- Comment on Is there any other way to interpret these comments (convo between a 20 year old and 14 year old) 2 hours ago:
What was the calculation again?
20/2 + 7 = 17, he’s literally below the date range calculation.
And arguable you change so much between 15 and 20, I always hated the thought of dating a 19yo at 23. This is way off.
- Comment on Is there any other way to interpret these comments (convo between a 20 year old and 14 year old) 2 hours ago:
What she is requesting is sexual depictions of a minor. Depending on how it’s drawn that is probably illegal in the US.
She could request anything, but she requests a sexual depictions of a minor, even though she probably knows that it’s most likely illegal.
If it’s unethical, there’s room for argument I guess. But this goes further, and usually if something violates a law, in most cases we’re past the ethical debate and straight into criminal prosecution territory.
TL;DR there’s no other way to view this.
- Comment on Day 232 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 3 days ago:
This game is beautiful.
I remember when I played it the first time, I sat on the ship, fishing, and I realized how the water changes colors with the weather, and it was the prettiest game I’ve seen, and I was just in awe. I never had that with any other game.
If the gameplay was a bit more complex, I would’ve spent years in this game I’m sure.
- Comment on A cute lil story 6 days ago:
Yeah HRT as a hazing ritual goes hard
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
They exist, but there’s an equally high chance you encountered a troll.
- Comment on Self-hosted Personal Finance Suggestions 2 weeks ago:
Yes, been using that to track my bank accounts and stuff and it’s really helpful, although I had some trouble understanding how to use it since I’m a layperson xd
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 month ago:
Let me chime in as someone who would probably fall under your definition of an AI defender.
How do I defend AI? Well, I think AI really flips the world on it’s head. Including all the good and the bad that comes from it. I still think the industrialization is a good metaphor. Things changed a lot. A lot of people were pissed. Now we don’t mind as much anymore, because it’s the new normal, but at the time, most people weren’t happy about it.
Same with AI. I think overall it’s a plus, but obviously it comes with new pitfalls. LLM hallucinations, the need for more complex copyright and licensing definitions, impersonation, etc. . It’s not entirely great, but I totality, when the dust settles, it will be a helpful tool to make our lives easier.
So why do I defend AI? Basically, because I think it will happen, whether you like it or not. Even if the law will initially make it really strict, society will change their mind about it. It might be slowly, but it’s just too useful to outlaw.
Going back to industrialization metaphor, we adapted it over a longer period of time. Yes, it forever changed how most things are made, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s just a thing. And even though lots of logistics chains are streamlined, there’s always gonna be handmade things and unique things. Ofc, not everything is handmade, but some important things still are. And for both of them, there’s some stuff that’s totally fine to be automated, and then there’s some stuff that just loses it’s value if we just gloss over with automation.
Now I don’t want AI to just roam free (ofc not, there’s some really bad stuff happening and I’m not pretending that it’s not) but what we need is laws and enforcement against it, and not against AI.
Imagine if most countries outlawed AI. It would make all AI companies and users move operation to that one country that still allows it, making it impossible to oversee and enforce against. So we better find a good strategy to allow it for all the things where it doesn’t do damage.
Now let me address some specific points you brought up;
In the near future no one will “need” to be a writer
But isn’t this already how it’s going? Only people who wanna be a writer are one, anf it’s good that way.
Also, AI can only remix the art that’s already there, so if you’re doing something completely unique, AI won’t ever be able to replace you. I find that somehow validating for the people who make awesome and unique art. I think that’s how it should be.
Do these people not see or feel the human behind the art at all?
I do. And that’s the exact reason I’m not concerned. Everyone who puts in the work to make something very particular to them should not be impacted in any way.
Now there’s an argument to be made how consent for training data is given (opt-in / opt-out) and what licensing for the models can and should look like, but this is my very basic opinion.
Are these really opinions you have encountered outside of the internet?
I may have about one friend out of 30 who thinks like me.
I mean I am living proof we exist, but I can’t say this is a popular opinion, which is fair.
I don’t want people to mindlessly agree, I want them to come their own opinions because of their own research and presumptions.
I also don’t expect you to agree with me, but I hope some people will understand my perspective and maybe this brings a bit more nuance to this bipolar conversation.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
This is a video about it, which I think takes a very sobering approach to it. Her humor tends to be very dark, but if you look at the comment section, she seems to be hitting it head on.
Now for solutions, I don’t know anyone who talks about it beyond the basics of “listen to men” and “give them a healthier and less judgy space to develop social skills”. But that’s probably because this is such a complex issue and there seems to be no simple solution.
- Submitted 2 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 219 comments
- Comment on Mastodon Follow Packs 3 months ago:
Awesome, thanks for the info :)
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Have fun playing :D
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Warframe. Inching closer to 3.000h currently.
It does come in waves, but every once in a while I go all in again and lose myself in the infinite things you can do.
- Comment on Hate needs justification 3 months ago:
Yeah I think hate is a draining and destructive emotion.
