- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 4 months ago:
I’m using Firefox as my only browser. If everything works in Firefox that’s fine for me.
That’s the best advantage of only making websites / web applications for fun (for friend groups, video games, family etc)
- Comment on This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little. The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates. 4 months ago:
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 4 months ago:
Ah ty
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 4 months ago:
Can we start calling it Bluesky?
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 4 months ago:
What’s up with his daughter? Did she decide to switch name because he gave her a stupid one?
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 4 months ago:
Meta probably is the hardest one given that in many influencal countries WhatsApp is the app everyone uses for communication
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
Oh right in the USA there are mostly automatic cars
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
- Comment on Intergalactic Planatary 5 months ago:
Is the planet special or is it a bait headline?
- Comment on Cars Are Now Rolling Computers Now. So What Happens When They Stop Getting Updates? 6 months ago:
Are these buttons in a room with us right now
Give me my buttons back
- Comment on Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal 7 months ago:
We still have Lemmy
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
So is the conclusion from that that LGBTQ people would rather vote for Trump? I don’t get why this would be a reason for them to not support the democrats
- Comment on Breaking News 7 months ago:
Where do you see a W?
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 7 months ago:
AWD often is the difference of if you have to put on chains to keep going upwards or not. Downwards you’ll need them anyway.
Never had to use chains? Not getting any snow? It’s not very useful then.
- Comment on Never give up 7 months ago:
Good that they didn’t change their mind. If they had, you’d have been in trouble because your sources said otherwise.
- Comment on If I had a time machine I'd rather go back to the beginning of my vacation and live in that loop 7 months ago:
WW2 was bound to happen anyway. It wasn’t about a party, it was about everyone in Germany and Austria being extremely unhappy with the dictated treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain. It only was a matter of time.
- Comment on If I had a time machine I'd rather go back to the beginning of my vacation and live in that loop 7 months ago:
WW2 was already bound to happen after the treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain. Hitler also didn’t found the NSDAP or invent antisemitism. We of course don’t know what would have happened without him, but the near future after WW1 wouldn’t have been bright either.
- Comment on History is written by the victors 7 months ago:
In Austria and Germany at least we’re extremely critically viewing our history. It’s not “look at how good we are” but at “look at what we have to prevent from happening again” - and that’s for most topics, not only national socialism.
- Comment on Adopting a stray cat 7 months ago:
Most non native speakers just use whatever form they get to know first
- Comment on Adopting a stray cat 7 months ago:
Depends on in which part of the world this happened
- Comment on every company right now 7 months ago:
Can’t wait for Xx_MinecraftPvPer_xX_AI
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 7 months ago:
Ty. So the question for its rightful name simply depends on whether you give it to the one who discovered it or the one who isolated it, interesting.
I’ll skip that discussion and just say Natrium sounds better
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 7 months ago:
It’s Na from Natrium (I have no idea why you even call it Sodium in English)
- Comment on Measurements 7 months ago:
As someone who isnt from the… I think two or three? countries in this world that still use the imperial system standard is metric for me. So yes, if someone means the US customary system and isn’t in the USA they shouldn’t say standard or they’ll confuse people
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
For the money you save by buying similarly good hardware that isn’t from apple you can pay someone to install an OS
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
MacOS has different flaws but has major flaws nonetheless. Linux is the one that truly lets you own your computer, you decide everything.
- Comment on Just checking in 8 months ago:
The new Diogenes. Make it real.
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
The only issue I see is that they make a new Chinese equivalent for GitHub where they can censor code easier (or was GitHub already blocked?), but they already censor everything anyway so there’s probably effectively no change.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
About completely uncensored content: The fun part is that anyone who actually wants that can have that, I’m sure there are instances that federate with anything (or they could make their own “free” instance). And people who don’t want that (probably the majority but I have no data) can simply join moderated instances.
Great article :)
- Comment on Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI' 8 months ago:
As someone who tried macOS and really didn’t like it I still have to say that you’re overreacting. It is worth using if you want everything to look good while never ever configuring anything yourself (many things can’t be changed), and if you want all your devices to work together without any setup (requires buying all devices from Apple).
It can’t do anything that other OS can’t. But it does many things out of the box.