Oh, I can see the down votes already, but I’ll say it, because I feel like it should be said. Personal freedom shouldn’t encroach on others personal freedom. Not everyone wants to see your tits. I know society jokes about everyone loving boobs, but that isn’t really the case. Join civilized society and do the bare minimum when you are in a crowded and public space. When you force your beliefs, spiritual, sexual, or otherwise on to others, you are actually part of the problem you rail against with your personal expression. No one is telling you to be a different person, just wear something that maintains the modesty that is expected in public spaces.
Comment on Woman removed from Delta flight over 'too revealing' clothing, calls for policy change
Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 11 months ago
As a note, I couldn’t find this woman’s Twitter post after a brief look and I did see other sites say she was apparently not wearing a bra.
The woman is also apparently a DJ.
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Ledivin@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Personal freedom shouldn’t encroach on others personal freedom. Not everyone wants to see your tits.
…so stop looking? It’s not like she was wearing a see-through shirt, she just wasn’t wearing a bra. Do you think men should be barred from wearing tightish pants because it creates a visible bulge?
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 11 months ago
They should be banned from wearing transparent pants, like her transparent shirt.
Son_of_dad@lemmy.world 11 months ago
A wet, white underwear is not what she was wearing. A dude wearing basketball shorts was showing more dick than her shirt showed tits, and I see plenty of dudes in basketball shorts on flights
BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 months ago
I remember discussing with my (very conservative, Baptist) Aunt at the beach once that movies showing nudity shouldn’t be rated 17+ or Mature because the human body is natural. Violence, however, is not. She remarked that she didn’t want to see nipples in movies, they made her uncomfortable.
I responded asking if she didn’t have any of her own, and then pointed to the literal thousands of men around us, enjoying the beach with their nipples on full display, even up on the boardwalk, with children everywhere.
So, what’s the difference between a woman’s nipples and a man’s? I’d say they’re made of the same parts, look damn near the same, and was even going to give you the benefit of saying a woman’s are attached to breasts while a man’s aren’t, yet, I’ve seen plenty of breasts on men in our ever-growing obese population.
So, again, what’s the difference? What makes a man’s exposed nipples “modest” for society while a woman’s are considered “encroaching on other’s personal freedom,” as you so eloquently put it?
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 11 months ago
That’s the difference between roadkill and a side of beef? You can have two things that are ostensibly the same, but very different culturally. There are cultural practices that one must adhere to to be a member of society. It sucks that you don’t get to choose where you are born, but if you want tits and no guns, I’d say move to Europe. If you want guns and no tits, America is the place to be. If you want both, try Brazil.
BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 months ago
What’s the difference between roadkill and a side of beef? You can have two things that are ostensibly the same, but very different culturally.
Mmm, one is potentially disease ridden and could kill you since it’s found on the side of the road, while the other is regulated heavily by the government and likely won’t kill you so long as it is cooked properly.
Regardless, neither have anything to do with the fact that a nipple, regardless of gender, does not have the potential to kill you, and the whataboutism is cute but off topic.
So once again, without bringing up things that no one was discussing (like guns, or countries of origin, or in the case of another of your comments, a dick under a pair of transparent and water logged underwear), what is the difference between a man’s nipple and a woman’s? Because you’ve yet to answer my, or anyone’s, question.
Men, hands down, are the more violent and aggressive of a species, and make many people uncomfortable to be around. Do we get to ban men from public spaces because they are encroaching on the personal freedoms of those who are made uncomfortable by them? Or are you just going to respond that those who are uncomfortable around an entire gender need therapy or professional help? Or should they just uproot their entire lives, as you seem to suggest, and move to a country with no men? Oh, they don’t exist? Funny, since the vast majority of people have nipples, and last I checked, a nipple has never raped or killed anyone.
Since you seem to like to take arguments to the extreme or compare them to things like unregulated and regulated meat, what’s your take on that?
someguy3@lemmy.world 11 months ago
You can’t see her tits.
