- Comment on Dog-like robot jams home networks and disables devices during police raids — DHS develops NEO robot for walking denial of service attacks 2 months ago:
Everything I write is “translated”…
Normal people usually have an innate-mind-language of either
- visual-cognition
- auditory-cognition
- kinesthetic-cognition
I think in abstract-shapes, & have to translate from abstract-forms into English, & it is … frustrating & tiresome … to accomplish this,
& it’s required ALL the time.
Maybe someday I’ll go read what the discussion was, to figure-out if I was having a bad day, that day, & try correcting it…
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- Comment on How can i make myself poisonous to mosquitos? 7 months ago:
DEET is the only chemical that I know-of which they HATE.
I use mosquito-netting to keep them away from me.
I don’t want DEET touching me, at all, ever again.
No, I’m not a mosquito.
: p
- Comment on Dog-like robot jams home networks and disables devices during police raids — DHS develops NEO robot for walking denial of service attacks 7 months ago:
Isn’t that interesting…
The anbility to prevent the getting-out of evidence of what the authorities do to the locals…
Just like the unconstitutional state-laws which criminalize capturing-of-video-evidene of police executing people…
“I wonder” if this would ever be abused by anti-accountability authorities…
( remember that the whole Christian religion is founded on a guy who was a kind of whistleblower, & had spikes hammered through his wrists, in his crucifixion, for his calling the legalists “hypocrites”…
I wonder how “Christian” he’d find them to be, if he returned, & saw what they’re doing? )
Human nature & demon nature seem … related?
or is that too harsh?
… perhaps … but wasn’t the Inquisition demon-law in the name of benJoseph?
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- Comment on Alexa Is in Millions of Households—and Amazon Is Losing Billions 7 months ago:
IF you are in accounting, especially if you are in regulatory compliance accounting, or going into it, you NEED to know about a book named “Financial Shenanigans”.
I’m not intellectually-equal to it ( or to accounting, for that matter: psychology’s much easier to crack, for me ), but it is THE most important book for forensic-accountants to know.
The bullshit that they’ve been pulling, where “Between 2017 and 2021, Amazon had more than $25 billion in losses from its devices business, according to the documents. The losses for the years before and after that period couldn’t be determined.” didn’t produce criminal consequences…
You’ve got to be kidding, right?
Individual human goes to jail or prison for $2k tax fraud, but … big tech gets a free pass on that kind of “accounting”??
couldn’t be determined??
Either run a tight-ship or don’t be surprised when it sinks.
Economies are the “ships” that carry our countries, & have to be properly regulated, exactly as a tightly-regulated ship has to be, to keep it afloat longer.
It isn’t the sloppy mechanic-racers who win NASCAR, it is the ones who control everything correctly, with total right-regulation.
I remember when I’d read that Cisco switched to closing their books out daily, so as to always know the exact position of the company…
what an incredible degree of financial-operations integrity that was…
Anyways, “Financial Shenanigans” is THE book to dig into, if you want to know if the business you’re considering investing in is cooking the books… and you’re capable of understanding that stuff at the level it’s speaking…
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- Comment on AI companies promised the White House to self-regulate one year ago. What’s changed? 7 months ago:
Conflict-of-interest is the root of all corruption.
- Comment on Tech Giants Withholding Products Because EU Regulation like GDPR 7 months ago:
This escalation will continue,
until big-tech forces the governments to kneel to the surveillance-capitalism biggest:
They will simply say something like:
“Either your government removes laws, regulations, accountability, etc, from us,
XOR we are hamstringing your country: we OWN you, we POSSESS you, & you will obey OUR rule.”
I guarantee this will be happening between now & 2036.
Remember how they can ratchet-up a genocide, anywhere??
They’ve already done so, in some places…
( Facebook & … was it Myanmar? as 1 example )
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- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 7 months ago:
This is inevitable:
Once the people in China can only see the CCP’s version of everything,
& ALL stuff has been adulterated, either by AI or by some agency-or-other,
THEN dissent should die-down in the Chinese population:
Read Lanier’s “Foreign to Familiar” to understand how Tropical-Culture vs Nordic-Culture shapes people, & how old-cultures vs new-cultures shape people,
then read Hofstede’s “Exploring Culture” to understand the dimensions of culture that his Cultural Dimensions Theory digs into ( power-distance, uncertainty-avoidance, “success”-orientation, & other dimensions )…
& when you understand how we’re kind of “template” people, before being born into culture,
but once born into it, our entire meaning gets framed within whatever culture we were born into…
therefore, the CCP can simply remove most diversity-of-meaning from their completely-possessed-population, through a generation or 2 of that.
