- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 day ago:
Just for artistic reasons so it can look like an eye
- Comment on Why should someone join the Fediverse? 5 days ago:
It’s wrong to purpose it as something to “join” or a movement or an idea. Just tell the facts about it. People get turned off on “joining” things. Fediverse is going to be slandered in the media very soon as people like John Oliver cover it. So turning it into some kind of movement especially a “left” movement will keep droves of people away.
Sell the facts leave out everything else.
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 5 days ago:
Bro also fucking hates it when his Toyota corolla can’t keep up with a Ferrari. He gets the car enthusiasts market can be shilly though.
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 5 days ago:
Truck simulator
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
Love how it’s modeled after rome since that’s what’s gonna happen to us too
- Comment on Twitch is limiting streamers to 100 hours of highlights and uploads 1 week ago:
Wish they would go after the starting soon screen that most run for 30 minutes before they actually get on to stream
- Comment on Hope you weren’t planning to play PhysX games on Nvidia’s new 50-series GPUs 1 week ago:
The eggs have insane physics reactions though. So I got that going for me.
- Comment on Hope you weren’t planning to play PhysX games on Nvidia’s new 50-series GPUs 1 week ago:
I’m too poor to worry about this. My wife bought eggs recently
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 1 week ago:
All they gotta do is copy steam features 1:1 and clean up the ui a bit. I’m not married to steam but no one wanna copy all their features let alone improve it.
- Comment on I'm doing my part! 1 week ago:
Emulated games are free, polished, complete
Modern games are $80+ steaming incomplete pile of shit
This mystery will never be solved.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
Cancel all government contracts with google
- Comment on Chip companies should package all the broken pieces in the factory and sell it as: "Chip Dust". 3 weeks ago:
Pringles are actually grown on potatoe trees, each leaf is a Pringle harvested at the perfect time.
- Comment on Sounds like a fun place to work 3 weeks ago:
You ever googled a porn person’s name they are on every site
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
If it makes you feel better all companies donates to all parties. Locally they might have given dems money if they are in charge. Don’t think these people give a fuck one way or another as long as they get what they want. They are all part of various special concern pacs that give money wherever it’s needed.
- Comment on US solar manufacturing is finally thriving. Will Trump derail it? 3 weeks ago:
He probably already did we have no idea what’s broken there’s so much going on at once. It’s like a tornado hit your house but it’s not safe to go back and look around yet to see what’s damaged
- Comment on Sounds like a fun place to work 3 weeks ago:
Uh gross. There are so many sex positive porn companies do you have a link so I can avoid this specific one.
- Comment on Don’t panic, but an asteroid has a 1.9% chance of hitting Earth in 2032 3 weeks ago:
You mean populate the impact zone because I’m going to watch
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Probably only your office could answer that and we don’t know them.
Never on external emails though.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
He’s right
- Comment on NOAA Employees Told to Pause Work With ‘Foreign Nationals’ | An internal email obtained by WIRED shows that NOAA workers received orders to pause all “ALL INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS.” 3 weeks ago:
He’s 100% gonna bomb a hurricane this year and doesn’t want anyone to find out lol
- Comment on Workers at NASA Told to ‘Drop Everything’ to Scrub Mentions of Indigenous People, Women from Its Websites 3 weeks ago:
Sounds like a paid day off
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Buddy are you peeing on covid tests??
- Comment on I'll show them 3 weeks ago:
Not for ads but for looking forward if you take your eyes off the road it cancels the auto drive. They can apply it to looking at ads very easily
- Comment on I'll show them 3 weeks ago:
Cars already have this. It will be in tvs in no time
- Comment on Uncanny sandwich 2 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on If Walmart operates in Canada and takes all the profit back to the US, is that reflected in the trade balance? 4 weeks ago:
Pretty sure they send the profits to Ireland or some other tax haven country like all the big companies
- Comment on USA | Trump tells Putin to end 'ridiculous war' in Ukraine or face new sanctions 4 weeks ago:
Lmao OK. I’m sure he did some finger guns at putin too
- Comment on I made a fingernail clipper guard using a paperclip and a couple grooves under the bottom blade. 5 weeks ago:
Wtf are you saying I don’t even know what I’m looking at here
- Comment on Biden administration prepping $8 billion arms package for Israel, including heavy bombs 1 month ago:
Ain’t they just paying us with our own money?
- Comment on Biden to block new offshore drilling along most US coastline 1 month ago:
Dems really waiting until the last minute to do anything useful would have been good for votes if they did any of this shit in the last 4 years