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 11 months ago
In the selfie she took after she covered up and was allowed to fly? Yeah, that’s the point. Before that she was wearing a mesh rave shirt and no bra.
frickineh@lemmy.world 11 months ago
I’m actually with you. I find nudity suuuper uncomfortable, no matter who it is, and I avoid situations where I’m likely to run across it. Like, I’m queer and I generally skip Pride even though it bums me out, because I know there will be all kinds of skin on display. Someone wearing a transparent shirt (regardless of gender, in my case) on a plane would be an issue. It’s not the lack of bra, it’s that the shirt doesn’t really cover anything. I don’t think it’s crazy to say that I don’t want to see anyone’s tits on a flight.
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Thanks for being reasonable and realizing that everyone is different.
BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 months ago
People make the same arguments about non-binary people, you realize that, right? And trans people, and public displays of affection by members of the LGBTQ+ community as a whole.
So by your logic, you’d be completely fine being removed from a flight because someone else, who you aren’t even interacting with, finds your presence uncomfortable?
frickineh@lemmy.world 11 months ago
I’m sorry, are you comparing nudity to people just existing? Those two things are not related and honestly, you can fuck right off trying to act like my discomfort with the former is anything like the latter.
Ceedoestrees@lemmy.world 11 months ago
So if a guy gets an erection, can he be kicked off a flight? Or if there’s a visible bulge? What if it’s cold and I can see a guys nipples through their shirt? If people think the general shape of someone’s body is offensive and sexual, they’re the ones who should be ostracized.
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 11 months ago
If if if if if if if… We can talk circles around each other with hypotheticals all day long, but that isn’t what happened. Delta had a policy that they enforced. They were fair about it, and asked her to cover up. She did, was allowed to fly, and that should have been the end of it. Instead she is making a fuss over it and now it’s news.
Ceedoestrees@lemmy.world 11 months ago
No. we didn’t talk in hypotheticals all day. We can, though. The story is still going because we all have opinions on it, some less boot-licking than others.
Son_of_dad@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Nobody wants to see these frat bros running around shirtless with their polo slung over their shoulder all over the place, but we gotta deal with it. We all have nipples, deal with it. I’ve seen fat old men with bigger tits than her, should they also be forced to wear a bra?
SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world 11 months ago
You could also just not look at her tits.
BradleyUffner@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Not everyone wants to look at your hair. Not everyone wants to look at your mouth.
Should you have to cover those?
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 11 months ago
If it was a societal norm. Jesus Christ you all make some of the worst most paper thin arguments.
hightrix@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Welcome to Lemmy. Where the idiots rule and the comments are always the stupidest thing you’ve read today.
Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 11 months ago
I agree with this… Late to the show, I apologize…
Which is why when DJ Soda was booted from a flight for wearing a shirt that just said “FUCK” like 1,000x and she didn’t want to put on a big sweatshirt over it and complained… I thought that was too silly.
I just imagined my daughter saying “Daddy, what’s f***?”
Just as such… a seethrough shirt with nipples showing is completely unwanted by many people… So is a guy going shirtless on a flight, whether he has an amazing body or is fat. It’s just all so unnecessary and encroaches on everyone’s desire to have an uneventful flight.
SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 11 months ago
@DJettekiwi Here is the post if you are curious.
tigeruppercut@lemmy.zip 11 months ago
OK seriously, how tf does twitter work? I went to her profile and found a post that’s labeled as a reply, but when I click on it there’s no way to see what she’s replying to. Why did anyone ever use such a shitty platform?
PunnyName@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Because the @(name) was the first thing in the tweet, it’s labeled as a reply. Usually people put a period - or other similar punctuation - in front of that, in order to prevent this.
SendMePhotos@lemmy.world 11 months ago
OK, so really it’s because the shirt is fucking see through.
Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 11 months ago
Thank you - I remember looking for this just really quick but I couldn’t find it.
capital@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Weird. Why isn’t it head-on to actually give us a good view of what the supposed problem was?
dhcmrlchtdj__@lemmy.world 11 months ago
I’m curious how that is relevant
Zachariah@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Thank you, but the lack of bra and occupation of DJ was easily inferred since she was flying to San Francisco.
Blamemeta@lemm.ee 11 months ago
That and the 1970s style rose sunglasses.
Methinks she was wearing little boy sized clothes.