- Comment on What's the best way for Elon to remove the parasite class? 🤔 3 days ago:
If you were a purse snatcher, and your victim gave chase. And you were shouting “Stop! Stop them!” The people on the street would be at least as confused enough to let you get away, as you’d both be shouting. It’s weaponized projection. Double speak. It’s no more unintentional than using a Nazi salute and claiming it to be a gesture of endearment.
- Comment on The White House says it ‘will determine’ which news outlets cover Trump, rotating traditional ones 1 week ago:
Well he’s captured the judicial, the legislative, and the executive, already. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that the next target is the forth branch/estate. What could possibly go wrong by allowing someone to hand select their own oversight/accountability? Republicans sure seem unconcerned about the unilateral consolidation of unchecked power by one man. Isn’t opposition to tyranny supposed to be, like, our entire raison d’être?
- Comment on True love 2 months ago:
Just for reference, thats like a $200K watch. Patek Nautilus, ref 5980.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
You just made me mad by helping me realize that the Trump bros are going to break water by removing fluoride long before they fix water by removing lead.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Historically I still “lose” these types of arguments as my willfully ignorant interlocutor spams potential strawman and ad hominem “arguments” until they feel sufficiently convinced that my pesky facts and I are safe to ignore.
In my experience there are very few people worth arguing with, as there are very few people willing to argue in good faith. Most people see arguing as a battle to be won or lost rather than a mechanism by which to vet assumptions. How can you expect to argue with a person who is unable to argue with themselves?
- Comment on The camel was already miserable way before that last straw. 5 months ago:
Nobody is more precise than the ruling class in their calibrating how much exploitation they can exact from their beasts of burden (us). That’s their job, that’s where their money comes from. They exploit us.
It’s not gumption. It’s not novelty. It’s not intelligence. It’s cruelty.
- Comment on What is the purpose of this plastic piece? 5 months ago:
I’m going to disagree with most of these comments. They don’t protect the prong so much as they protect the cord or other objects in the cords vicinity (painted surfaces, fragile surfaces, etc). The little plastic cap that covers tire stems on cars and bikes , while keeping it clean when installed, are primary to prevent chaffing issue on the inner tube whike shipped and stored; same thing with this prong shroud. They have holes in them as to not retain moisture I imagine.
Long story short, the prongs are metal and have corners. They are the strongest, “sharpest” thing in the box. The plastic isn’t protecting the prongs from us, it’s protecting us from the prongs.
- Comment on Billboard 5 months ago:
Sure why not, and lets kill a couple goats and shit for good measure too while we’re at it.
- Comment on baked jeans 1 year ago:
This sounds like a Drake line.
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
The 10 warmest years in the historical record have all occurred since 2010.
In July, David Grusch, a former intelligence official, testified that the U.S. government was holding nonhuman bodies taken from U.F.O. crash sites, that the military is misusing funds to cover up a “U.A.P. crash retrieval and reverse engineering program,” and that people had been injured in efforts to conceal these operations. He also alleged retaliation from his superiors for previously making similar claims. The Pentagon has denied the allegations.
On Friday, some lawmakers saw tantalizing hints in Mr. Monheim’s presentation that there might have been something to Mr. Grusch’s claims and, while the rules of a classified briefing barred them from actually repeating what they had learned, they suggested the inspector general had found some of the claims credible. Which ones? No one would say.
I’m not claiming there are aliens, I merely pointed out that they are being discussed frankly in congress.
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
Well, there’s more people now then ever. The environment is either at or past an irreversible tipping point. Every year being either the coldest, the hottest, the wettest, or the driest in recorded time. We have too much CO2 and not enough potable water. The ice caps are melting, the choral is bleaching, the sea is rising, and bugs are on the ropes. We’ve got fascism problems in basically every country simultaneously. Not to mention there is frank discussion about not whether or not there are aliens, but what about them should be declassified and discussed with the public. Our terrestrial telescopes can’t see shit because of the sheer volume of satellites blanketing the night sky. And we’ve got cascading humanitarian crisis being captured in high definition and beamed to our 24 hour pocket sized global information machines, but all anyone seems to care about is what genitals you pledge allegiance to.
There may be precedents for these times, but they are the type of precedents that immediatly precede a global cataclysms. If anything your average person is not being dramatic enough.
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
DEA ultimately has final say though. And we are definitely living in tumultuous if not unprecedented times.
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
Speaking of HHS:
Marijuana is neither as risky nor as prone to abuse as other tightly controlled substances and has potential medical benefits, and therefore should be removed from the nation’s most restrictive category of drugs, federal scientists have concluded.
The recommendations are contained in a 250-page scientific review provided to Matthew Zorn, a Texas lawyer who sued Health and Human Services officials for its release and published it online on Friday night. An H.H.S. official confirmed the authenticity of the document.
But sadly
Last month, Michael D. Miller, a Justice Department official, defended the D.E.A.’s prerogative in making the final decision on the administration’s position.
“D.E.A. has the final authority to schedule, reschedule, or deschedule a drug under the Controlled Substances Act, after considering the relevant statutory and regulatory criteria and H.H.S.’s scientific and medical evaluation,” he wrote in a letter to Representative Earl Blumenauer, an Oregon Democrat who has pushed the D.E.A. to reconsider marijuana.