Tibetan, Uyghur, Hongkonger, Taiwanese, Indian, South-Korean, Japanese, the intent is consistent: "the destruction of " … others … “is the midwife of Chinese supremacy”.
I expect a similar kind of program to exist in all right-possessed countries, as the right is doing in the US, right now, with burning or banning books, eradicating proper education, suppressing libraries, etc, they’re just doing the same thing as what the CCP’s doing, only less-skillfully, is all.
No real difference in their deeper heart/motivation/intent, though: supremacism, crushing/destroying all “other” kinds.
Russia’s big on it, too, isn’t it?
The “Crusades” were good examples of this kind of idiocy?
The “Inquisition”?
The “Buddhist” genociding of Tamils?
So long as the “home” story is … “coherent”, & “justifies” all, then … kids grow up … believing, right?
There’s a book, & a Big Think yt video, on “Collective Illusions”, which is important!
Please invest in seeing that video, & see how it’s actually a delusion-mechanism in our minds…
…used by political-forces, yes, but they couldn’t use it if it didn’t exist, could they?
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- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
1 is narcissism/cult-of-personality,
the other is cult-of-institution/inertia.
They are not identical, and not even functionally-equivalent.
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- Comment on Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web 8 months ago:
Is his personal-information on the dark-web?
Is he saying that if his personal-information is on the dark-web, then it’s perfectly-OK for everybody & their robot to be using it??
XOR is he saying that there are 2 kinds of law:
1 for protecting his entitlement,
the other for disallowing rights from the lives he consumes, through his beloved herd/corporation/pseudo-person?
( obviously, he’s already answered the latter )
- Comment on CUDIMM Standard Set to Make Desktop Memory a Bit Smarter and a Lot More Robust 8 months ago:
Computational-Fluid-Dynamics simulations are RAM-limited, iirc.
I’m presuming many AI models are, too, since some of them require stupendous amounts of RAM, which no non-server machine would have.
“diminishing returns” is what Intel’s “beloved” Celeron garbage was pushing.
When I ran Memtest86+ ( or the other version, don’t remember ), & saw how insanely slow RAM was, compared with L2 or L3 cache, & then discovered how incredible the machine-upgrade going from SATA to NVMe was…
Get the fastest NVMe & RAM you can: it puts your CPU where it should have been, all along, and that difference between a “normal” build vs an effective build is the misframing the whole industry has been establishing, for decades.
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- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
There are at-least 2 good books on house-inspecting.
( looking … dayum, there’s zillions of books on it, now… )
is the one I invested-in, years ago ( not to do house-inspection, just to learn the competence of it )
Please invest in that book, or an equivalent to it, and make your own inspection of the house, 1st.
Then you’ll have much better understanding of the entire subject.
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- Comment on Google Kneecaps Loads Of Very Big Websites After SEO Change 9 months ago:
When a handful of monopolies decide that no factchecking will be seen by anybody, anymore,
and only profitable-to-their-dictatorship disinformation will be seen,
then humanity will not have any means of countering that:
it will be too late.
We are “the frog dropped into the slowly-heating pot of water”.
People pretend that monopoly is “maybe” harmful, economically, but it is an existential-threat to countries, and with globalization, now to civil-rights as a valid-category.
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- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Whether it’s source is open or not,
has nothing to do with its licensing.
It’s on a github repo: it’s open-source.
Having an ideological-problem with people making a living off their code is independent of whether their code was honestly, actually, published, & therefore is actual open-source.
- Comment on Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL? 10 months ago:
iirc, Microsoft had some significant investment in Intel.
this is perfectly rational monopolist-cartel-protecting-monopolist-cartel behavior.
- Comment on Cheap, but reliable SSDs? 10 months ago:
Reliability’s kinda high on my priority-list.
Try Samsung.
Nowadays I can’t imagine using SATA for anything but archival storage ( get the fastest NVMe you can for your operating-system, and be stunned by how much quicker your machine is ).
Last time I was digging into stats, the reliability-rate for Samsung devices was much higher than that of Western Digital,
and the off-brands … often are a bit of a bad-joke, for reliability ( Adata & Kingston, I’m looking at you, and will never trust such scum again ).
just my experience/opinion, is all.
