The current generation is now showerthoughting the same thing people used to say about credit cards.
I can imagine the "will you be using the mobile app?" question to get cheaper food is going to devolve into the Mark of the Beast and someday no one will be able to buy anything without using the apps
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
The difference is when credit cards were introduced their business model was charging customers interest and businesses fees.
Now the business model is making customer profiles to sell to advertisers, insurance companies and anyone else who is willing to buy the data. I don’t want every business I use to be collecting all this information. 4 months ago
After a certain point, wouldn’t a company have all the relevant information for a set of people? What happens then? 3 months ago
Err, credit card companies have been doing this for decades 4 months ago
That is the plan. Imagine an app that can provide personalized pricing to extract just less than the amount that would cause you to go elsewhere?
It knows when you get paid and can splurge. It knows when you are drunk or high and have less self control. It’s the digital pricing tags at the grocery store, but personalized to you (and not with your best interests in mind). 3 months ago
I have considered getting a burner phone that I pay for in cash only, having it utterly unconnected from my real life, and turned off and stored in a Faraday wallet when not in use just so I can use the ‘digital coupons’ that food retailers keep pushing. I use a loyalty card because all they get from that is my buying habits–groceries–plus an address. But access to my phone? Absolutely not. 4 months ago
Once Elon evolves X to the everything app, we will finally enjoy what is what you describe and what is already the case in China.
I was there a month ago and we were driving through some rural area and the bus stopped so people can go to the toilet. There was a seller selling dried fruits in small plastic bags. I wanted to buy some and I had some cash on me, but the only way to pay was to use WeeChat and the QR code he had there. 4 months ago
Oh hell nah. We as a society really need to collectively understand the value of crypto is not an investment. It was made to be a tool to combat stuff like these everything apps from ever becoming mandatory.
I swear on my life if we ever have to use an everything app in the US I am going to jump off the nearest bridge. Bad enough already with how much the banks control our money and where it can go. We do NOT need another third party getting in the way. 4 months ago
I highly doubt it will become a mark of the beast. Just generally annoying 3 months ago
Can someone explain the “Mark of the Beast” thing?
It seems commonly mentioned by US posters, but I’m not from the US and have no context. I know it’s a Bible thing, but I’m always seeing it on posts that have nothing to do with religion and I’m lost on what it could mean here. 4 months ago
I was using the app before it became the only place to get the deals simply for the fact that it means I don’t have to talk to another human being IRL. It also means I don’t have to wait, at least at some places like Jack in the Box, since they start making your order when it’s placed and not when you show up, like McDonald’s does.
Not Mark of the beast shit, but I do see there being a time where the apps will be the only way to order fast food because fast food will have been fully automated at that point. There would be no humans to take your order at all. It would be a machine, and you interface with it through the app. 3 months ago
I already eat way less fast food since they started hiding all the ‘deals’ behind the apps. Win win imo. 4 months ago
Part of me believes that would be great, like all the self-checkouts at the Walmart. But another part of me knows that it would be one of the single most annoying/frustrating things to deal with, let alone the fact that all those people would be out of a job. 3 months ago
If you’re cool with McDonald’s knowing your location (or at least an approximation of it, not sure how much data gets passed through) keep it turned on.
The app has geofencing tech so when you get close enough to the restaurant they’ll start making it. I’ve had mine ready when I get there most of the time. Of course that depends on how busy they are but just fyi 3 months ago
I remember a religious girlfriend going on about that with bonus cards and Facebook and whatnot.
Nothing new… 3 months ago
The mark of the beast was fiat money and we’ve been using it for a while. 4 months ago
Alex Jones would like to know your location 4 months ago
We tried the Domino’s app once, because they had a ‘half off’ deal for a medium pizza if we used the app. Oh boy that was a load of shit, by the time we got there, they doubled the original price just because we used the app, then gave us half off the doubled price.
So it was basically a scam where they got our information, and we still ended up paying full price. SCREW THAT!