Nobody is more precise than the ruling class in their calibrating how much exploitation they can exact from their beasts of burden (us). That’s their job, that’s where their money comes from. They exploit us.
It’s not gumption. It’s not novelty. It’s not intelligence. It’s cruelty. 5 months ago
Yes, that’s the point. 5 months ago
Oh shit am I the camel? 5 months ago
How’s your back? 5 months ago
Only one way to find out. C’mere. 5 months ago
I guess it is very interesting to think about that analogy, cause I never fully thought about that.
Which means the camel tried to last through it until it broke the camel’s metaphorical back. Which I guess also tells me that if someone says that to me, they are saying someone suffered through something way too long until they finally reacted. I never really thought about it as a hint that you didn’t have to bear something, you could have spoken up earlier already.
This explanation might be too detailed but I just realized that so maybe this is interesting to someone else. 5 months ago
It’s not really making a comment on whether they could have addressed it before it broke the camel’s back either. It’s simply saying this is the last slight I will take.
If you go through life not ever taking any bs, you definitely will not be able to hold a job. Or function in general really. 5 months ago
It’s fascinating to read it so aptly described. I thought it was obvious what the saying meant. That’s why it is usually said to express exasperation. When someone has already endured a lot of abuse, it takes only but a minor inconvenience or minimal annoyance to finally drive them beyond the treshold of tolerance.
That’s the image, even of such an insignificant weight as that of a straw is capable of breaking someone if they have been overburdened for long already. 5 months ago
It’s about the enlightenment of all of us one by one, my Lemming.