- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
Possible but the expense ruined my plans in the end… I did consider collecting broken tungsten end mills and inserts from machine shops and throwing them in molten lead, like croutons in a lead soup.
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
I really wanted to use Tungsten as the base ballast for a custom narrowboat, for better headroom. Other than the cost you also have the problem of tungsten’s melting point being so high you can’t pour it into a boat hull without melting through.
- Comment on I can imagine the "will you be using the mobile app?" question to get cheaper food is going to devolve into the Mark of the Beast and someday no one will be able to buy anything without using the apps 4 months ago:
Credit card companies know where you are spending your money, but not what you are buying.
They have been selling your data but it’s less valuable in the world of store apps and online stores where every search and purchase is linked to your email. Still worth opting out of any “data sharing” options your Credit Card company has though.
- Comment on I can imagine the "will you be using the mobile app?" question to get cheaper food is going to devolve into the Mark of the Beast and someday no one will be able to buy anything without using the apps 4 months ago:
It’s not “a set of people” anymore it’s you, and there is always more data.
Buy some doughnuts for the office… your health insurance just went up.
You buy a new car which has fancy connected features, but now it sells your driving safety score to your car insurance company.
Buy a vegan ready meal, both vegan food companies and the meat industry compete for your business, you might get a few discounts, but your free will is being influenced.
- Comment on I can imagine the "will you be using the mobile app?" question to get cheaper food is going to devolve into the Mark of the Beast and someday no one will be able to buy anything without using the apps 4 months ago:
The difference is when credit cards were introduced their business model was charging customers interest and businesses fees.
Now the business model is making customer profiles to sell to advertisers, insurance companies and anyone else who is willing to buy the data. I don’t want every business I use to be collecting all this information.
- Comment on Apple teases “week of announcements” about the Mac starting on Monday 4 months ago:
I guess you don’t read usernames
- Comment on Apple teases “week of announcements” about the Mac starting on Monday 4 months ago:
Just another person trying to belittle the passion of some guy on the internet.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
This article is over 2 years old, so not exactly new news.
Just keep your phone for as long as possible and only upgrade when you absolutely have to.
There are no environmentally friendly options, but making sure your device is recycled at EOL, replacing your battery rather than your phone, and keeping it for as long as possible is the best you can do while still having the luxury of owning a phone.
- Comment on 'Botched insulation means mushrooms grow on my walls' 5 months ago:
I’m not aware of any insulation and rendering options that allow breathability of the sub structure. This is why any internal leaks need to be fixed and rising damp needs to be mitigated with DryRods.
Pretty much the only buildings that cannot be insulated without a massive amount of work is where the floor of the building is sitting in groundwater without a waterproofing membrane.
- Comment on 'Botched insulation means mushrooms grow on my walls' 5 months ago:
I agree, but then articles like this are the reason these people are so annoyed at the installers, they make it sound like there are mysterious procedures and practices which are not being followed, while failing to detail any of them and making the problem worse.
Anyone reading this will only ever come to the conclusion that they had a bad installer and won’t want their help, all while their house is turning into a stroganoff.
- Comment on 'Botched insulation means mushrooms grow on my walls' 5 months ago:
I know a lot about building and insulation. The most likely cause of this is pre-existing damp that was just exasperated by the insulation making it warm on top of the damp.
If there is any sign of “rising damp” the modern way of dealing with it is by installing a layer of DryRods, however if the insulation was installed during a particularly dry period there might not have been evidence of a pre-existing problem.
Other than that possibility it could be an unrelated pipe leak, physical damage to the insulation and render, or an issue with the guttering.
Finally cold-bridging where a portion of the envelope of the house is I insulated and forms condensation, this is pretty much the only issue which could be a mistake on behalf of installer, but even then it should be obvious and made worse by failing to open windows or turn on extractors when showering, drying washing or cooking.
Any of this information could have been in the article, it’s absence is suspicious. Whatever the reason the first thing you need to do is let the contractor investigate.
- Comment on 'Botched insulation means mushrooms grow on my walls' 5 months ago:
It sounds like the company is offering to come back and fix whatever problem is causing the damp but the homeowner is refusing to let them fix it. Sounds like they’re just idiots.
The article doesn’t say what installation standards are not being adhered to. It’s not rocket science, you take insulation boards, you glue or screw or both to the house and you mesh ad render over the top. It sounds like whoever wrote this didn’t do much investigation.
