a company again though.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
I didn’t follow these donation news too closely, but from the headlines it always sounded like they do it personally!?
Really? I’ve never seen a single article that said that. Even this one points out that
Amazon, Meta, Uber, OpenAI’s Sam Altman, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Coinbase, Toyota, Ford, GM, AT&T, Black & Decker, and Charter Communications are also making donations to Trump’s inauguration fund.
None of these say Zuckerberg, or Bezos, etc… (except for Sam Altman). Seems that it’s companies that are the norm.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
What I’m curious about is, according to the article, Tim Apple is donating from this own money and won’t be donating Apple’s money. Why make it a personal donation and not a corporate one?
While others are donating as companies (don’t agree with this either but different subject), none are doing it as a personal donation. As the face of Apple, he won’t get far claiming that it doesn’t reflect Apple as a company, so why not just m make it corporate? Unless it’s for tax reasons?
- Submitted 2 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 80 comments
- Submitted 2 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 7 comments
- Submitted 3 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 1 comment
- D-Link refuses to patch yet another security flaw, suggests users just buy new routers — D-Link told users to replace NAS last weekwww.tomshardware.com ↗Submitted 3 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 46 comments
- Half of Young Norwegians Say Online Piracy Is an Acceptable Way to Save Money * TorrentFreaktorrentfreak.com ↗Submitted 3 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 30 comments
- Comment on DOJ to ask judge to force Google to sell off Chrome, Bloomberg reports 3 months ago:
Chromium is being used in 70% of browsers
To me, I don’t think that should be an issue in anything. That’s up to browser makers. They are able to use whatever they want, and they will use whatever is easiest/best for their usage. They are also free to use WebKit (Safari’s engine), Gecko (Mozilla), or roll their own. This just sounds like you want to punish someone because they made something everyone preferred just because everyone preferred it.
It’s different when you are “forced” to use it (use ours or we won’t let you on our devices, like iOS, or use ours and we will lower/cut our fees for other things you want/need, like many different companies). But when the public is truly free to use what they want and they all want the same thing, then it shouldn’t be used as a reason to punish them.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
- Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament are now free on the Internet Archive, and Epic says that's A-okaywww.pcgamer.com ↗Submitted 3 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 3 comments
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
Except you have needed to have an iPhone to use an Apple TV, and to get around it required a workaround that wasn’t disclosed. It’s happened before, it can happen again.
Apple also telemetries the hell out of your data. The best they offer against this is to prevent them from using it for “targeted” marketing, but that doesn’t really mean much as Apple clearly states:
We provide some non-personal data to our advertisers and strategic partners that work with Apple to provide our products and services, help Apple market to customers, and sell ads on Apple’s behalf to display on the App Store and Apple News and Stocks.
Seriously, this myth of “Apple = Privacy/no ads” needs to go away.
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
Practice and dedication.
- Comment on Qualcomm accuses Arm of anticompetitive conduct as its license is terminated due to 'repeated material breaches of Arm's license agreement' 4 months ago:
This isn’t the first time ARM has gone to court over licensing. In fact, the last time was against Qualcomm and its fees dealing with its Nuvia.
- Qualcomm accuses Arm of anticompetitive conduct as its license is terminated due to 'repeated material breaches of Arm's license agreement'www.tomshardware.com ↗Submitted 4 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 14 comments
- Submitted 4 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 6 comments