- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Fluoridated toothpaste is more effective than drinking water. The fluoride works by direct contact with then enamel. Another reason it doesn’t make sense to put it in drinking water.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Fluoridated water doesn’t seem to make a difference on cavities. It does have neurological effects. It’s simply not acutely fatal. It’s already in our toothpaste. We don’t need it in our municipal water supply and the majority of developed countries don’t.
- Comment on Need for Speed: what is the best title of the series? 3 months ago:
There are three such games in the franchise. My favorite is the original 1998 version.
- Comment on The camel was already miserable way before that last straw. 5 months ago:
It’s not really making a comment on whether they could have addressed it before it broke the camel’s back either. It’s simply saying this is the last slight I will take.
If you go through life not ever taking any bs, you definitely will not be able to hold a job. Or function in general really.
- Comment on Oh Elon 5 months ago:
Oh yeah. I forget sometimes that that was the most expensive shitpost of all time.
- Comment on Why doesn't the American market provide efficient and effective health insurance like it does for car insurance? 7 months ago:
Obamacare really fucked up the health insurance market. Open enrollment is because of Obamacare. Obamacare was written by the insurance lobby. They created a porous law and likely already had ideas to exploit it before it passed. And they have. It has been an incredible boon to them and Americans have suffered. Healthcare was NOT this expensive before Obamacare and insurance wasn’t this complicated and was more affordable too.
Obamacare is the biggest piece of regulatory capture in our lifetime, and in a time of rampant regulatory capture, that’s saying a lot. It also showcases why our 2 party system is just broken. When the so called left option can produce such a broken capitalist piece of legislation.
- Comment on Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right. 8 months ago:
Nah, they failed because of the Saturn which is one of the worst console flops in history. Dreamcast was just a last ditch effort to regain relevancy and beat the other guys to the punch. Too late once the PS1 was successful.
Also, Genesis was more appealing to adults. That’s why it competed with the SNES so well. American adults at the time (prime aged boomers) were much more won over by Genesis’s more mature marketing and appeal to American values versus Nintendo which was decidedly marketed to children.
- Comment on Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right. 8 months ago:
If they had released later it would have been worse. Sega’s downfall was the Saturn which was just garbage compared to the N64 and PS1. Dreamcast was their last ditch effort to release a truly next-gen system before the big boys rocked up with all their cash.
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 10 months ago:
Yes but our current society vests power in the corporation doing the killing. It’s a problem as old as civilization, but one we still haven’t solved. The problem is that these institutions and the technology they wield has never been greater.
- Comment on Columbia students defy deadline to disband pro-Palestinian encampment 10 months ago:
Bootlicking is also unhealthy.
- Comment on Columbia students defy deadline to disband pro-Palestinian encampment 10 months ago:
When you use hyperbole like that you will only win idiots to your side. Maybe that’s what you want. But you are literally comparing this protest to mass murder, whether you are being sincere or not. If you’re not then you have no point. Is breaking university rules as bad as mass murder? No.
- Comment on mimic 11 months ago:
Octopodomorphs if you want to be inclusive.
- Comment on Taylor Swift among 141 new billionaires in ‘amazing year for rich people’ 11 months ago:
No, because they don’t think along class lines but along identity lines.
- Comment on Taylor Swift among 141 new billionaires in ‘amazing year for rich people’ 11 months ago:
Justice system, electoral system, media, technology, military, police, food, etc. etc. All owned by them. It’s going to have to get very very bad before anything changes.
- Comment on Nearly half of young adults have 'money dysmorphia,' survey finds 11 months ago:
Yeah the spin is bullshit but this is expected in an economy with massive inequality. As the scraps left over by the elite shrink, you can be doing relatively well compared to most others, but still living on the edge.
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
They are being financed by China and India. Their long time prospects are pretty terrible because they will rack up massive debts to those countries. But I suspect they will be able to continue the war longer than Ukraine can stay politically favored in the West. If Trump is elected, it’s over for Ukraine.