“Church leaders counsel against elective medical or surgical intervention for the purpose of attempting to transition to the opposite gender of a person’s birth sex (“sex reassignment”). Leaders advise that taking these actions will be cause for Church membership restrictions.
Leaders also counsel against social transitioning. A social transition includes changing dress or grooming, or changing a name or pronouns, to present oneself as other than his or her birth sex. Leaders advise that those who socially transition will experience some Church membership restrictions for the duration of this transition.
This reminds me very much of the “hate the sin, not the sinner” that never actually happened.
brian@programming.dev 10 months ago
they’re really not, slc has a pretty progressive community but it’s in direct opposition to the mormons. they’re officially accepting of gay people, but as long as they don’t do anything gay. they aren’t ok with trans people who transition at all.
utah also recently passed bathroom laws for all govt controlled buildings and schools and there are ones for colleges in the works.
generally mormons will be nice and accepting if they think they can convert you, but that’s about as far as it goes
advocate.com/…/mormon-leader-lgbtq-advocacy-comes… advocate.com/…/mormon-leader-gender-assigned-birt…