- Comment on NZ Birbs 1 week ago:
I guess a kakapo and a kiwi met one day. Now i am a nocturnal horny bird who only gets suggels and feels lonely.
- Comment on Bat Drip 3 months ago:
Now… That is the cutest thing i saw today. And this afternoon i learned about mini cows. So that sais a lot.
- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
That was a good boy
- Comment on Stone Based Stripper Names Ranked 6 months ago:
Can t think off a single reason not to want to say a dudes name when the gril is sexy.
- Comment on So um, about Ferengi’s having their lives rubbed… 7 months ago:
Just for fun… i named my rabit oomox and the second one ponfar.
- Comment on shitpost 7 months ago:
O god that debate again…
Imo at least 975 years to early.
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 10 months ago:
I believe there was a mathematical constant to find the space ( km/ lightyaers from the sun ) where a planet should be. Do’nt remember the name tho. Is pluto on the next ‘free space’ ?
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
Now draw an owl…
- Comment on You could say, I am an odd person! 1 year ago:
I see this wrong… I saw in the other reactions. But first one is normal with ups and downs and the second one has to be mirrord… Down down down it goos. For my depressed alter ego that is the way life is.
- Comment on What kinda shroom ritual happened here? 🍄 1 year ago:
We call it a witch circle… legend has that when schrooms grow like that a witch danced that night at the center.