There’s situations where it should be used, but it should be used wisely. For example, it takes an insane amount of shady behavior to get under my skin, but when people do, they earn my hate and that makes me set very solid boundaries. But it would be bad to destroy friendships for hating someone because we got on each other’s nerves for a while.
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 4 months ago:
I think this really depends on how you quit. If you do it on an impulse, that’s gonna really roll the dice, but if you already have another job lined up and you know the financial hit can be dampened by savings or another way, you might feel a bit safer.
I just heard that my contract can’t be renewed and it runs out in March, so I’ll have too look for something. I have enough time and I already took care of everything else so I don’t have to panic anymore, but the anxiety will be there until I secured another job I’m happy with, and I just gotta deal with that.
My current job is not toxic but it does keep me on my toes and one of my bosses I can’t get along with; he is always suspicious of me and I can’t really deal with that. I just wanna do my job and not appeal to people lol.
- Comment on "You'll end up in a van down by the river" if you do drugs, don't go to college, etc. advice never includes the warning: "Don't suffer major Depression that gives you complete apathy for existence." 4 months ago:
“alcohol makes you act without thinking and pot makes you think without action” is so gonna be stolen for future use. Yoink.
- Comment on How do people make and save kaomoji art? 5 months ago:
On windows, there’s an ascii/unicode char lookup table, which you can use to search and copy special characters. Just FYI.
- Comment on The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that? 5 months ago:
Yeah that’s a lot of information framing.
- Comment on Was the creation of the universe politically motivated or was it done for other reasons? 5 months ago:
I mean I appreciate the joke but this is a question community, so I understand why people who don’t get the reference are gonna answer that. No need to get groggy.
- Comment on "Skip ad's" YouTube and "Skip Intro" on Netflix take the same amount of effort but I only hate the former. 5 months ago:
Because on Netflix what you’re skipping is something you expect and maybe even want to see. On YouTube it’s ads, which you don’t necessarily expect nor want to see. And the skip button is just associated with that.
Also, on YouTube you sometimes have to skip multiple consecutive ads, sometimes you have to wait for a few seconds, and sometimes you can’t skip them at all. It’s not made to be practical, it’s made to serve you as much ad-time as possible, as that is the bread and butter for YouTube (contrary to popular belief they don’t make a lot of money, so it makes sense. Although I’m not sure I like they way they try to make money to stay in business).
- Comment on When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less? 5 months ago:
They do but the amount of information is way smaller for the others. With your search engine of choice you’ll find the posts though if there are any.
- Comment on Balatro is now out on Mobile. Humanity is doomed. 5 months ago:
Played it on PC and it’s really cool, although I was hesitant at first considering it looks a bit like those cookie cutter role based rpgs that just wanna rent a spot in your wallet.
- Comment on Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement 5 months ago:
Yeah honestly this makes a lot of sense to me.
- Comment on I always get them confused. 5 months ago:
Omg I wanna go there now
- Comment on Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement 5 months ago:
Their lawyers are vocally rubbing their hands rn
- Comment on I always get them confused. 5 months ago:
Why does this analogy make sense to me for some reason?
- Comment on The camel was already miserable way before that last straw. 5 months ago:
Your first paragraph makes a lot of sense to me.
The second paragraph I have a very different opinion on, because there’s a difference between patterns of abuse and having to deal with a shitty situation a few times. And although there’s people who don’t take any shit and will fit you for small inconveniences, there’s also a lot of people who have learned to endure almost every situation for way too long.
My mom has been working overtime for years and I’m scared she’ll get overwhelmed eventually. Every one of our band mates got bullied in school and just endured it. A school friend told me he was the black sheep in an Asian family and he just had accept it. I’m sure he’s way past his limit but he’ll still try with them. A friend of mine has a dad with narcissistic tendencies and a mom with major health issues and an aunt who almost killed her multiple times intentionally already. I tend to not speak up because sometimes I get it wrong and it fucks me up in major ways.
As you can see I know a lot of people who wait way too long until they change things, and if they spike up a bit more, they could be holding a successful job and maybe even keep their sanity. Goes to show that everyone is different and every social dynamic is unique.
- Comment on The camel was already miserable way before that last straw. 5 months ago:
I guess it is very interesting to think about that analogy, cause I never fully thought about that.
The camel was miserable before.
Which means the camel tried to last through it until it broke the camel’s metaphorical back. Which I guess also tells me that if someone says that to me, they are saying someone suffered through something way too long until they finally reacted. I never really thought about it as a hint that you didn’t have to bear something, you could have spoken up earlier already.
This explanation might be too detailed but I just realized that so maybe this is interesting to someone else.
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
We gotta go more stupid
Neil DeGrasse Bison
- Comment on I have no idea how to react to this. 5 months ago:
Indeed they seem to be particular proud about all the right and wrong things.
- Comment on There exists a position inside the earth where it is possible to cook a perfect pizza just by leaving it there 5 months ago:
I need