It’s not that I can’t. The problem is that when I’m with someone, I deeply yearn to be alone. I’d love to habe my life for myself, with no responsibility with no one else - just me.
But then, when I’m alone, I feel like a failure, like I need a relationship to feel complete, and I fucking hate that. So I end up in another relationship, and after two years I can’t stand it anymore, and the cycle repeats.
What the hell. Has anyone suffered from something like that? How can you be alone and not feel lonely? 11 months ago
Lots of people have relationships where they never live together, and see each other a few times a week. They go along like this for years, decades even. I knew one pair that didn't even live in the same country. What I think you want is a relationship but not a live-in partner. Just make sure you are dating people who want the same kind of relationship as you do, basically a permanent long distance relationship. 11 months ago
I knew a couple who were married and together for 20 years and didn’t live together. My manager as well, she’s married and they don’t technically live together but he stays at her house 4 days a week. I also knew a couple who were just friends with benefits and lived together and coparented their 2 kids, they had separate rooms.
Just find the type of relationship that works for you. 11 months ago
That’s really interesting, and for some reason something I never thought it was possible. Thank you. 11 months ago
This… I never thought about that, it makes sense. It’s definitely something I’ll look into too, thank you.