Hi! You can call me Tadpole. I enjoy maps/geography, sci-fi and speculative fiction, classic and sports cars and motorsports, and retro and retrofuturistic technology from the 70s-90s. Also a racing, role-playing, indie and retro video game connossieur.
I am a certified lurker.
- Comment on The PS2 turns 25 years old today. Crazy, right? Perfect day for revisiting some classics. What are some of your favourite PS2 games? 4 days ago:
Happy birthday!
- Comment on The PS2 turns 25 years old today. Crazy, right? Perfect day for revisiting some classics. What are some of your favourite PS2 games? 5 days ago:
Cars, NFS Hot Pursuit 2 (and Underground 2), Test Drive Unlimited, and The Simpsons Game (and Hit & Run). Mostly racing games lol.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
Also, given how Trump’s been even more incoherent and irrational in this election compared to 2016’s, I’d be surprised if he’s still grounded enough in reality (or even alive) to seek more terms in 2028 - he’s already in his 80s and doesn’t live a healthy lifestyle; he has supercharged billionaire-only medicine, but there’s only so many miracles that medicine can do.
I guess maybe the Republicans would try to keep him as a front for PR (like a puppet president) while hiding the fact that he’s senile from the population, and governing from the shadows. Which I suppose is barely better than direct rule from Trump himself.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
Now I’m curious: if Person A serves two full terms as US president, then Person B (from the same party) runs and chooses A as their vice-president, and then steps down, what would happen? Would A be unable to be picked as B’s Vice President in first place, or would A simply be legally unable to be sworn in as President after B stepped down and the Speaker of the House gets the position instead?
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago:
This was a great review, thank you for sharing. I’ve been meaning to play Fallout 4, but as someone who loved the worldbuilding of New Vegas, the story puts me off.
I really have hoped for a mod that removes the game’s main storyline, so I can either focus on the adventuring/settlement-building aspects (thus turning the game into a sandbox), or combine it with good story mods and basically have them replace FO4’s main questline. The only mod I know that does it is Fallout London. (I really need to figure out how to run it on Linux…)
Do you happen to know or recommend anything that fits with what I’m looking for?
- Comment on Happy 12 million! 5 months ago:
I completely forgot but apparently I joined Lemmy exactly one year ago lol
- Comment on Fallout London - I just can't anymore 5 months ago:
Now I’m honestly kind of glad that I’ve been too lazy/depressed to figure out how to get FOLON to run on Linux. I really hope they fix all this…
- Comment on DuckStation Creator Considers Shutting Down Emulator Amid License Change 5 months ago:
I’m fully out of the loop on what’s going on, but I really hope the emulator doesn’t shut down, I love my PS1 emulation…
- Comment on Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds 6 months ago:
I beat it last week. Amazing game.
Can’t wait to get the DLC and play it!
- Comment on Finally got this after two months of waiting! A bit uncomfortable and heats up easily, but it's still great to have a retro handheld of my own. 6 months ago:
That’s a fair assessment, though I personally believe there should be a distinction between “previous generation” and “retro”. When the PS3 was a current-gen console, the PS2 and PS1 weren’t really seen as retro, just old and outdated.
Then again, I guess it’s a distinction without much of a difference. ^^"
- Comment on Finally got this after two months of waiting! A bit uncomfortable and heats up easily, but it's still great to have a retro handheld of my own. 6 months ago:
It’s a Powkiddy V90!
- Comment on Finally got this after two months of waiting! A bit uncomfortable and heats up easily, but it's still great to have a retro handheld of my own. 6 months ago:
Personally, I consider the cutoff point between Retro and Modern as being when the sixth generation (PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Dreamcast) ended and the seventh (PS3, X360, Wii) began.
I guess I’m a bit weird in this regard, because I did grow up with sixth gen games (I never had a GBA, but I did dabble with GBA emulation at the time) and thus should probably also feel the same way you do, but I remained quite fond of them even as a lot of people moved on to newer consoles and no longer shared my interests. I guess I had an easier time labeling them as retro because it was easier to justify me still liking them as opposed to “being stuck behind the times” or “being too poor to afford the newer games/consoles” like people used to say to me.
