- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 5 days ago:
It’s sad that even the idea of a very high tax rate for even the top 0.1% is off the table. I really like the suggestion of capping net worth at $999 million and the government gets the rest.
- Comment on Wheel of Time - for both the book and show fans 3 weeks ago:
While a good series without a doubt, it suffers from the tradition of each book being about “100 pages too long” and in need of editing. It would be interesting to see if a newer LLM could do that in a way that would make it a tighter story.
- Comment on Elon Musk-led group makes $97.4 billion bid for OpenAI, CEO refuses and offers to "buy Twitter for $9.74 billion" 3 weeks ago:
Thiel had the board of Paypal vote to boot Musk out of the company while Musk was on his honeymoon. I can only hope something similar could happen while he is in DC sleeping at the foot of Trump’s bed.
- Comment on Elon Musk just offered to buy OpenAI for $97.4 billion 3 weeks ago:
This kind of thing is why it’s short-sighted even for the other tech guys to cozy up to Trump. There’s no room for anyone other than Musk and he is just going to use his leverage with Trump to screw over the other billionaires as well.
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
Seems like the cops should now be worried about civilian phones exploding and now might consider shooting anyone that tries to hand them a phone /s
- Comment on School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety. 5 months ago:
They were searching backpacks and lockers in my high school back in the 90’s, student privacy has been dead for a long time. And at the same time they let students keep rifles in their cars on school grounds during hunting season so those students could hunt before school. There’s no real logic at work, just school boards reacting.
- Comment on Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid. 5 months ago:
Duke energy in NC has basically already made it to expensive or at least not worth it to install solar. They reset the power credits to generate and you basically still are stuck paying a power bill regardless of what you generate.
- Comment on Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges 6 months ago:
It’s because the news media industry as a whole has stuck with Twitter as their primary social media site. It’s kinda hilarious how much they seem to like it and how much time they spend there.
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
I wonder if the DoJ actually does split up Google if separating Chrome would make any difference with behavior like this?
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
Server side ads sound more expensive for Google to me. I’ll just use some future plugin that blacks out the screen or whatever if it comes to that.
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
There is no learning, companies just move to different antivirus. The new hotness, the cycle repeats over and over until the new antivirus does this same shit. Look at McAfee in 2010, in fact the CEO of Crowdstrike was the CTO of McAfee then. That easily took down millions of windows XP machines.
- Comment on Now that scotus gave the president immunity Biden can legally assasinate all of the conservative justices 8 months ago:
Biden should at least go full Office Space and move all of their desks to the basement of the Supreme Court building. Maybe pass an executive order where the justices all have to ride to work together on a special Supreme Court short bus. I’m fine if he keeps it petty but I just hope he does something to show how dumb of a ruling it is (but probably won’t).
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’ve always just used uBlock on Chrome and I never see ads. I’m not doing anything other than that so it surprises me so many people have such trouble with ads.
- Comment on Amazon Video Ad Push Seen Generating Extra $5 Billion in Revenue 1 year ago:
I admit I’ve not look into any numbers, if they are available, but I bet Amazon has an advantage of Prime customers that don’t have it primarily as a video streaming service. Those customers probably wouldn’t consider ads a big deal.
- Comment on For some reason, I'm doubtful. 1 year ago:
Seems like about every pubic US university was selling those back in the late 90’s. So overpriced, even for the time!
- Comment on Roku lays off 300 workers and removes streaming content to save money 1 year ago:
I take this as a good sign that the data tracking market is growing stale. Like what value can tracking my viewing habits provide anyone, other than Roku, that the streaming platforms aren’t already doing on their own? It’s straight double dipping.
- Comment on NHS waiting lists: estimated 340,000 died awaiting treatment in 2022 1 year ago:
Didn’t Thatcher say that Cameron was her priest achievement? I’m sure she had something to do with it.
- Comment on Direct Solar Power: Off-Grid Without Batteries | How we can minimize expensive, ecologically damaging battery storage by changing how we think about energy 1 year ago:
At least in the USA the bigger challenge seem to be the energy company’s really fighting back against residential solar. California is facing some serious changes, I don’t think net metering is even an option in just municipal areas even more. I’ve heard around San Francisco they are going to start hitting folks with big grid connection fees every month.
In my area of North Carolina it’s the same thing, with the power company doing everything it can to make switching to solar less and less worth it. Just the cost of the panels are enough to do that for most people!
- Comment on Path of Exile 2 - Gamescom Druid Gameplay Walkthrough 1 year ago:
I just hope they release an actual playable demo, even if it’s just a real short one. Just like a tidal island or twilight stand size area.