I see no motivation for the DEA to voluntarily forfeit power and money just because it’s the right thing to do. Also think of career DEA guys’ pride and ego. They are not going to easily admit they’ve been wrong and that their rhetoric has been overheated for the past 50 years.
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
And unfortunately, the scheduling is determined by none other than the DEA itself. So I wouldn’t hold my breath on them forfeiting funding and purview over of anything as trivial as medical research or the will of the people. At least not easily or without some other political quid pro quo.
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
I left Reddit to call their bluff. I stay away from Reddit because I want to help grow the fediverse. It’s already better than when I joined. And I believe, perhaps naively, that it will continue to get better. I’d rather be the part of the beginning of something great than lingure around as a great thing rots.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Dishonored 2 took me hours upon hours to get to run properly due to some sort of processor, gfx card, driver, directx, zodiac sign, poltergeist , whirlpool of death that I couldn’t ever seem to conquer. After absolutely decimating my computer, reinstalling every, and I mean EVERYTHING, windows, drivers, firmwares, replacing ram, sacrificing goats, it fiiiiiinally ran. The trouble shooting portion essentially ruined a week or two of my life, but once it was running I had a great time. That game is the bomb.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
I wish that I could get it to run in ultra wide in some convenient way. I remember liking the game straight up, and was always a little perplexed by the fan base beef. Mods seem like it could really kick it up a notch though.
- Comment on YouTube is deliberately crippling Firefox on ARM systems 1 year ago:
Does it?
- Comment on YouTube is deliberately crippling Firefox on ARM systems 1 year ago:
Not OP, but I just want videos. I don’t need or want their music service. That’s the premium I’m waiting for.
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
Yes, because there are no extrajudicial killings in any prisons.
- Comment on Privacy advocate challenges YouTube's ad blocking detection 1 year ago:
Personally I wouldn’t mind paying for YouTube premium, but it’s priced at least twice as high as I’m willing to pay. Perhaps if they had full premium with YouTube music at the current too high price, and then a “premium lite” that was simply no ads and but no YouTube music either at half or less the full price. Personally I just don’t want ads, I don’t want to over pay for music just because I don’t want ads.
- Comment on The FCC is expected to propose the return of Net Neutrality protections Oct 19th - Let’s hope they get it right 1 year ago:
I always never don’t not agree with you.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
Exactly. Premium is basically twice what I’m willing to pay. I’ve considered going premium multiple times, and have multiple times suffered sticker shock and backed away.
- Comment on Oh no... 1 year ago:
I shit you not, when I watched that video I was eating a fucking bowl of Spaghetti-Os.
- Comment on Another 62 ‘Girls Do Porn’ Victims Sue Pornhub for $600 Million 1 year ago:
Again, the porn is not the problem. There is nothing inherently wrong with making or watching porn. The predators are the problem.
Two things to consider:
One, I guarantee you have watched and will watch again, a major Hollywood movie featuring victims of abuse by directors, producers, other actors. Even child victims. Hollywood is widely recognized for being a dark and evil place with imbalances of power and open secrets about exploitation. But watching movies is not inherently evil. The best you can do is be deliberate in your choices and try your best to not support the bad guys.
Two, where does the moral imperative end? Ok, so you’ve decided that entertainment in the form a sexual performance is fundamentally different than movies/tv/theater/music. You abstain from participating because you believe it is unethical. Do you then believe in censorship? Surely if it is categorically wrong it should be made illegal? Better safe than sorry. But who gets to control the terms of censorship? What about the woman of color who is making enough doing porn to empower themselves in a society that is essentially constructed to deprive them of power? Is it right to take away that power due, ironically, to the actions of the same type of bad guy that limits their power in the first place?
Prohibition does not work. Not for drugs, not for alcohol, not for porn, and of the three I listed it is arguably the healthiest pastime. The solution is openness and oversight. Stop forcing porn talent to exist in some walled off dim corner of the internet. Eliminate the stigma. Give me that new Netflix Original porn with credits and funding. But it still wont be perfect. But that still doesn’t make it fundamentally wrong.
- Comment on Another 62 ‘Girls Do Porn’ Victims Sue Pornhub for $600 Million 1 year ago:
“Fine with” is probably too far. I think they’re pointing out that, for example, your phone contains cobalt which was likely mined unethically, perhaps by a child, perhaps resulting in their death. Is therefore buying a phone inherently wrong? Not essentially. Nor is porn inherently wrong. The abusers in these scenarios are in the wrong, not necessarily the end consumer.
It could even be argued that rather than being some sort of monster for being unknowingly subjected to footage of a sexual assault, that the viewer is also now being harmed themselves.
Furthermore, I’m not familiar with the “Girls Do Porn” channel/company/whatever but it sounds to me that the concept was porn created by women. Wether sound or not logically, the intent seemed ideally to be a safer porn environment, like reduced patriarchy flavored porn. So in this case the company responsible actively preyed on people trying to find a more consensual and equitable pornography.
There is definitely a crime here, but it isn’t the horny guy cranking away in the privacy of his home.