- Finally got this after two months of waiting! A bit uncomfortable and heats up easily, but it's still great to have a retro handheld of my ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 20 comments
- Comment on Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port? 8 months ago:
My beloved childhood game Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is much better on the PS2 compared to PC, due to being developed by a different team; having grown up with the PC version, the first time I played the PS2 version it felt like I was playing a remake because it’s almost a completely different game.
- Comment on Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive 9 months ago:
I can try to help. Are you using Linux or Windows? (I admittedly don’t have much experience using git on Windows)
Assuming you use Linux: usually, what I do is create a folder in my Documents directory specifically for handling Git projects (mostly because I like being organized), then open a terminal window there (right-click and press “Open Terminal Here”) or CD to its directory (for example, if it’s in home/<your username>/Documents/Git, run
cd ~/Documents/Git
).Then, go to the github page, click the green Code button, and copy the URL there, which you will use to pull its git repository. Normally, you would then do
git clone <git URL>
, but the instructions say this uses submodules, so you should instead usegit clone --recursive-submodules
. Don’t bother making a specific folder for this project because git automatically does that.Then, make a folder inside the cloned git folder for containing the compiled build of the project (name it, say, “build”), and run
cmake …
(you may have to install this package first depending on if your distribution includes it or not) and thencmake --build
. I think it then should be done. - Comment on The PlayStation 2 10 months ago:
I played with my PS2 quite a lot when I was young, particularly because it had a much better version of a game I grew up with (NFS Hot Pursuit 2); it then introduced me to other games I quite liked, such as Test Drive Unlimited.
It sadly broke sometime around early 2018 because I didn’t take good care of it. Now I emulate it but still wish my console worked.
- Comment on Louisiana lawmakers vote to remove lunch breaks for child workers, cut unemployment benefits 10 months ago:
These guys just… wake up and think to themselves “what is the most comically evil cartoon villain thing I can do to hurt others today?”. Surreal.
- Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 11 months ago:
I’m VERY tempted to buy Fallout 4: Game of the Year edition due to my hype for Fallout: London (which releases in April of this year), but I’m worried of getting burned if it turns out to be a bad/disappointing mod. :/
- Comment on I wonder how much of youtube content is hardcoded sponsor ads. 1 year ago:
Does SponsorBlock work with Invidious and LibRedirect in general?
- Comment on Someone needs help 1 year ago:
Honestly, most of the people in places like that are people who already found their way out, and now just want to shoot the shit with other people who understand what they’ve been through.
At least in my experience, that wasn’t the case at all. I used to hang out in communities like that back in the late 2010s, and me as well as multiple folks were people who still hadn’t managed to shake off their abusive narcissistic parents and needed an emotional support group. While yes, there were also multiple people who already had shaken off their N-parents, they certainly weren’t the only group and there were still many who either were still stuck living with them, or people who were living on their own but were still dependent on their parents in some way or otherwise forced to see them once in a while. And a nice chunk of the people who did manage to go low- or no-contact with their abusive parents still gave the emotional support for those of us who didn’t have the means to do so.
Telling someone to seek professional help instead feels like such a slap in the face for people in such a situation because, for the most part, they literally can’t - at best, it’s simply because they’re completely financially dependent on their parents and can’t afford a therapist (and it might be resolvable if they get enough donations to afford checkups and their parents are the neglectful variety and don’t really care about that), but at worst (and it’s almost always at worst) they’re control freaks who believe therapy is a scam and you wanting to do it instead of “praying the depression away” means you’re not religious enough, or they would see it as an affront due to the implication of their child being traumatized by them and get furious and punish them, or be insulted/freaked out by them receiving money from strangers online and cut their entire access to the internet altogether. It’s simply not an option. So having an online emotional support group they don’t need to cough up money for is simply the next best bet for many, and while it won’t solve the problem, it’ll at least make it manageable. I know it did for me.
- Comment on The Minecraft wiki has been moved from Fandom to 1 year ago:
I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers. I wasn’t very thrilled about the change…