Take patent, trademark, and copyright laws to what they were in, say, 1790, might be a good start.
Regard today’s billionaires with the same contempt that one does of criminals.
Wait at least 5 years before buying a new computer.
Don’t pay by credit card.
tacosanonymous@lemm.ee 5 months ago
Anti-capitalist regulations, I imagine.
Buffalox@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Anti monopoly and regulations against anti competitive practices are cornerstones of capitalism ensuring free and fair competition.
So no, what we need is a return back to when these practices weren’t allowed, away from allowing these things more than ever as we do now.
It’s easy to see Russia has become an oligarchy, why can’t we see it’s happening to us too?
coolmojo@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Let me tell you about the Nordic model
helenslunch@feddit.nl 5 months ago
No, that’s the opposite of capitalism.
SlopppyEngineer@lemmy.world 5 months ago
That’s why they do regulatory capture to prevent that from happening. It all starts with money being equal to influence. This can temporarily be reset after a big crash of the system but sooner or later they start again.
PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Refulations only exosg because Capitalism would consume itself without guardrails.