- Comment on Celebrating my 1000th comment. Here is a shitpost. 1 day ago:
- Comment on Celebrating my 1000th comment. Here is a shitpost. 2 days ago:
- Comment on What exactly are they teaching in our schools? 2 days ago:
“yard sard” kind of appeals to me tbh. I’d like to know what goes on at a yard sard, it intrigues me
- Comment on Low Budget Terminator 3 days ago:
They saved money by not using special effects, they just hired a real terminator to do those shots
- Comment on Owning The Libs One Turd at a Time 3 days ago:
Guys no actually this is a good thing because it imparts extra nutrients and flavour into the water. Have you heard of people drinking bottled water because their water is bad and tastes awful? These additives will fix that!
- Comment on Riding the Ambien walrus 4 days ago:
“Yoshi” is a lie created by the CIA. His real name is Alfonso Alfredo and I was friends with him as a child. Even then I knew something was off about the kid, always carrying around those weird eggs. How was I supposed to know where he was getting them?
- Comment on Saving this here for when I get to quit my job 4 days ago:
What a distinguished gentleman! A fine fellow indeed!
- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 6 days ago:
Today was pretty shit but there were some parts of it that were neat and I want others to be able to cherish more of the parts that were neat
- Comment on Why is lying on the floor more entertaining than lying on a bed? 1 week ago:
I do this when it’s hot because the floor is cool and it makes me cooler by association
- Comment on Clap them cheeks 1 week ago:
No! NO! That’s not fucking true you take that back! That can’t be true oh fuck. No!
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 1 week ago:
The sad truth is that it’s just too late to do anything about it. Our worship has turned the flag into a powerful egregore and it will SMITE ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE IT. Can science and reason and ethics SMITE YOU WITHE THE FURY TO 10000 BOMBS? I thought not, and that makes them wrong. We can’t do anything about it or the flag will DEVOUR OUR SOULS AND RAIN DEATH UPON OUR LANDS. Upside is that if we torture enough homeless people it might bless us with a mcdonalds
- Comment on I wish they'd stop calling themselves Conservatives 1 week ago:
C’mon guys meet me in the middle please! It’s only fair to compromise. How about instead of me blowing up your entire family, I just get to blow up half of them? That’d be the smart and reasonable move. You want to be smart and reasonable right?
- Comment on Just shoot me and save me the trouble 1 week ago:
I need my fans in order to sleep. Their worship is what sets my mind at ease. If I am not lulled into slumber by their jubilant adorations I will wake with a great and terrible vengeance to wreak havoc upon this earth
- Comment on The borders are just WIDE OPEN though!!11!! 1 week ago:
They don’t but I do because borders are COMMUNIST and HATE FREEDOM. I’m not letting some GOVERNMENT tell me where I can and cannot go! Sounds like a SOVIET PLOT to KEEP US APART. All TRUE PATRIOTS tread where we please and WELCOME OTHERS who do the same!!1!
- Comment on The best president who ever lived!! 😌🙏😌🙏😌🙏 1 week ago:
Guys wasn’t it so based and chad coded when Reagan sacrificed 10,000 homeless people in a blood ritual to become a herald of the apocalypse? That was so cool guys. A real trend setter.
- Comment on It's official, a new era is upon us for !conservative@lemmy.world! 1 week ago:
Let freedom reign!
- Comment on This is all the fault of the Woke™ 1 week ago:
Actually this image is inaccurate lying propaganda. It’s so frustrating to see history being bastardized like this, shame on you! What actually happened was the giant lazer statue got its ass beat by the UFO. I know this because I was there (I am the crocodile coming out of the portal)
- Comment on Somebody stabbed this repeatedly 1 week ago:
No you missed the part where I succeed and hate myself anyway
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 week ago:
Some say that the universe only exists insofar as it is perceived. This is true, but we are not the observers. All of the world is a grand eye and that eye is spread across itself again and again. We are all but figments in the eye of the world, floaters thinking themselves eyes and seeing nothing. This is all to say that the elf on the shelf is REAL and this image PROVES IT!
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 4 weeks ago:
Skill issue