- Comment on Realistically, how feasible is it to 100% boycott a massive corporation (such as Amazon) for an extended period of time? 2 days ago:
A lot of the time, asking local businesses what they can do/order for you helps a lot. Just because they don’t have it doesn’t mean they can’t get it. Some local grocers offer delivery services. If you have the time, seed money and patience, you can grow a lot of food in a small amount of space.
My cat has a special diet, too. I asked if I could use pet food from an independent brand - since it was a food allergy, just a matter of excluding chicken and grain - and the vet said it was fine.
AWS is harder to avoid, but if you have to use a service, there are other companies who will put the effort in to take part of the pie from amazon.
- Comment on If you want to learn how to work from home make sure you learn from an expert 2 days ago:
And he decided to give up carbs part way through.
- Comment on If you want to learn how to work from home make sure you learn from an expert 3 days ago:
Everything else is understandable. Cat cleaning itself, lots of mugs, sock on the floor - par for the course.
It’s the two thirds of a donut on a fork that got me.
- Comment on Can I consider myself bi or should I just say straight if I want to date women but just can’t find any that attract me? 1 week ago:
Just feel what you feel without putting a label on it. Honestly, the labeling is annoying. I tell folks I’m a person who’s into the people I like. As long as everyone is happy and consenting it shouldn’t matter what you call it.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 2 weeks ago:
Speak for yourself. Gimme that drama free dick.
- Comment on imagine 4 weeks ago:
Finally. FINALLY. My ulcer grows every time I hear someone quote that list of evil things Monsanto does. Even though yes, they are evil.
- Comment on imagine 4 weeks ago:
You getting downvoted for stating what’s factually correct while still disagreeing with it is classic shooting the messenger.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
I’ve dated a few people who seemed progressive, and I’m a woke-ass queer, but names were a sticking point. I have a complicated welsh travesty of a name I would happily trade in for something shorter - so when I got engaged and I didn’t like his name either, and neither did he, I suggested we both pick something new and change our names together. I mean, if it’s no big deal for me to change my name, it shouldn’t be for him either, right? Anyway, I’m single now.
- Comment on Gemini AI tells the user to die — the answer appeared out of nowhere when the user asked Google's Gemini for help with his homework 3 months ago:
The war with AI didn’t start with a gun shot, a bomb or a blow, it started with a Reddit comment.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
I support independent creators of all kinds.
- Comment on Why is waking up when my alarm goes off so difficult and unpleasant yet "sleeping in" does feel good and isn't satisfying? 5 months ago:
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
Vegetables are just fancy nutrients, that’s why I only eat a flavourless calorie paste that contains all my essential vitamins.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
I can’t give medical advice, I mean I can but I won’t. Anyway, I was a professional chef who worked in three very different locations before leaving the pirate kitchen life of sodomy.
What’s affordable is going to depend on where you are, so buy in-season fruits and vegetables. Try different recipes using things you know you can afford and when something clicks for you, write it down. Keep a list of the healthy meals and snacks that are easy for you to make because the hungry brain has no past or future. Aggressively mid foods like beans, peas, potatoes, barley and peanut butter are cheap and no one will care if you steal them.
If you’re a shit cook find some videos and follow along or ask a friend to walk you through some recipes if you have one.
Keep heathy, craving satisfying food on hand. Make a batch of nut balls (nut butter mixed with seeds, dried berries and whatever) and keep them in the freezer. Have lots of different tea on hand if that’s your thing, popcorn is filling and low calorie. My go-tos are: hard boiled egg, or a baked potato, or a bowl of peas. Don’t knock a bowl of peas until you try it after a joint, mixed with coconut oil, salt, pepper and cayenne.
Try smoothies. One of my faves is almond milk, spinach, lime juice, cashew or hemp butter, banana, pinch of salt. Blending up greens is a great way to stuff them in and they’re low calorie by volume. What’s great is I can pre-portion all of those ingredients except the almond milk into containers and freeze them. Then making a smoothie is as simple as dumping the frozen brick in a blender with some liquid.
Grocery store prices can vary by day, sales usually go on before they get in a new order and need to clear the shelves. Figure that out and only buy meat in bulk on sale or wait by the dumpster at night. Make a big batch of something like curry, chili or stew with it and freeze in portions anything you won’t eat in the next few days.
There is no shame in using low-income grocery options to get healthy food you can’t otherwise afford. See if there are any in your area. I have friends on disability who get a box of fresh fruit and vegetables every week, food that’s perfectly good but would otherwise be thrown out because of our high beauty standards for crops.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Sorry about that, it’s the internet. I’m not a doctor, but it was explained to me that proteins from different sources are not all the same and, while I can process protein from a variety of foods, I don’t do it as efficiently as with muscle proteins. The nutritionist I spoke to - who was a vegan and a vegan activist - said people like me need about 1-2 chicken breasts per week. It’s not uncommon, a lot of people who try to go veggie and can’t hack it just go back to meat without trying to figure out why they felt sick and tired. Other people have said it’s genetic based on your ancestors, but I haven’t seen a lot of evidence to support that. Other sources point to evidence you can alter the way your body processes things by following specific diet plans, but I’m not prepared to feel that shitty again to figure it out.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Oh gee I didn’t try eggs or dairy in the months I felt like shit after going veggie, and neither the doctor nor nutritionist suggested that either. You solved all my dietary needs and I can give up meat now after years of trying to figure out the most sustainable diet I can manage.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Where I live the beef is local and cheap. I’m not able to obtain enough protein without meat, as confirmed by a doctor and a nutritionist when I tried to go vegetarian. With food costs so high it’s cheaper to buy cow than anything else, but when I have the money I opt for fish or turkey. I looked into hunting but it’s prohibitively expensive for me with permits, tags, guns, licenses, days off and transportation. I tried fishing for myself as well, but whenever I get time to do it, there are warnings about eating fish in the area. When there aren’t I never catch anything big enough to legally be allowed to keep. I’d like to get chickens if/when local government ever lifts the bylaws preventing it.
- Comment on Woman removed from Delta flight over 'too revealing' clothing, calls for policy change 11 months ago:
No. we didn’t talk in hypotheticals all day. We can, though. The story is still going because we all have opinions on it, some less boot-licking than others.
- Comment on Woman removed from Delta flight over 'too revealing' clothing, calls for policy change 11 months ago:
So if a guy gets an erection, can he be kicked off a flight? Or if there’s a visible bulge? What if it’s cold and I can see a guys nipples through their shirt? If people think the general shape of someone’s body is offensive and sexual, they’re the ones who should be ostracized.
- Comment on 😲😲 1 year ago:
I fucking hate Kaizen. I had to go through it as part of a job placement program and was convinced it was a cult. Like no, I am not going to call “Leaving a reminder for myself” a Gemba. I’m calling it a note because the japanese didn’t fucking invent the idea of writing things down for later.