- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 day ago:
Why bother with gas if resources aren’t an issue? Something savagely luxurious about cooking over wood. Primal but decadent.
- Comment on Why am I getting gore on my racism app? 1 day ago:
I’m just happy ig is letting porn through. Cooters and hooters out and about is an indicator of a healthy social media environment
- Comment on Common Ground 4 days ago:
Why in the fuck would I agree to give you people a second chance? Yall openly voted for the racist, criminally convicted sex offender. Fuck you, fuck your farm, and fuck your entire colonist bloodline.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
The stock market holds value because people believe it holds value. There is nothing actually backing any of that up. We dumb monkies just like watching number go up and will ensure number goes up at all costs. It’s how capitalism works.
- Comment on horizontal boogie 1 week ago:
Did you censor psilocybin like a fuckin nonce?
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 1 week ago:
Saw something like this at a coffee truck once, but the lady in the truck was kind enough to be gorgeous and wearing lingerie. I assume the tip at that place is some kind of incentive for a dance? Idk. But 100% tip on a $7 drink is halfway reasonable when you might see some tiddy for it.
- Comment on Good for Franklin 2 weeks ago:
What the dog do
- Comment on If you can find the oil filter, I'll give you a quarter. If you can get it out after the lube tech tightened it to 325 lbft, I'll give you sixty bucks. 3 weeks ago:
If you’re too sissy to use a screwdriver, you can always use a punch. Those are the true bottoms of the tool chest, made to be used hard and put away filthy.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
Vermintide 2 dlc where Saltzpyre gets a piglet as a hat. Best goddamn $5 I’ve ever spent on dlc. His little legs and his but wiggle around when you move and ofc the purity seals are on point.
Also way back in DCUO when fire tank was busted AF I kept summoning fireballs that I would then Chuck into my buddy trying his best to actually complete whatever task we were doing.
Also Also max difficulty helldivers 2 against the robots on Mavelon Creek. It was a struggle to survive ore than 10 seconds put of the drop pod and it was some of the funniest shit I’ve ever played.
- Comment on What do you create? 3 months ago:
As a welder, I create a ton of shit. Today, I created a new handle for a lathe, cut off the old one, and bolted on my part so the lathe functions (mostly).
- Comment on a peaceful place 3 months ago:
I still miss the frito burrito. It was so good and it was like a dollar. The chips in the new “double beef” whatever $4 nonsense are always stale.
- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 3 months ago:
Yes and no. The gravity of the sun will attract the rocket, but there are other things out in space besides the sun.
The problem then is other planets will start whipping the garbage rocket around who knows where. Could even come back around and smash into earth. Same problem with the sun, actually. It’s quite hard to hit something that’s that big when we’re this far away. If you miss even a fraction of a decimal of a degree, the trash rocket will swing around and you’re back to planetary hot potato.
It’s easier to sling the rocket past the south or north pole at a right angle to the solar plane. Up or down it’ll either keep going till it’s another suns problem or it joins the Oort cloud, which is kinda like a giant trash dump for everything that didn’t make it into our solar system when the sun formed.
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 3 months ago:
Fuck that dumb ocean centipede. Robin Williams is worth 20 ocean centipedes easy
- Comment on I'll share a troubling fact with you if you share one with me 4 months ago:
You gotta fight the dick stuff with dick stuff. At least I know where my dick stuff has been
- Comment on Half as Hot 4 months ago:
308.15K is not half of 343.15K
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
This is what vegans want. They want to take your virile bloodsucking proboscus and replace it with a limp dick fruit licker.
(Small /s)
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 4 months ago:
Nah. From Nintendo’s position, you don’t “own” the game. They do. All you bought is a license to play the game on a Nintendo approved console. By ripping the game from the switch dump, you are violating the license you bought by copying their software without permission.
From a practical perspective, fuckem. Your paid money to play the game and if you decide to play it on something else you own, go nuts.
- Comment on The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that? 4 months ago:
Just had a talk about this exact topic in an interviewer today. Talked about how a growing number of companies on my resume no longer exist, and the guy interviewing me said he had the same thing. It’s a rough business world we live in. I’m not gonna hold the number of jobs a person has had against them. In fact, it speaks of experience. Not deep, but certainly wide.
- Comment on An out-of-warranty battery almost left this paralyzed man’s exoskeleton useless 5 months ago:
Usually, you’re right. But having the actual machine is only half the problem.
Last place I was at we had this big beautiful ride along mill that was just magnificent. Between the attachments and tooling we had, it was capable of producing any part of itself down to the last nuts and bolts. With the right know how and materials, it was capable of self replication.
