- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 days ago:
I love the “but it pays for schools” argument, like how about we drop 3 less bombs per year and just pay for all the schools out of the existing tax pool like it should be.
- Comment on fck yea 4 weeks ago:
Quantitative analysis flashbacks form this, I learned the fastest way to figure out how much reactant you need to figure out the tipping point of the ph was to just run quickly adding large jumps of aloquates on the first attempt ,let it turn dark, then on the next one go ahead and add a safe amount of reactant I found from the first attempt then go super slow with the drip rate after. Was pretty consistently one of the first to leave lab
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 deserves better than these awful WizKids miniatures that look like they’d melt on a mildly temperate afternoon 5 months ago:
The tone of this writing is bizarre, even for satire
- Comment on Boeing offers staff 25% pay hike in bid to avoid strike 5 months ago:
Won’t even outpace inflation at that rate nor does it fix the past 4 years of hyper inflation. Just as tone deaf as you’d expect from a company that cannot produce reliable air travel after being able to provide it for decades before.
- Comment on Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities 6 months ago:
Other comments hit on this but I’ll add a little more. There is a good bit of trolls/trolling, some extreme views, and authoritarian government praise. Things like that. (my instance) is still federated so I see hexbear post/ comments. It’s definitely a more problematic instance imo.
- Comment on Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities 6 months ago:
. world is defederated with hexbear iirc
- Comment on 8 Minutes 6 months ago:
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
Team aluminum all the way. A higher up where I work is obsessed with stainless steel, he gets these monstrous heavy duty tables made out of SS that hold objects 1/3 of their weight. Makes lab rearranging a nightmare lol.
- Comment on Baldurs Gate 3 devs tease future non-D&D games, say morale is “super high”: “we're doing our own thing again" 6 months ago:
I wish articles would just call them Larian studios instead of BG3 devs.
- Comment on No Carl 6 months ago:
Fucking terrifying form of life, I remember seeing this on Animal Planet as a kid. The whole cycle is fascinating, thank god it doesn’t fuck with the birds brains. Can you imagine a parasite trying to pilot an avian? Reiteration: fucking terrifying.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I’m so tired of hearing this about America, we have one of the most diverse countries in the world. I understand the narrative that the media shows the world, the most horrendous of Americans (which are the smallest groups) get a totally disproportionate amount of media time because of their awful actions. A majority of the population tries to be decent human beings, of course bias exists subconsciously and people aren’t aware of it.
I am in the SE region of the US, which everyone loves generalizing as the most ignorant and racist area. I have seen true racist when I was delivering pizzas and my coworkers were black, it was horrendous. I can assure you the racists are a minority and a shrinking one at that. Not only that but it is exceedingly rare that they are under 50 years. Not only both of those things but both millennials and gen Z call out that shit immediately.
It really starts to wear on you when you actively try to fight these things and everyone still only sees your country as full of racists. Yes they exist but it is a shrinking minority.
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 7 months ago:
Nah companies who have this way of thinking should go out of business instead.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
I’m not sure what the future holds in regards to whether they will try to pursue this again or not, I certainly hope they won’t. This information doesn’t change anything that is going on right now.
Here is the reason I posted it, I think it will help: There were people online saying that Valve may be the ones who delisted HD2 to protect themselves legally, instead of sony being the one’s who delisted it. This is primary source evidence that it was in fact Sony who delisted it, not Valve.
We can try to draw conclusions from it and I think it is very strange that Sony hasn’t re-enabled purchasing in these countries now that the PSN requirement has dropped, companies typically try to sell products to as wide of an audience as possible.
I know that doesn’t directly answer your question but unfortunately I think only time will tell.
Up until this point I personally haven’t seen Valve or Steam make direct comments as to who exactly made this choice. I may have just missed it but I always look for something directly from the company. I also don’t have knowledge on how steam pushes changes, I think if you have intimate knowledge on that it was obvious? This is also just pulled from a post on Reddit, so it could also be 100% bullshit. To me though this was the first thing I saw that allowed me to start forming an opinion to your above question, without giving Sony the benefit of the doubt. I hate to give that to Sony because I hate what Sony did, but for arguments sake I personally don’t ignore things like that.
These are my reasons for sharing.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
Sure man, this post confirms what you are saying so I’m honestly not sure what you are after. If anything it’s squashing disinformation that bothers you. Regardless I’m not going to entertain your replies further.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
Nope that’s why I used the phrases “the idea was” and “speculated”
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
So this article states " Sony delisted it" with no references to official announcements. I personally have been waiting on something directly from steam or Sony and to me the steam response satisfies this enough.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
The idea was that the weekend of the review bombing AH and Sony weren’t communicating a lot/ didn’t have a plan for countries where the game was already sold but could no longer be played.
