- Comment on When we finally make it to the end of this long-ass scene [Day 88] 15 hours ago:
- Comment on When the professor asks if everyone understood the incomprehensible bullshit they just said [Day 87] 15 hours ago:
I think it’s from The Room
- Comment on i found in my notes that "alt+junja" in w10 on potplayer does "Playback->A-B Repeat->Repeat next marked section". is junja a key or i typoed? 15 hours ago:
According to Google:
Junja is a Marathi word that means “fight,” “battle,” “strife,” “contest,” or “contention”.
- Comment on Why is lying on the floor more entertaining than lying on a bed? 20 hours ago:
Is laying in the middle of a kitchen floor really entertaining though? It’s certainly unexpected I guess but it’s not blowing my mind or anything
- Comment on Why is lying on the floor more entertaining than lying on a bed? 22 hours ago:
I don’t know that it is. I suppose it would depend on which part of the floor you’re talking about?
- Comment on People who say water doesn't help after eating piment are just wrong 2 days ago:
This seems like it would fit better in the unpopular opinions community.
Having said that, bread works a million times better than water if you eat something too spicy
- Comment on Goblin care 4 days ago:
Oh shit! I think my cousin might be a hydrophobic goblin! Do they also smoke too much weed and yell at video games a lot???
- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 4 days ago:
Jeez dude, how clueless can you get??? She obviously meant she’s the substitute pinch hitter for the local ladies softball team! What a nerd lol
- Comment on the person who abused(?) me (who I’m breaking free from and focusing on me💪) acted like this: is this common with certain mental health conditions? 1 week ago:
I’m not a professional or anhthinf but it sounds like pretty standard behavior for someone with a narcissistic personality disorder. I’m glad to hear you’re getting away from them!
- Comment on How to repair unresponsive Mega Drive/Genesis d-pad? 1 week ago:
That’s awesome! I’m glad it worked! I should look into some vintage controllers right now I’m playing everything on a retropie with a PS4 controller and it’s just not the same lol
- Comment on How to repair unresponsive Mega Drive/Genesis d-pad? 1 week ago:
I’ve never tried this personally, but I’ve seen a lot of articles and videos where they say the conductive coating under the buttons can wear out and cause them to become unresponsive and they were able to fix it by applying some graphite dry lubricant
Again though, I’ve never tried it myself so you may want to do your own research first
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
Nothing. Everyone I know is very mad about it. The people who aren’t mad about it aren’t mad because they’re being lied to and told that all their racism, homophobia, xenophobia and just plain mean spiritedness is somehow normal and good.
I assure you that anyone who isn’t a monster is very unhappy about the whole situation
- Comment on It hurt by just seeing 2 weeks ago:
I feel like this is relevant somehow so I’m just going to leave it here…
- Comment on Glinda convincing Dorothy to see the Wizard [Day 72] 2 weeks ago:
You’re my favorite customer!
- Comment on WB Games Montreal Is Reportedly Pitching A Game based On Game of Thrones 3 weeks ago:
The last season ended almost 6 years ago and was universally hated lol why do this now?
- Comment on 3 weeks ago:
I guess it would depend on the context? If you are thinking of naming a child Ligyron I would say that’s a terrible idea. If you’re looking for a name for the hero of your fantasy novel or D&D game, then I’d say it’s probably a good choice.
- Comment on i'm your god now. 3 weeks ago:
For me the catch and release vs squash with my shoe dilemma comes down to one variable: how close to crawling upon my person where they when I noticed them
- Comment on It is time to ban email. 4 weeks ago:
I need email at work because otherwise I would have to have a direct conversation with numerous people whom I would rather not speak to.
- Comment on Would "god cum" be correct? 1 month ago:
It’s entirely possible
- Comment on Would "god cum" be correct? 1 month ago:
All substances are made of quantum particles which science can neither fully prove nor fully disprove actually exist.
- Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago:
The word is Carcinisation
- Comment on CENSORED!!!!!!!!!!1 2 months ago:
They forgot to include the crucial step where you reverse the polarity of the neutron flow
- Comment on If aliens do come it may be only cause they want us on thier side of some bigger war. 3 months ago:
Either that or they’re just waiting to see if we destroy ourselves before they go to all the trouble of attacking us
- Comment on As a word of caution for those buying physical used games on Bluray, check the disc for holes. 3 months ago:
A lot of my old cd collection looks like this now or worse lol
- Comment on Trump plans to dismantle Biden AI safeguards after victory 3 months ago:
So he wants to make sure AI can be used for all the nefarious hateful purposes his cult members require, but at the same time wants to create tarrifs on imports that will make it difficult if not impossible to do so… Sounds about right for him
- Comment on Is it cheaper to use a plug-in oil radiator to eat an individual room, or run the central heater to heat an individual room and living room? 3 months ago:
If you’re basically living in one or two rooms in an otherwise unoccupied house then the space heater is probably better since you won’t have to deal with the thermostat being in another area.
If you’re going to need heat in different rooms all over the house then I’d say let the central heat do it’s job. You really don’t want to deal with running around opening and closing vents and having to warm up another room every time you need to go in there. It will be a pain in the ass and probably cost a lot more.
- Comment on what's stops one from scavenging the best parts of old phones and putting them into a new one? 3 months ago:
As long as you’re not selling the phone afterwards I’d say the only thing stopping you would be the skill and knowledge required to do such a thing and the necessary tools.
Keep in mind most of the parts you’re talking about are to some extent proprietary and specifically designed not to be cross compatible, so that may be a big hurdle
- Comment on Everything on credit 4 months ago:
Maybe some of us don’t have $1.90 to just throw around willy nilli Mister Rockefeller
- Comment on How do I plug this in? Old Black & Decker Hedge Trimmer. 4 months ago:
Looks like it’s just for an extension cord. They probably make a fancy proprietary Black & Decker one for this but any regular cord that will fit should work fine
- Comment on Would it be weird if I took something my neighbor put out for trash? 5 months ago:
Next time just go take it. No one will care. They might even help you lol