- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
I agree, though Daily appears to be much better. For the sable release I see it like GIMP to Photoshop
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
Not officially, but there are some github projects which help with it
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
Export it as a fusion file (*.f3d), you can reopen the file in Fusion and you won’t loose anything
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
There is cad plugins for blender. That said try FreeCAD again with the next major release. From the looks of FreeCAD daily, it’s really improved
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
I’ve personally switched over to FreeCAD, because of Autodesk signin policy (not this one, fusion kept signing me out forcing me to keep having to log back in). I am excitingly waiting for the next major FreeCAD release since the daily builds are looking extremely promising.
- Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 60 comments
- Comment on What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments 6 months ago:
Booting up Mario Kart DS and seeing 3D on a portable game system. For years it was 2d portables, 3D consoles. But now both had 3D. My mind would have exploded if I ever saw the steam deck or switch.
- Comment on My experience with eBay Buyer Protection 7 months ago:
Na, learnt that lesson along time ago when my Dad was trying to help me and got my account banned.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
Orchestral my pick is Journey, with Uncharted as a close second
Actiony my pick is Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game. Love the band.
Retro - Chrono Trigger/Spyro 1-3/Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald.
- Comment on My experience with eBay Buyer Protection 7 months ago:
This ^
Use to sell on eBay for years, and remember a time when we shipped a Scuzzy drive to Australia only to find ourselves in eBay court. Thankfully we kept receipts and won. But as a seller you need to be extremely cautious with what you list.
I don’t like eBay but for other reasons like 3d printed model resellers who rip models and pictures from thingiverse and sells it like its theres. Even if the model is under a noncommercial license.
- Comment on My experience with eBay Buyer Protection 7 months ago:
It tracks it but since eBay uses the term “used” for all the category its hard to tell the difference between the box vs box+power+av vs box+controllers+power+av
Sometimes it comes with crappy third party controllers other times it comes with one legit and the other is a madcatz
So its a bit unreliable for exact prices, but good enough to get a feel for what bit should be worth.
- Comment on My experience with eBay Buyer Protection 7 months ago:
It’s my go to when looking up game prices. That said I used eBay completed for consoles, since it doesn’t track hardware as well the last I checked.
- Comment on My experience with eBay Buyer Protection 7 months ago:
I like giving the seller the benefit of the doubt, not everyone can be on their a game everyday.
Honestly while eBay was a nuisance it understandable why it’s set up this well. I was on the other side of this where we shipped a thing and the buyer claimed it never arrived. Which we later proved it did. And considering how rare or hard to find some items are it’s a good service.
That said I support local sellers in my area before I check eBay. Then eBay but local to my country, the international if the price is right.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 16 comments
- Comment on I got my first taste of Modern Xbox. 7 months ago:
I see Game Pass as Rental. Good to try games out, but not a good, nor cheap way to own them.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Finally got myself Conkers Bad Furday and it came with a free Xbox 7 months ago:
But all I wanted to play was Conkers /s
30 games for $9.19 is a steal of a deal.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
For me, Retro gaming has always been the budget option. And outside of a few rare example where the value of the game was about to sky rocket (see Pokemon XD), I usually wait for the price to make sense to me.
For me that price is between $5 and $30 depending on the game, system, and how good that game is.
When I see Cars for the PS2 for $3.99 at a thrift store, I’m not going to say no. But $300 for the SNES version of Chrono Trigger, and the sellers, and the
idiotsinfluencers that buy from them, are out to lunch.For these games with hyper inflated price points like Chrono Trigger, or Conkers Bad Furday, what I usually look at is re-releases or ROM collections. For a game like Conkers, you can literally buy an Xbox One and Rare Replay for less than what the cart is selling for. If you get lucky you might even get OEM controllers.
With most retro games outside of license titles getting remakes, and re-releases you should look at remakes before the original. You can probably build a sizable retro game library from the various ROM collections on steam alone. But if you want to play on the original hardware, I do advocate for Piracy of Hyper Inflated games like Pokemon Emerald. Especially since those scalped prices are not going back to the developers who made it, and Nintendo appears to have no desire to ever re-release them. So in my books they are as good as abandon ware, and one foot in the door to the public domain.
- Comment on What is your least favorite retro video game? 7 months ago:
Lots of “old” games i don’t like. But Retro implies Popular, so that narrows it down for me.
If I was to choose, it would be the genera of 3D Collectathons during the N64 and PS1 era. I don’t like the idea of being given a game with no direction and be told find your own fun. The N64 was filled with these games, like Mario 64, and Banjo Kazooie, the PS1 would be like Crash.
The exception to this rule was Spyro which gave the worlds a bit of a story after the first game. Enough to know what to do in a world, so when you stumble into the side distraction you can play them if you want. At times even those have stories.
- Comment on What is your least favorite retro video game? 7 months ago:
I never understood the love for ocarina of time until I played the 3ds version of it. The aesthetic just ruin the game for me. The 3ds version looks good and plays nicely.
- Comment on Games that stuck with you 8 months ago:
Rollercoaster Tycoon. What was a silly little game which we got for free out of a cereal box is now a main stay on any computer I own. Runs on everything and has aged incredibility well.
Shoutout to OpenRCT2 for modernizing it, even if the original games run fine as is
- Comment on Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? 8 months ago:
Instruction unclear, spent more money than I had, so now I owe the mafia money. Any idea on how to pay them back?
- Comment on After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages 8 months ago:
Nah, not much of an achievement hunter. And filling in the map in GBC Zelda usually gets you most of the secrets.
- Comment on Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port? 8 months ago:
A lpyt of ubisoft and ea single player games since they don’t need uplay
- Comment on After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages 8 months ago:
“Vita means life”^Not that Sony game it any chance^
- Comment on After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages 8 months ago:
It’s a PS Vita 2000, Sony’s “Budget” Vita.
- Comment on After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages 8 months ago:
I’ve tried it, but honestly when I started this session of Ages I didn’t care. Might do it when replaying Seasons thou.
- Comment on After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages 8 months ago:
Had a Vita 1000 since launch (got the first edition bundle). Then years later I got a Vita2SD which destroyed the card reader (my mistake). So I got this JP Vita 2000 since I wanted one in Blue and the Vita 2000 is pricey.
Retroarch is a wonderful tool to play older games on whatever you have, though it’s a lot of work, the effort to get a device like a GBxCart or to hack a 3DS to get the ROMs is worth playing.
Personally I miss small form factor systems like the Vita, and hope that there will be a Steam Deck Lite one day that is pocketable.
- Comment on After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages 8 months ago:
Got seasons when it was on 3DS VC and beat that a while ago. Love the password progress thingy.