We torched it for scrap. Not me, as a dumb dumb welder, but the business. There was nobody we could find with any combination of a) space to put it, b) ability to pay for it, and c) know how to run it. Best we ever managed was two of the three, and since there was no money in it for the business, they elected to cut it down for scrap value. Got one of the best t-tables I’ve ever had to weld on out of the deal, but it was still a travesty.
So yes, while the machines work fine, it’s hard to find people with the skills to run them effectively, the space to actually house the machine, and the spare cash required buy and maintain it.
- Comment on An out-of-warranty battery almost left this paralyzed man’s exoskeleton useless 5 months ago:
I remember learning about this back when I took a smog certification class back in community College. Learned the only computer approved to run the modern smog diagnostic stuff is from 1986 and it’s made by like one company to this day.
Add onto that all the dinosaur lathes and welding machines I’ve seen over my career and I wouldn’t be surprised seeing a commodore running the dmv database for the entire state at this point.
- Comment on Ubisoft Cancels Press Previews of Assassin's Creed Shadows 5 months ago:
You can’t argue that 40k panders to the LGBT crowd because fuckin obviously if you’ve ever even looked at a 40k title, but you also can’t really argue that 40k isn’t at least a little sexual.
You got ratlings, pretty much everything slaanesh, aeldari waifus, and the entire Ciaphas Cain series. And while yeah, you don’t exactly get steamy love triangles in mainline 40k lore, you also have callidus assassin’s and sisters of silence popping up all the damn time. Sex isn’t the focus (mostly. Looking at you ciaphas) but it’s certainly present in the setting.
- Comment on What a prompt 5 months ago:
Bro the last 2 “books” are so unbearably horny I barely finished them. I couldn’t finish the newest Cinder Spires book he put out for exactly the same reason. Jim was on such a good run doing awesome shit between Changes and Skin Game, but I guess losing his dog and then his marriage really pushed him into a return to horny.
- Comment on What a prompt 5 months ago:
Hasn’t been anything “recent” for me. Check out the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. My favorite depiction of “fae” in a modern setting. Yeah, you still have dew drop fairies and gnomes and shit but you also have giant fuckass murder ogres and insane kelpies and war unicorns.
The second Hellboy movie also did a great job bringing that sort of grimdark feel to the fae lore imo.
- Comment on What a prompt 5 months ago:
Goblins ain’t got shit on Nuckelavee. Or redcap for that matter. Little bastards murder lone travelers and dye their eponymous hats in the blood of their victims.
- Comment on What a prompt 5 months ago:
I always like the analogy of man’s relationship with an ant is how it would be with a fae or elder species and man.
Like if an ant managed to attract the attention of a human and requested it kill a specific ant, the human would respond by simply killing the entire colony as they can’t distinguish one individual ant from another.
That’s what the fae do.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
So toasting a sammich is cooking, but making the sammich isn’t?
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
Lolol really? Taking into account the whole life cycle? Did they factor in how long it’s going to take to decontaminate, say, Chernobyl? That’s unfair, because that was an accident. How about Lake Karachay?
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
It’s worse than stumbling into a mine. Look up RTGs. They’re nuclear batteries that have half lives of ~90 years that the USSR loved to sprinkle all over the woods when they couldn’t be assed to maintain their own infrastructure for more than a few years. They were largely abandoned during the collapse, but hunters and scavengers still find these things and even drag them back to the village from time to time. Kills a few dumb villagers pretty bad every time it happens. There are more than 1000 of these things still out there, mostly unaccounted, and very few if any even have warning signs, let alone high security like a fence.
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
You’re glazing over a LOT of R&D accidents, not to mention the infrastructure that supports and facilitates nuclear power generation.
Yeah, the actual power generation plant is relatively small compared to a wind farm or solar plant, but you’re skipping the nuclear material refinement centers, the environmental challenges and risks posed by transportation and storage of nuclear material, and completely ignoring the storage of spent radioactive materials. Yucca mountain nuclear waste facility was constructed for a reason.
I’m all for nuclear power, but you need to get into the gritty if you’re going to make a good faith attempt at comparing it to other methods of power production. The entire process of producing fissionable materials is extremely expensive, power intensive, and uses incredibly toxic chemistry to get it done.
Fusion looks great on paper, but we’re still having a hell of a time figuring out how to capture energy from reactions that last millionths of a second.
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
I see you’ve watched a single special on Netflix and consider yourself an expert on the matter. Good for you.
As a welder who has actually fabricated parts for nuclear reactors, you don’t know shit about ass. The core always touches water, that’s how a PWR works. Any void whatsoever in the core would displace the water that acts as a moderator and instantly shut down any reaction.