FO4 was…okay imo. It pales in comparison to NV and 3 imo though.
Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 11 months ago
I’m VERY tempted to buy Fallout 4: Game of the Year edition due to my hype for Fallout: London (which releases in April of this year), but I’m worried of getting burned if it turns out to be a bad/disappointing mod. :/ 11 months ago 11 months ago
As someone who couldn’t tolerate F3/NV because they paled in comparison to 1/2, I actually really enjoyed 4. It lost a lot of the engine jank and felt like a decent FPS with light RPG mechanics, wearing the aesthetics of Fallout. 11 months ago
Imo, FO4 did everything better than FO3, except the plot. But FO3’s plot was already kinda bland to begin with. I mean, back then… It was incredible. But not by today’s standards. 11 months ago
Same boat man. Tough call. 11 months ago
Buy it, don’t play it so you keep play time under 2 hours, refund it if it turns out to be a disappointment, keep it if not! 11 months ago
Or just wait for the reviews, and then the next sale. These Steam sales aren’t one-off special offers, they happen a few times every year. 11 months ago
If you liked FO3 you’ll like 4.
It’s a lot stronger mechanically than 3 or NV - shooting is a lot less janky and the gun customization adds some great emergent quests.
The Boston of FO4 has its moments - a certain duck pond stands out to me in particular - but aside from Nick Valentine the questlines are largely forgettable.
Still, the core game loop is a lot of fun - go here, blow stuff up, scavenge bits to upgrade your stuff.
As a longtime Fallout fan (came for the isometric apocalypse, stayed for the 3D googie architecture) I still put 80 hours into FO4.
It’s a good fuckin’ game. It’s just competing with the legacy of a lot of other great games in the series. 11 months ago
4, for it faults, is a wonderful framework for mods and survival playstyles.
Enjoy! 11 months ago
If you’re still considering it, you can get it for like $10-$15 on GOG. Same price of steam but DRM Free, and it’s almost always onsale.