- Comment on Italy to require VPN and DNS providers to block pirated content 2 weeks ago:
Don’t even have to go that far, just change your DNS to a non-Australian one. Anything that turns up from a “top 10 dns providers” search works.
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 5 months ago:
I’m red-green colourblind(Deuteranopia) and often think this exact thing, how the reality I perceive is different from others purely due to this.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 6 months ago:
Thats why I said to speak to a GP or psych. In Australia, the GP is first line for diagnosis who then refers you on to psychologist or psychiatrist. I’m just suggesting that based on what OP said, RSD could be a possibility and they should see a doctor for help if they are serious about improving their mental health etc.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 6 months ago:
I don’t know about illusory hearing as related to RSD but I do know that I had similar issues most of my life.
I used to think people were looking at me, talking about me and sometimes thought that they could hear/guess my thoughts. Started when I was a kid. Found out it was ASD-1 and a brain tumor causing alot of the issues.
And the only way I found out about that was by going to the doctor. I really do recommend speaking to a doctor about these issues and you might be surprised with what they find and how much better you feel once you can get the right therapy.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 6 months ago:
If you are neurodivergent, it might be worth looking into Rejection sensitive dysphoria and Social phobia.
It may feel like others are judging/bad talking you but that may not be the case.
Speak to a GP or psychologist, they can help with these types of issues.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Black and White. I miss good god games. Most these days seem like they are just casual, mobile style games.
Splinter Cell. Or a similar tactical stealth shooter. Except made by anyone other than Ubishit
- Comment on How come it seems for the past decades the Catholic Church has been plagued with sex crimes especially among young boys? How long has this been going on? Or did I just miss something up. 6 months ago:
Records from the 11th century but almost certainly longer.
- Comment on How to Escape From the Iron Age? 10 months ago:
Rio Tinto is moving to solar here in Australia for its aluminum refining and smelting operations. Would be good if the same could be done for steel too.
- Comment on How common is smoking in Australia? 1 year ago:
Couldn’t say, sorry mate. I’m pretty sure you need a doctor’s script for nicotine vapes these days(I think they have been classified as nicotine replacement therapy).
Most of my friends are buying liter bottles of concentrate off the net(not sure about legality of this) and filling their own carts. I don’t smoke or vape.
- Comment on How common is smoking in Australia? 1 year ago:
Australia had similar campaigns and decreases. We were the first to bring in plain packaging laws.
There are still people smoking but the price of a pack of cigarettes is astronomical($55-60) compared to 10 years ago and alot of smokers I know are moving to vaping.
The black-market for cigarettes is getting bigger too due to prices.
- Comment on Windows 11 scores dead last in gaming performance tests against 3 Linux gaming distros 1 year ago:
I’ve got >500hours in Timberborn on Ubuntu. Runs flawlessly and never had an issue.
- Comment on Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates 1 year ago:
This site has a good comparison:
- Comment on What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps with Less Than 1 Million Downloads and 4+ Star Ratings? 1 year ago:
Looks interesting. I’ll check it out.
How easily/quickly are plants identified on it? Leafsnap usually only takes a minute or so and has id’ed around 90% of what I’ve thrown at it.
But I do like the idea of tracking more than just plants and contributing to data gathering for science.
- Comment on What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps with Less Than 1 Million Downloads and 4+ Star Ratings? 1 year ago:
Leafsnap - an excellent plant identification app. Can id from a photo of a flower, leaf or bark.
- Comment on Auto execs are coming clean: EVs aren't working 1 year ago:
They are also trying out old-school sail ships
- Comment on FCC to propose a minimum 100mbps to qualify as broadband, with a future goal of 1gbps 1 year ago:
Yeah I’d love to have anything near 100Mbps. Currently get 12Mbps on a good day, usually around 6Mbps. This is after spending thousands of dollars to upgrade the connection last year. Australian internet is fucked.