2023 Reddit Refugee
On Decentralization:
“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
Millennial in the US. These are my main devices: iPhone, gaming pc, steam deck, and an old MacBook Pro.
- iPhone - general phone use, killing time browsing Lemmy when I should be working, playing roms, and Pokémon GO.
- Gaming pc - primary. I prefer doing everything here including shopping because fuck shopping on a phone, I’m a millennial and for big purchases I have to use a big screen and a computer.
- Steam Deck - mobile PC gaming for couch and rare occasions I’m away from home for a long time.
- MacBook - secondary PC, only when I need a PC and don’t want or can’t be at my desk.
Honestly with how far right big tech has moved, along with the predatory tracking and telemetry, I’m considering giving up smart phones for good. Not sure I even want to bother switching to a Pixel with Graphene OS after my iPhone is done.
I miss simplicity, so I’m actively evaluating if a dumb phone (or even an e-ink dumb phone) is right for me. I’m also evaluating lugging my laptop around when I’m out and about because I can simply buy mobile service and plug in a USB cell modem if I need internet. My old 2012 MacBook Pro running Linux doesn’t track me and treat me like data cattle, so it may be worth carrying that around since I don’t get the same feeling of disgust compared to when I look at my smartphone.
Big tech ruined everything.
- Comment on Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release 1 week ago:
“My body is ready… to spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!” - Iwata-san, channeling inner Reggie Fils-A-Mech.
- Comment on Why is Pokémon Emerald so grindy? 2 weeks ago:
Yep, it’s an excellent way to hide loading. If you played the Tomb Raider games, crawling and worming through tight crevices as Lara was a loading screen in disguise.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
Sea of Stars and Superhot VR
- Comment on NYPD confirms suspect had a British accent 2 months ago:
British accent, they say? Okay NYPD, then explain Kevin Costner!
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 3 months ago:
There’s too many words in this meme that’s making me dizzy from all your fancy science leechcraft, wizard.
I reject your reality and substitute my own: the feather falls faster. It’s more streamlined than the bowling ball, and thus it slips through the vacuum much faster and does hit the ground and stay on the ground, I think. The ball will bounce at least once, maybe even three times. On each bounce, parts of it probably break off, which change the weight. Thankfully those broken pieces won’t hurt anyone because they’re sucked up by the vacuum. Thus, rendering your dungeon wizard spells ineffective against me.
- Comment on Woman wedged upside down between boulders for seven hours after trying to retrieve phone in regional NSW 4 months ago:
Gosh the Nutty Putty Caves thing is awful and breaks my heart every time seeing the diagram of how the kid was trapped and couldn’t be rescued.
Good reminder to always prep your children for safety in all their endeavors.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
I love using CRT shaders on a game by game basis. As others commented, if it’s more detailed artwork, I’ll flip it on. Other times I don’t like how it looks with some classic games.
The only mod I do want is a way to replicate, on a modern monitor, the feeling of turning it off and putting your arm against the screen to get that sweet sweet static discharge that only CRTs could give you.
…C-can we leverage AI and the blockchain to do this for us?
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
Good point. Perhaps we also put up a cautionary sign that reads, “Warning: Crushed glass below. Do not dig. No corpses buried at this site.”
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
All you had to do was stay in my ass.
- Comment on Bluetooth 6.0 adds centimeter-level accuracy for device tracking — upgraded version also improves device pairing 5 months ago:
Exactly, and this is additionally why it is predatory: you can’t opt out.
It’s similar to Facebook. If you never in your life ever created a profile, well, Facebook has one for you regardless.
The only way you can opt out of bluetooth beacons is to not bring your phone/smart watch/etc, or have either a hardware switch that disables your network functions or put it in a faraday cage. Also, because of data profiles and associations, if you’re walking into a store with your partner, expect that your partner should do the same or else it’s all moot. You’re associated with your partner and thus tracking and profiling occurs anyway.
- Comment on Bluetooth 6.0 adds centimeter-level accuracy for device tracking — upgraded version also improves device pairing 5 months ago:
No tinfoil hat needed. Retail stores are equipped with Bluetooth that tracks and monitors customer behavior. This in turn can be sold for targeted advertising. Another scary thought is that the tracking is so precise, it measures the distance your phone is from a product, including height. How high is the phone from the ground? The data points can be extrapolated to influence product placement: what products and prices influenced a customer to bend down and look at/interact with the product? How long were they there? Did they buy it? Were they looking for coupons in my “retail store app”?
Tracking is so predatory. Makes me look at my smart phone with disgust as the years go by, and I periodically grapple with the decision if a smart phone is even right for me or if it’s time to stick to a computer and a truly dumb phone going forward.
Some public info about Bluetooth beacons:…/bluetooth-wireless-tracking-privacy…
Want to find Bluetooth beacons? Simply install a Bluetooth scanner app from your phone and head to a store to see them.
Here’s how Shopify engages businesses on how to utilize Bluetooth beacons with their software package. Bought anything online? That site was most likely powered by Shopify:…/the-ultimate-guide-to-using-beacon-…
- Comment on Asus’ new mini PC has a Copilot AI button on the front for some reason 5 months ago:
If I connect a new Logitech mouse with a dedicated AI button to this, will the two AIs collaborate, or will they fight each other for control to win my affection?
