- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 14 hours ago:
You’re telling me I have 22 years to get WORSE???
- Comment on Ever since I've started running like a penguin with it's butt on fire I've saved so many precious calories 1 month ago:
35% of your energy with every stride? Y’all need to start working out
- Comment on little roombas 2 months ago:
Please don’t start licking millipedes, y’all…
- Comment on AI Elections 3 months ago:
Idaho became 1/4 of Loss
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
More like a “will be real as soon as I get that grant” situation
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
“My family live in the terrorist state, therefore I have to support the terrorist state”
- Comment on Chat, what do you see? 4 months ago:
My love life
- Comment on Honesty is the best policy 4 months ago:
That would be an excellent casting choice
- Comment on Is your writing skibidi? 5 months ago:
Gen alpha is cooked
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 5 months ago:
Siri, google how do I get a cylinder unstuck from a tube without damaging the cylinder?
- Comment on Peak Fantasy 6 months ago:
No, don’t
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
I think a lot of the conflict around the word is centered on the fact that many black people use it (obviously without the r) in casual reference to other people, often even people that aren’t black. It’s essentially become equivalent to “dude” or “brother”. So some people don’t see how it’s wrong to use it in that context even if you aren’t black.
I’m not saying I agree, mind you. I’m just making an observation
- Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 6 months ago:
Wireless pissing
- Comment on dumbass 7 months ago:
Nah. He deserves to look exactly like what he is.
- Comment on A legend has passed 7 months ago:
Don’t care, didn’t ask
Plus, you’re a dipshit
- Comment on Too soon? 7 months ago:
The shooter was on a roof
- Comment on Betrayal 7 months ago:
Haven’t seen this one before. Props to you-choo
- Comment on “It’s sick” 7 months ago:
Sickening indeed. How can you get that close and fuck up your one job…
- Comment on Many people don't realize this place is just as toxic and censored as Reddit just in smaller scale, hell I'm afraid this post will be removed as well, they hate any type of discussion... 7 months ago:
I’ve had plenty of discussion, debate, and arguments, and haven’t been banned or had any posts removed.
If everyone else has a problem but you, then the problem is probably you
- Comment on every company right now 7 months ago:
Moving the AI into your brain, rather
- Comment on Stay Mad 7 months ago:
Have fun contributing to the Republicans
- Comment on Stay Mad 7 months ago:
I’m not “giving up”, I simply recognize the situation for what it is. I’m a realist, not a delusionist. Our situation is fucked either way, and the only choice we have is laid out plainly in front of us. We have the option of bad, or worse. I know what I’m choosing.
By all means, voice your displeasure. Attack the party, attack those that got us to this point, attack the fuckers that continually neuter any attempt at having an even somewhat decent person running this country.
We are largely on the same page. Fuck Democrats, fuck the DNC, and fuck the spineless bastards that support them.
But at the end of the day, facts are facts. We can wish the situation were different, and we can fight for a better one going forward, but this is what we’ve got right now.
So are you going to do your part in mitigating the shitshow, or will you sit in selfish apathy, willing to let the bad be worse?
I know what I’m doing.
- Comment on Stay Mad 7 months ago:
This is the option we have. I don’t like it either, but unless some miracle happens and the DNC gets their head out of their ass, it’s either Biden or Trump.
Refusing to vote because you’d rather stick it to Biden is not only stupid, but it’s exactly what republicans want you to do. You are inherently aiding them and Trump.
- Comment on Stay Mad 7 months ago:
It was implied.
And do you really think the literal fascist will be a better option?
No? Then vote Biden.
We only have two options. There is no way around that.
Throwing your vote away is disgustingly irresponsible, and those who do are culpable for everything that follows if Trump wins.
It’s not apathy, it’s pure selfishness from those too privileged to be seriously effected if Trump wins.
- Comment on Stay Mad 7 months ago:
So throwing away your vote is doing what is best?
Great. When Trump wins, you’ll be just as responsible as the republicans
- Comment on chair.exe 8 months ago:
Someone dragged the error window
- Comment on Evidence 8 months ago:
Well, yes and no. Time is a concept derived from a change in state. There is no “real” time. If the universe before the Big Bang existed in a static state, then the concept of time itself becomes meaningless. So in that case, it would be “before time” in a sense
- Comment on True story. 8 months ago:
Somehow I’ve lost the game more times in the past 6 months than I did my entire life before that
- Comment on Irrational 8 months ago:
Planck length isn’t the smallest possible distance. It’s simply the smallest distance at which our current understanding of physics still holds up. Beyond that, our current models break down, but our current models are very incomplete