- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
They completely screwed that up. Some of us never joined StalkerBook and never will. I think the real reason Google stops doing things is because they can't make bazillions doing it. Billions are just not enough for them.
Greedy, greedy, greedy. - Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 6 months ago:
BT can be used to track people. Maybe they need to know how many people are using it? Or they are stalking men who pee.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
Google & Microsoft went to the same college. They create devices, make people think there will be multiple generations of these devices, and in a short time, DELETE them from Earth. Same for services.
If you have a complaint about my opinion, you can contact me on Google+ - Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 7 months ago:
So just to add some factual context here. Your Dad fought actual nazis. The people we call nazis are not actually (nor will they be) that powerful. The world thanks men like your father for their success.
The losers we call nazis today also go by many names, christians, christian nationalists, evangelicals, KKK, racists, bigots, white supremacists, dictators, etc. But the one name that actually describes who and what they are is Fascists. - Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 7 months ago:
It's because men with zuper tiny penis' need something to do, to prove how "manly" and "strong" they are.
- Comment on Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled 7 months ago:
You spelled Netscape Navigator wrong.
- Comment on Just a prank 7 months ago:
- Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 7 months ago:
It's nice to be free of all of that.
No one should be allowed to join a religion until they are 21. - Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 7 months ago:
Because christians think they can make the rules for the rest of us. And they use scare tactics like, "protect the children", which they are molesting.
Plus, they don't want anybody to be happy and have any fun. That's the point of christianity, to make everyone miserable, FOREVER. - Comment on I always order Popular Problem. 7 months ago:
We need an Engrish magazine on this here Fediverse.
Beans, Gentlemen! - Comment on Hedge Fund Billionaire Ken Griffin Buys 150 Million-Year-Old Stegosaurus for $46 million —Making It Most Expensive Fossil Ever Sold 7 months ago:
I thought Supreme Court Justice Thomas was the most expensive fossil ever sold.
- Comment on Just another overly dramatic post 7 months ago:
In this episode of Dancing With Posts, Frankie & Lulu compete with a Goth theme.
- Comment on It just does. 7 months ago:
The sad part about palm oil (other than environmental) is, it blocks the taste of most foods. It's too heavy. Things just taste greasy and almost flavorless.
- Comment on You had your chance. 7 months ago:
Clippy is that pervert at the end of a Las Vegas bar just waiting to to be slimy.
Go away Clippy and take your AI wing man with you. - Comment on It just does. 7 months ago:
What store is carrying these awesome Peanut Butter Steak Fillets? I cannot wait to break out the BBQ!
- Comment on It just does. 7 months ago:
Correct, and the 'no stir' version is always palm oil.
- Comment on What tv to look for nowadays? 7 months ago:
I can recommend Vizio since it does not require you to connect the internet to use it. However, if you want bluetooth enabled it requires the internet. Otherwise it works great. I use it as a desktop monitor.
- Comment on First “Miss AI” contest sparks ire for pushing unrealistic beauty standards 7 months ago:
Miss Electronic Circuit Contest 2024.
And the winner is "Raspberry Pi". - Comment on Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators 7 months ago:
Man who destroys own company suing everyone else to blame them for his own incompetence! - Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
Oh hey, what about... movie rentals? That would be cool. No one does that anymore.
- Comment on Most consumers hate the idea of AI-generated customer service 7 months ago:
Exactly! And AI is just another automated machine. Google or DuckDuckGo can usually do better. AI wants us to put Glue in our pizza!
- Comment on Tesla loses EV market dominance, falls below 50% in US [unit sales in 2024Q2] 7 months ago:
If I wanted a death trap I'd buy a Ford Pinto!
- Comment on And he will not stop collecting data. EVER. 7 months ago:
I always thought he looks like Data from Star Trek, but got messed up in production. 3D printer error?
- Comment on Most consumers hate the idea of AI-generated customer service 7 months ago:
AI can only give you the options it was programmed to give. A Human is able to actually think and find a solution or direct you to a solution.
Your options are less with AI for customer service.
AI works best for applications that it is tailored for. But expecting it to "think" like Humans do is so far off. AI is being fed so much biased information and that is not "thinking" or learning. - Comment on Why is prostitution called sometimes world's oldest profession? 7 months ago:
I can't answer that question, but I want to know why it's called the oldest profession when sex work is still illegal in most of the world.
A profession is usually a legal job.
And sex workers should be legal everywhere as a human right. - Comment on Nutella 8 months ago:
Are you flirting with me? :)
- Comment on Nutella 8 months ago:
"Did you just shove your wiener in my nutella? You dirty, dirty boy!!"
- Comment on Hello I think you'll love this house. 8 months ago:
There was a clearance sale on windows.
- Comment on Apple Rumored to Be Working on AirPods With Built-in Cameras 8 months ago:
Yes and tell you your IQ, and notify your doctor that you don't wash in there.