- Comment on When the streamer says their favourite pokemon is Pikachu... 5 months ago:
Same dude. My love for Ash’s Pikachu was cemented when, as a kid, I watched Pikachu tank a lightning bolt and save Ash from a swarm of Spearow. Such a great episode and a memory that kid me will never forget, an invaluable lesson about friendship and love.
That episode made me beg my parents for Pokémon Red. Ha, and Pocket Pikachu now that I think about it - the Pokémon Tamagatchi.
- Comment on Disaster strikes 6 months ago:
Obligatory RIP Chris Farley
- Comment on Streamyfin, a simple and user-friendly Jellyfin client for iOS and Android 6 months ago:
There’s the official Jellyfin app for Apple TV. It works very well with only minor UI bugs when browsing libraries. Nothing that detracts from or reduces the quality of the service.
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Gracias homie. My spouse and I had to play Jedi Fallen Order on two separate PCs. It’d be great if we could couch co-op the campaign but it’s all good. We played several of the Halo games, I think primarily 1, 2, and 3, so Titanfall I’m hoping will be something that my spouse will want to try out. Thank you!
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Cool, thank you! I’ve been hearing so much about this game and would definitely try out the multiplayer.
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Does anyone know if the campaign is multiplayer? I’d love to pick up two copies of the game so my spouse and I can give it a go.
I have zero knowledge about Titan Fall apart from the fact you’re in mechs and apparently movement is cool. So no spoilers please!
- Comment on What I'm playing next (7/28/2024) 7 months ago:
“Time passes, people move. Like a river’s flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water’s surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself.”
Hits deep now, doesn’t it?
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
Holy crap I barely escaped. I needed an upgrade years ago and settled on the i7-12700k. After I ride this chip out I’m switching to AMD.
I really hope customers get justice in this debacle. We need a lawsuit now.
- Comment on i apologize for my wacky and uncharacteristic behavior 😔 7 months ago:
Thanks! I just had it fluffed.
- Comment on Firefox added [ad tracking] and has already turned it on without asking you 7 months ago:
Dang. Firefox, you were the chosen one! You were supposed to bring balance to the browser wars.
I’ll still keep using Firefox as i have for 20 years or whatever, but certainly will begin considering switching to a Firefox fork if this behavior continues.
- Comment on Microsoft asks many Game Pass subscribers to pay more for less 7 months ago:
- Comment on Microsoft asks many Game Pass subscribers to pay more for less 7 months ago:
Fair enough, megacorps certainly are amoral in their decisions, which generally leads to evil outcomes.
Have you considered what happens to indie game devs, which aren’t megacorps? They list games on Gamepass to increase exposure. Microsoft takes a cut of the monthly fee and the rest is dispersed to the publishers and then all the way down to the game devs getting a small slice of the monthly fee.
When OP issues a charge back, the game devs aren’t getting paid. Is that fair to indie game devs? They don’t get paid if Microsoft and the various publishers don’t get paid.
Granted, I’m not justifying subscriptions. I personally dislike Games-as-a-Service as I prefer to own my games. But using a paid service, and then charging back against the company? Especially when it’s smaller game devs on that platform, too, hoping to make it big one day.
I don’t think indie devs should eat your ass, or the original commenter’s ass. Frankly, they need money to eat and pay their bills just like us plebs.
- Comment on Microsoft asks many Game Pass subscribers to pay more for less 7 months ago:
Regardless of how you feel about Game Pass, shouldn’t Microsoft (and the game’s publisher and dev) get paid for a game rental service you fully used and benefited from?
With my morals, that’s not something I could do. Definitely doesn’t sit right with me.
- Comment on Microsoft asks many Game Pass subscribers to pay more for less 7 months ago:
Agreed. I guess it’s that value proposition: if you have the time to play, and you play their whole catalog and have a blast, that’s $16.99 well spent.
As for me I love owning my games (where possible due to licensing and DRM), so the value isn’t there. But my spouse and I certainly took advantage of the heavy discounts they offered like the $1 month. I planned it so that I could try as many games as I could during that period and ended up buying them on GOG or Steam if I really loved them.
If their whole catalog is refreshed and they have another heavily discounted offer for 1 month, I’ll pick up a month just to try those games. But I definitely would never be a long term customer, I’d be a parasite loss-leader lol.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 31 comments
- Comment on Ummm... What? 7 months ago:
Uncle Rob: “Joey, do you like movies about wrestlers?”
- Comment on Games that stuck with you 7 months ago:
Some games have already been posted, so I’ll share two games that really stuck with me:
- Life is Strange
- Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
I could mention Persona 5 Royal, but it’s such a hugely popular game so there’s no need to elaborate.
Life is Strange took me on a mystery journey, and I felt such nostalgia for my early days as a teenager. It’s an old game, but I won’t spoil it here. I’ll give a small plot. You’re Max Caufield, and you’ve returned to Arcadia Bay and see your old best friend, Chloe Price, whom you haven’t spoken to in years. She gets into some crazy stuff and Chloe is about to be shot by another student, but Max intervenes and discovers she has the power to rewind time, allowing her to save Chloe’s life. There’s an underlying mystery in Arcadia Bay where another young girl mysteriously disappeared, and Max and Chloe team up to try to find her.
Hellblade allowed me to experience what psychosis is like, through the lens of the main character, Senua. This game is unforgettable. Senua needs to save her lover, without letting the rot that’s festering inside her to consume her. That’s all I’ll say about this gem.