So it was speculated that Valve might have pulled sales because they wanted to protect themselves from any legal repercussions, while all the dust settled. At the very least it would look like they tried to do something if it ever went to court.
It made sense to me but I live in the US. If you break into someones house here and hurt yourself, the homeowner is liable legally even though the criminal was breaking and entering into the homeowners home. The country is so sue happy that many companies are very proactive on legal matters.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
The idea was that the weekend of the review bombing AH and Sony weren’t communicating a lot/ didn’t have a plan for countries where the game was already sold but could no longer be played.
So it was speculated that Valve might have pulled sales because they wanted to protect themselves from any legal repercussions, while all the dust settled. At the very least it would look like they tried to do something if it ever went to court.
It made sense to me but I live in the US. If you break into someones house here and hurt yourself, the homeowner is liable legally even though the criminal was breaking and entering into the homeowners home. The country is so sue happy that many companies are very proactive on legal matters.
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
The steamdb change doesn’t list the reason why, doesn’t confirm if it was a push on Sony’s or Valve’s end just that a change occurred
- Comment on Sony Confirmed To Be Behind HD2 Delisting Of 180 Countries, Not Valve 9 months ago:
There was a lot of speculation and no confirmation, this is confirmation
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 42 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Fuck EA of course but that AI pic is horrible. The fuck does a U-shaped Ferrari sitting in front of an Obama campaign billboard have to do with EA putting ads in games?
- Comment on Which one? 9 months ago:
The stick, it has hand guards!
- Comment on 2024-05-06 downtime 9 months ago:
Thanks for the update, even with that little downage .ee is insanely stable!
- Comment on Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries 10 months ago:
Yeah I’ve not seen them address the delisting anywhere yet, if you have a link or anything please add it I’m trying to stay as updated as possible on this.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has received 100,000 negative reviews since announcing players must link Steam to a PSN account 10 months ago:
Doesn’t include a launcher you just link your account, that said I personally refuse purely on moral grounds. People in many countries cannot play because PSN straight up doesn’t support their country.
Also their reasons are lies, I am tired of being lied to and told it’s not a big deal. Sure signing up for a Psn is easy and free, but I am tired of being forced to do things as a consumer that I’m told is for my benefit when in reality it is solely for the publisher.
The official reason they want it is because supposedly it helps them ban problematic players, which I don’t understand the need for in this game in the first place. Secondly they can already do this through steam. Look up discord screenshots from the Arrowhead community manager by the Discord name spitz. You’ll see company responses, I’m too lazy to add them today.
Here is the real reason sony wants this. Tech companies use account metrics for shareholder presentation to show growth. “Sony added 330 million new PSN accounts in 2024 alone, and had 6 billion more transactions on the PlayStation network in 2024” this is a fictional example of how they can spin this crap. Dipshit investors aren’t going to understand the underlying reason why this spike happened and Sony will elaborate as little as possible. This could lead to massive growth in sony stock, at the very least it looks good. This is the only real reason sony is so interested, it has nothing to do with security or moderation and everything to do with internal growth metrics of corpo pigs. That’s my take at least.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries 10 months ago:
To be fair there is a lot of speculation that this is actually entirely from steam’s side not sony or arrowhead. Nothing is confirmed of course but the thought is that steam is throwing the kill switch on selling in these countries right now because obviously the publisher hadn’t thought this out and just straight up doesn’t have a plan for it. Valve may be doing this to put extra pressure on the situation drying up sales a little prematurely and more importantly to protect Valve from legal repercussions. Again this is entirely speculation but it makes a lot of sense, Arrowhead and Sony have been pretty quiet.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Yeah strongly agree on companies just using AI as a buzzword to make investors excited. Tech companies that aren’t throwing AI in things have a higher chance of their stock price stagnating
- Comment on Why AI is going to be a shitshow. 10 months ago:
Skin color is irrelevant when trying to validate information. OP thought information may not be correct and tries to fact check via third party means. Found out THEY were wrong, admit it verbatim in the post, and then tells a story on AI censorship. I would advocate for anyone to validate any information from any private accounts before blindly accepting information to be accurate, especially if you are only doing so because you think someone’s skin color makes their information more or less valid.
- Comment on Welcome to the Golden Age of User Hostility 10 months ago:
Bought an LG A2 OLED, I have never hooked it up to the Internet and I love it. I don’t use any smart functionality just a PC