- Comment on Why do cameras call it "Macro Lens" if it zooms in and is used to capture tiny objects? Shouldn't it be "Micro Lens"? 10 months ago:
No, tilt-shift doesn’t have any bearing on whether it’s focal-length is high-enough to make the magnification 1:1…
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- Comment on “Nanostitches” enable lighter and tougher composite materials 10 months ago:
I remember somebody was doing 3D-woven composites, possibly for spacecraft, some years ago…
This is essentially the same idea, but with nanotubes.
This suggests that weaving reinforcement tow through the layers of the layup would be structurally-significant, if it were done densely-in-pattern, enough…
In aerospace, maybe it’d be structurally significant ( aircraft have, iirc, only a 10% margin in structural-strength, though that may be just the aluminum semi-monocoque builds )
- Comment on Black Women Best Framework Points the Way to Equitable and Just State Tax Reform 10 months ago:
“In practice, that means taking two crucial steps: first, examining the specific economic barriers Black women face, and second, developing policies that are explicitly designed to remove those barriers. We cannot only examine topline indicators while ignoring how Black women specifically are faring. We have tried that too many times to the same result: Black women get left behind, and the entire economy is less resilient and productive.”
I have zero problem with that being factual.
- Comment on How do you know if you have a Habit? 10 months ago:
A Habit is when it takes you less brain to do it, because it has become automatic.
What we call “muscle memory” is actually Kahneman1 mind, he calls it “System 1”, but that’s a useless label, without context, and its function is imprint->reaction.
“Thinking Fast & Slow”, the most profoundly-important book in the whole world, right now ( because the ideologies/prejudices are trying to displace Kahneman2 mind, considered-reasoning, from all authority in our world, and the more stressed everybody gets, the more success they have in doing-so ) is on the difference between the 2 systems.
Imprint->reaction mind can be quite useful, in one’s mental-economy, as it makes things happen on autopilot, but … if one tolerates its systematic substituting of its convenient reactions, for the actually required actions, … it can become strategically dangerous…
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
there’s a machine which takes a 20lb propane cyl, & attracts 'em by flashing-lights & CO2, & it captures only mosquitos, unlike bug-zappers, and it can harvest a stunning amount of the things.
You need to replace the hormone attractant … capsule, or whatever it should be called, monthly ( that is where they get their recurring-money from, and it does make a big difference ).
Be selective in your culling of the local insect-population, as the entire ecology around you gets altered by the action, eh?
- Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 10 months ago:
I had zero understanding of just how strong alcoholism could be, until I switched metabolisms, from vata-metabolism to pitta-metabolism ( read Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing” and Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga for Your TYPE” books, to understand the different metabolisms, & how they alter one’s life ).
In pure pitta-metabolism, alcohol-craving was ferrocious.
( it took me a dozen years to break from vata to pitta metabolism, btw: it isn’ something easily accomplished.
The “obesity epidemic”, however, is really a kapha-metabolism epidemic, which White prejudice won’t tolerate to be labeled correctly:
obesity’s the symptom, not the cause. )
If I ever get locked back in pure-pitta, I’ll have to never have any alcohol to drink, EVER, while in it.
Currently I’m in a mixed metabolism, so it isn’t lethally-dangerous to me, but it still munges meditation-capability, so I don’t bother wasting money on it for that reason.
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- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 10 months ago:
Buy Oster Fastcut Professional clippers.
Communicate by not being their customer, anymore.
Autonomy rules.
- Comment on What characterizes feminine strength? 10 months ago:
Mom told me that women who reach menopause are suddenly much more likely to initiate divorce, leaving toxic/abusive relationships…
Psychologist Susan Pinker, in her book “The Sexual Paradox”, that such women leave careers they’d been pressured-into, by the men in their lives ( ditching academic careers, because the endless-churn-for-“authority-status” isn’t what they value )…
I’ve read the words of a woman who was disappointed to have not got into any of the mixed universities ( UK ), she got into a female-only university, and by the end of week-1, she was euphoric: the absence of sexual-pressure on her all the time, she could learn here!!..
I’ve read the words of a woman who went to a girls-only grade-school, & she learned, in high-school, that the girls who came from mixed grade-schools had been conditioned into learned-helplessness, and would not even try participating in class, by the boys they’d shared classes with.
I read an amazing item in a Reader’s Digest, possibly in a waiting-room, somewhere, on a school-principal who got all the kids and their parents into a gymnasium…
The kids were girls-on-1-side, boys-on-the-other-side, parents in the bleachers/stands…
He asked the kids “who here would rather learn in a boisterous classroom?” The boys, & the dykes, hands shot up…
“Who here would rather learn in a quiet library?” the girls, & a few of the boys ( femboys, prolly ), hands went up.