- Comment on Government pledges nearly £22bn for carbon capture projects 5 months ago:
What a waste of money, ask any independent climate scientist what you could could spend £22bn on, carbon capture and storage wouldn’t even be in the top 100 suggestions.
- Comment on Intel releases one last microcode update to fix high-end desktop CPU crashes 5 months ago:
You’re right I should have said “”accidentally””
- Comment on Intel releases one last microcode update to fix high-end desktop CPU crashes 5 months ago:
If you overclock it and it starts to crash Intel say “sorry warranty void”, if Intel accidentally overclock it and drastically reduce its life “…”
- Comment on Intel releases one last microcode update to fix high-end desktop CPU crashes 5 months ago:
I’ve not kept up to date with this but wasn’t the problem that as soon as you run these CPUs they are getting permanently damaged? Surely they have to recall them?
- Comment on UK reportedly poised to slash amount banks must refund to fraud victims 5 months ago:
The title is misleading, this is new legalisation, the current amount that has to be refunded is £0.
It’s in consultation, £415k would be nice… but £85k is still better than nothing, and will fully protect the vast majority of fraud victims.
- Comment on Kemi Badenoch Accepts £10,000 From Chair of Tufton Street Climate Denial Group 6 months ago:
Maybe, but if you are a disgusting human being anyway you may as well do everything they want and they might give you another 10k next year.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
I was really tempted to continue playing along here but then I thought you may just be Autistic and unable to follow….
You appear to be a little aggressive with your messages, normal people don’t communicate in such a confrontational way. Just take a step back, take a deep breath, and try to have civil disagreements with people.
We’re all just here to read some stuff, learn some stuff and try to ignore our real lives for a bit… let’s try and have fun while we’re here.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
You of course! Silly goose
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
Well it looks like they’re missing at least one 😉
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
If you’d like to post evidence that contradicts my source, please do. “Leaving” for a few days doesn’t count.
I was not discussing anything to do with “switching”, I was discussing users leaving Reddit.
Maybe they encountered so many charming people like you on Lemmy they had to go back to Reddit in case they turned nice?
Would that mean they switched and switched back? Or left and re-joined?
- Comment on Silicon plus perovskite solar reaches 34 percent efficiency 7 months ago:
In the lab, on a test cell which is not ready for production. When this tech is ready for a production run I’ll be very happy, but I’ve been hearing about it for years now, it’s the nuclear fusion of solar cells.
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
Well there are contractors who need to tow heavy machinery around, so about 0.01% of the people that buy them need them.
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
That’s a terrible thing to say!
…Only joking.
I tried to buy an EV for my parents a couple of weeks ago and the dealer had the EV misinformation playbook memorised and tried to convince us that EVs were a fad and that should get a hybrid until Hydrogen takes over.
I’ve decided that whenever I see these common myths, I’m not going to just let the misinformation go unquestioned.
In this case I think specifically focusing on EVs will generate more clicks for article writers, but it does also feed a common anti-EV narrative that they are somehow worse than ICE cars because of tire wear, which is not true.
I do see the other side that the tires being developed are specifically looking at EV owners, so this is a tough one to get the balance right on, but I do still think the headline is written to stir trouble and generate clicks.
One thing is certain, America needs to stop buying so many trucks!
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
I agree entirely, but the title of this post suggests that EVs are the problem, but actually it’s heavy vehicles.
Additionally when we say “problem”, particulate pollution from vehicles is 99.9% a diesel problem, and 0.1% a tire problem. (Not actual statistics but let me know how wrong I am with the actual stat)
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
That explanation is fair enough but the headline is red meat the the EV disinformation brigade.
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
That is a list of the most sold vehicles in the US. Where are the people lining up to say the ICE trucks that are so popular are causing all this tire pollution?
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
Those are the most sold vehicles in the US, when you have heavy EV’s in the top slots you can say that heavy ev’s are a problem… until then it’s what you are buying is causing the problem.
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
2023 top 5 vehicles sold in USA and weight:
1 - Ford F-150 4069-5697lbs
2 - Chevrolet Silverado 4400-6947lbs
3 - Ram pickup 4765-6440lbs
4 - Toyota RAV4 3370lbs
5 - Tesla Model Y 4416lbs
Looks like the only electric on the list is below the average weight. We don’t have these conversations about the trucks.