This is on the fridge at work today.
Marge, can you set the oven to cold?
Submitted 11 months ago by to [deleted]
This is on the fridge at work today.
Marge, can you set the oven to cold?
Whoever wrote that note isn’t great at communication.
“The refrigerator is currently heating items.” Ok… does this mean it is broken? Or is the heating intentional and this is just a warning not to put things in it that you don’t want heated up? Is this heating up phase meant to stop anytime soon?
“Thank you for your time and consideration,” for what? Reading the note? Is this a request that the refrigerator be fixed? Or is it merely a warning to other people? If we’re meant to assume that the fridge is broken, has someone in charge been informed?
All good points! I put in the ticket to get it fixed after eating questionable chicken the previous day, I survived so yay me.
Whoever put the note up wasn’t part of facilities I found out that, they were just trying to be clever. Facilities wrote a hand written note on it saying they know and are waiting for parts.
I’m trying to figure out what kind of defect would cause that. The heating elements of a fridge, the air exchange that has the hotter refrigerant, are all outside the box I believe. If the compressor fails, the refrigerant doesn’t move and doesn’t move heat. So it’d just be an insulated box, right? I think that’d get hotter an ambient but I’m not sure I’d say it’s “heating”.
If the compressor dies but the evaporator tray is still heating, it would definitely cause the fridge to warm up.
Also if the TXV goes it could cause that.
Some malfunction on the control of defrosting. Or maybe it’s powered by Peltier elements.
I’ve seen this happen when the condenser coil is outside and during electrical work to the building the phases were swapped so the unit essentially ran in reverse.
That can only happen on 3 phase though, which a small fridge generally is not
just install the compressor in reverse and done you got a heater.
Yep. But you can just install a valve for the refrigerant and that’s how you get a selectable heat pump.
Clearly it’s tapped into an alternate dimension of pure heat.
It was jealous of the microwave and wanted to be "hot" as well.
But in its quest to be hot, it became no longer cool.
True, but it's still using the facade of being cool why pursuing the goal of being hot. Never realizing that it can never be smoking hot like the Microwave.
Does anyone else smell popcorn burning?
No? Just me?
The fridge’s name is Rob
And he loves you
I got dibs on the hot reddi whip! 11 months ago
It makes me wonder why they didn’t just unplug it and put up an “out of order” sign instead lol 11 months ago
Last year it took 6 months to get water to stop leaking in my office, so yeah I’m just excited the note is charming… 11 months ago
You should have got a little downspout to put it into someone else’s office. That’s pretty much what they did to you 11 months ago
I’ve been waiting 6 years for our Trust to fix our work equipment and the access areas we use …they spend as low an amount as they can only for stuff to fail again