THEN the parents, who saw, understood, accepting the evidence, instead of the “we’re all the same” ideology, that violated that evidence.
Women are more “yin” than men.
The more “yin” a someone is, the more gentle their forming-context/education has to be, in order that their intrinsic nature be allowed to blossom ( as an extreme-contrast, if you’ve ever encountered an ultra-bullying super-testosterone guy, you maybe can understand that he’d probably be more “educated”, if the education were *at his level of pushing, like boot-camp, or something ).
the “yin” or non-pushiness of the someone needs to be matched by the learning-means, the “yang” or pushiness of the someone needs to be matched by their learning-means.
I wish women weren’t abused by the entire-education-system, but were, instead, boosted into becoming their own LivingPotential.
That isn’t an answer to your question, but it does reframe something important…
Women’s courage is like the courage of Florence Nightinggale, who kept digging, until she understood, scientifically, why “her boys” were dying in the forward hospitals, & she pushed graphical representation of her statistics, in order to convince Queen Victoria.
Yin courage.
Yin courage is more … “watery”, more “keep gently working, we’ll find a way”, as opposed to the more-linear/firey male style of courage.
Like a river, trying to find a way through a blockage put against it…
Gently-persistent, enduring, winning through working with Nature, instead of just arbitrarily overriding it.
The woman who did the classification-system for stars, at some observitory, was demonstrating a kind of courage, given that women had no “validity” in the hearts or minds of men, of the profession, of those days…
The “Famous Five”, who broke the “women legally are not ‘persons’ in the Commonwealth, by law” bullshit also.
( Nellie McLung, iirc, was one of 'em, & a wonderful sentiment of hers goes something like…
“don’t let them decide what’s allowed, or valid,
but instead, just make things right, & let them howl,”
Now there’s a woman. : )
So, as anyone who has seen all the body-language books which identify how utterly-incompetent normal guys are at reading it, women are more-likely to work with & through people.
- Comment on Thoughts on these SATA/M.2-->SATA/2.5" adapters? 10 months ago:
IF JBOD, && Linux, THEN yes you can know, through SMARTTOOLS, or something like that…
However, I can’t imagine how you’d get 2 separate PCIe
( presuming NVMe devices …
… no, this thing must be presuming SATA, NOT NVMe …
even in SATA, there’s no bifurcator for SATA, I don’t think:
SAS has expanders, which can take a single SAS channel & attach something like 128 SAS devices onto it,
PCIe has some kind of equivalent, and there is a PCIe card which crams loads of NVMe’s into it, out in the last year, but SATA??
Hmm… )
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 10 months ago:
I’ve never heard of this, & I’m Canadian.
I imagine out east, in the Maritimes, they’d have to put marker-poles on the things, because they sometimes get 5’ of snow in a single onslaught, but …
… it simply isn’t something I’d ever heard-of.
Our fire-departments deal with the snow & ice every ( normal, not now ) winter.
- Comment on /c/OptimistsUnite - dispelling inaccurate doomer myths and showing how we are living in the best time in recorded history 10 months ago:
I tried opening this post in a web browser, & it tried downloading a binary onto my system??
When I tried reloading the page, instead of blank-page with some kind of underhanded downloading, it showed the post…
Not cool, but I’ve no idea who, or what, caused whatever it is that hit my browser, when I tried getting it to open this post.
- Comment on How do I stop wanting to be on a relationship? 10 months ago:
That’s your unconscious-mind playing games with your life, same as mine does with mine.
It’s essentially a variant of “addiction”, aka Kahneman1 mind ( imprint-reaction mind ) trying to make your life obey its imprint-reaction programming.
Read both Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, in order to understand the pseudo-reasoning that Kahneman1 mind ( he calls it System-1, but that presumes his work’s context, which normal-discussions don’t presume ), and how its mission is undermining correct-reasoning ( Kahneman2 mind ).
AND read Kegan & Lahey’s “Immunity to Change”, about our unconscious-mind’s mechanism that fights off growing-up, & how to intelligently counter its sabotaging of our lives.
It’s essentially a kind of “demagnitization” that you need to do, of your unconscious, but if you don’t systematically use real leverage, you’re not going to win.
Every time I see an image of a cute, intelligent, driven, wonderfully diffierent-from-me woman, I’m wanting to be wrapping our lives together, but…
… relationship depends on having common core-identity.
Some people have such alien/different core-identity, due to life-experience, that that potential got broken.
You can’t make an intact window out of random shards of broken glass, right?
