My best friend has an unnatural talent for this sort of thing and really enjoys toying with conspiracy theory nuts.
When folks start talking about crazy shit, it makes me very anxious and I tend to shut down. Not my buddy. He eggs them on, encourages it, and gets them to say things or agree with things that are even more outlandish than where they conversation started. Things will start at “China invented covid to kill off old people” and somehow end up at “Hillary Clinton paid to have her chromosomes added to the covid vaccines so that DNA evidence can no longer be used against her in the courts”. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Can confirm this is true because the same was true for my mum. She was against the COVID vaccine, but then she started believing that the theories were started by the Chinese government to target people who don’t listen to the authorities. 5 months ago
The one child policy has been abolished a good while before covid. 5 months ago
That doesn’t change the distribution of demographics by itself. Even assuming the birth rate skyrocketed after the nixing of the one child policy, it takes ~20 years before those people are working age. 5 months ago
The Chinese government has not persecuted Uighurs, tin foil hat person 5 months ago
I understand your desire to defend communism.
But really, how far does an authoritarian regime have to go, while calling itself communist, before you judge them?
What evidence would change your mind about the CCP? 5 months ago
The theory I’d believe more is that the U S of A govt or one of its agencies engineered and released it in China.
China and India are growing economies, with decent populations and a pandemic would seriously delay their growth and help the U S of A keep it’s top place for a bit longer or destroy its competitors.
The US is the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons on civillians, so them using biological weapons on civillians would not be a big moral barrier for them or a big stretch to think about.
They probably didn’t think it’d spread this much and their own citizens n president would be idiotic enough to be against vaccines and masks, even when people were dying. 5 months ago
That’s such a small stretch that it’s actually a confirmed fact that the US has repeatedly used chemical and biological warfare. Korea and Vietnam are merely two easy examples. 5 months ago
They did a stupid ass job them, killing the older only gonna help China, and it didn’t even killed enough people to make a difference and it backfired in the US, the conspiracy that China was engineering with it and shit escaped make more sense 5 months ago
Citations needed or all citations point to unreliable sources (Adrian Zenz).