Neighbor has a tree that shits leaves and gunk all over our back patio and the roots are coming under our fence and fucking up our sidewalk. I want to start spraying the limbs hanging over our fence with salt water and pour buckets of the stuff down on the roots if necessary. Approx how much salt am I going to need and how long do I need to keep dousing it to see this tree dead? Tree is approx. 20 foot tall and 10 years old.
Depending where you are, this could open a whole can of legal worms for you. I’d avoid addressing this issue like this and simply talk to your neighbor. 6 months ago
I suggest you check local laws. Tree law is famous for judgements in the hundreds of thousands, so don’t go killing your neighbour’s tree without checking your local laws first.
Where I life, if your tree causes damage to your neighbour’s property then you are responsible for it. Your local laws may be similar, rather than getting yourself a massive financial bill you could instead try to get your neighbour to pay for the damage.
Since they are your neighbour, I’d suggest a conversation with them first about the damage, which they might not know about. Read up on who is liable before the conversation.