They’re separate, and they don’t become unitary, the way molten glass does, just because you put them adjacent to each-other, right?
Some people have been too changed by experience, to be able to value what normal-identity values.
My life-mission is to remove my Soul/Continuum/CellOfGod/ChildOfAllgod/ParticleOfBrahmanFieldOfOriginalAwareness from Universe-containment/entrapment, so that no more of this reincarnation abuse/bullshit contains future-lives that it has.
Aversion-therapy was successful, in other words…
How could any woman want what I want?
That’s nonsensical.
You can’t have the savage intensity of aversion to “remaining in world, living in relationships, gently earning human meaning” that I have, & somehow be “in” relationship with woman who is wired into needing that kind of meaning…
Not only is it idiocy, it’s abuse ( it would be abuse for me to be in-relationship with anyone, given my ripping-Soul-from-endless-stream-of-Universes NEED in me, that my core is ).
So, while your reason is different from mine, we’re both fighting-against the “magnetization” of our unconscious-minds & our Kahneman1 programmed imprint-reaction/instinct minds.
understanding { the books, one’s own unconscious, experience-induced-understanding of studying one’s unconscious, as it sabotages one’s life, in order to protect its dominion over our Eternity, through hobbling our strategy/intent }
finding the deliberate & strategic means of communicating with our unconscious, using techniques given in those books
keep earning the demagnitizing of our unconscious-minds, our Kahneman1 minds, until each of us wins ( any addiction, it’s the same rules, whether addiction-to-relationship, or addiction-to-dysfunction, or addiction-to-chemical, or addiction-to-class-status, or addiction-to-money, ANY addiction is using these mechanisms, so the method for dismantling them is, strategically, the same )
endure the life-scale process ( no point in pretending that one’s unconscious-mind can be force-rewired in mere-months: it took decades for our unconscious to form, and it absorbed many-decades of culturally-accumulated inertia in the early years, it’s going to be a slog, and only enduring-persisting can work, and the life-accomplishing can be worth it, whatever it is that one is working on earning ).
and that’s it.
No “magic bullet”, no “magic pill”, just competenly-demagnitizing one’s unconscious-ignorance from one’s life, and making one’s life hold to a non-default “river” path.
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- Comment on After 114 days of change, Broadcom CEO acknowledges VMware-related “unease” 11 months ago:
I find it peculiar that everybody in this discussion is ignoring Hashicorp’s stuff??
I glanced at Proxmox vs Hashicorp’s stuff, after seeing some discussions on here about 'em, & Hashicorp’s stuff is oriented to clarity & simplicity.
Sorta Japanese take on it.
To me clarity is worth a significant amount of value.
Anyways, I’m just noting this, for anyone who’s actually considering such things: I’m only a nobody who has avoided geeking for some years.
( :
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I find it is a systems-question, not a political-question,
and I think the correct answer is to have a publically-owned portion of any market, be public/not-for-profit, as a means of enforcing honesty/integrity into that market.
IOW, you don’t nationalize every damn thing, because institutional-mentality is every bit as evil as corporatism-psychopathy-machiavellianism, only different in style…
( anyone who isn’t understanding that … hasn’t tried living & working among it, either in Washington DC or in Canada’s Ottawa, or in whatever England’s equiv, the EU’s equiv, etc. )
you instead make certain that a portion of the oil industry is national, a portion of the (whatever) industry is national, etc, and if there is huge discrepancy between the nationalized-portion & the private-portion, then you go in with criminal-investigators, after the C-suites of the corporations used to gaming the country’s economy.
Putting 3 barracuda in the fish-farm-pen, in order to make all the survivors in the pen be fit is a related concept: same principle, different domain.
You put some not-for-profit operation into the functionally-cartel-domains, & you use those “barracuda” to force integrity into those specific domains.
Do it strategically, not just reactively ( comms, transport, energy, food, journalism, etc )
- Comment on Leaked SpaceX documents show company forbids employees to sell stock if it deems they've misbehaved 11 months ago:
I have read that the actuality includes a loophole you didn’t speak of:
Once someoen owns shares, they can privately-sell them, or give them away, or will them to someone…
Once enough people have done this, the “private” company becomes actually publically-traded, though not on any exchange…
…creating some legal difficulties, re regulations.
From that bit, which I never would have known to even consider ( some article I read, some years ago ), then it looks like people can sell their shares to another private-individual.
Maybe some jurisdictions prohibit that.
I don’t know, I’m just identifying an angle people apparently haven’t commonly considered.
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