From the outside… I hope that the US is not as bad as it looks.
Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago
It really depends on how misogynistic and racist American voters are. 6 months ago 6 months ago
From the outside - I read a comment about a " possible second black president" and it took me a minute to figure out they were talking about Harris
If I do more than a few hours gardening in summer I’m darker-skinned than her 😂
Why are they so obsessed with someone’s…hue?!? 6 months ago
It’s about African ethnicity more than albedo per se. GOP also-ran Vivek Ramaswamy is about the same hue as Obama but it’s less of an issue for him. Quite a bit of US racism lingers from the Jim Crow era and even the Civil War. Most African-Americans are literally descended from slaves and are still seen by some as something like escapees. Obama himself didn’t have that in his ancestry (his father came to the US from Kenya, which didn’t “count”) and that helped him, I think, though of course he was still subject to racism. Basically there is a chunk of the US that misses the plantation system and wants it back. 6 months ago
If I do more than a few hours gardening in summer I’m darker-skinned than her 😂
This is your privilege talking. Because if someone targets you for your skin color, all you need to do is stay in the shade for a couple of weeks. “Lol!”
But more to the point, you’re right. Unfortunately, American politicians have a history of not liking non-whites in positions of power. Under Obama, the GOP shut down the government twice, and the famous “you lie!” was uttered to him by a Republican during an official act - something that has never happened before. All because he was black. 6 months ago
I will never forget that clip during the Obama vs. McCain race where a woman says Obama can’t be trusted because “he’s an arab” 6 months ago
I’ve lived in the U.S. for more than 20 years. I’m “Mexican from South America” like many Trumpists would call me.
It’s not as bad as it looks. 6 months ago
I’m so tired of hearing this about America, we have one of the most diverse countries in the world. I understand the narrative that the media shows the world, the most horrendous of Americans (which are the smallest groups) get a totally disproportionate amount of media time because of their awful actions. A majority of the population tries to be decent human beings, of course bias exists subconsciously and people aren’t aware of it.
I am in the SE region of the US, which everyone loves generalizing as the most ignorant and racist area. I have seen true racist when I was delivering pizzas and my coworkers were black, it was horrendous. I can assure you the racists are a minority and a shrinking one at that. Not only that but it is exceedingly rare that they are under 50 years. Not only both of those things but both millennials and gen Z call out that shit immediately.
It really starts to wear on you when you actively try to fight these things and everyone still only sees your country as full of racists. Yes they exist but it is a shrinking minority. 6 months ago
We don’t like because she’s a piece of shit cop, not because of her gender or her race
Unpacking Kamala Harris’s Record on Trans and Sex Work Issues - From denying affirming healthcare to a trans inmate to barring forums sex workers used to protect themselves, the former “top cop” has a concerning record of endangering our community’s most marginalized members.…/kamala-harriss-record-on-trans-and-sex-…
Kamala Harris is a complicated choice for some LGBTQ+ people…/kamala-harris-complicated-lgbtq-ch…
Kamala Harris Takes ‘Responsibility’ for Opposing Trans Surgeries…/kamala-harris-takes-responsibility-oppo…
She kept prisoners past their parole or release dates so the prisons wouldnt lose the labor 6 months ago
So is the conclusion from that that LGBTQ people would rather vote for Trump? I don’t get why this would be a reason for them to not support the democrats 6 months ago
It’s like if you have a choice of getting tickled for an hour or getting shot in the chest, and you talk about how much you dislike being tickled. 6 months ago
bro, getting tickled for an hour is very uncomfortable. Maybe If I get shot in the chest, my options next time will be I live a long life without a shot to the chest? 6 months ago
Joe Biden was one of that main sponsors on making harsher drug sentences in the 1980’s and yet he changed, and so can she. 6 months ago
Leopards don’t change their spots 6 months ago
Weird, because Biden publicly and through action changed his views on those very same prison sentences.
But sure, let’s shine a flashlight and the least dangerous candidate and ignore the party actively trying to delete queerness 6 months ago
Enjoy your downvotes comrade 6 months ago
Don’t care about downvotes, like liberals don’t care about a democrats past. And they wonder how they suddenly turn to shit. 6 months ago
Numerous accounts have discredited the official US bullshit about Tiananmen Square and the fake Uyghur Genocide.
Lmao you actually said this 6 months ago
Ah, that’s a liberal problem so conservatives must care so much about their candidate’s past huh? So what you’re suggesting is they vote for Trump because he is a racist, rapist and fraud?
I bet you still shit in diapers since people are incapable of changing lmao 6 months ago
That may work in Harris’s favor. She is a woman and she isnt white…
Now I know theres minorities and women who do vote red but if you look at the population based on percentages white men are only 31% of the population, White women 30%, 12% black, 18% Hispanic. If she pulls white women, and the POC (not to mention the LGBT+ vote) she could absolutely walk it in. She just needs to convince those people to get up off their asses and vote in record numbers. 6 months ago
What about her policies though? Being more than one step away from the grave is great, but would she actually make sensible decisions? 6 months ago
Lets be real, once you get past the people who have already picked their team and will justify any decision their party makes how many Americans are legitimately informed enough for it to be relevant to their decision making about more than 1 issue?
The question is “Does she have a chance?” She definitely has a chance because of her optics alone, it will take policies and some pretty ambitious promises to seal the deal. 6 months ago
I’m afraid I have some bad news… 6 months ago
Checks notes… yep, it’s terminal. 6 months ago
This kind of thinking is exactly the reason why Trump got elected in the first place. 6 months ago
We voted for Obama twice, and Hillary won the popular vote. 6 months ago
Moot point because winning the popular vote is just as meaningless today as it was then 6 months ago
It is not a moot point, since it was offered as evidence of who this electorate are. No one said Hilary became president.