So… the Catholic Church, well known for traveling the world to shove Jesus down everyone’s throats, is an American institution now? Got it. 1 year ago
And by christians, you mean American Christians. The rest of the world’s god-botherers don’t do this. Yous are fucking weird bunch, that’s why yous got turfed out of Europe in the 15th century 😂😂 1 year ago 1 year ago
No, but they stopped knocking when Europe became more secular.
I haven’t had anyone in the last 20 years come knocking on my door about religion. 1 year ago
Heh, and before the 15th century it was the American Christians that went on Crusades, yeah? 1 year ago
History not your strong subject then 😊 1 year ago
For real though
It’s all the fun banning puritans who got booted out of the country after their coup and subsequent dictatorship finally got overthrown who were the bulk of the Thirteen Colonies, which largely just left the “love thy neighbour” Christians who actually campaign against racism, homophobia, climate change and whatever else is an insult to “God’s creation” which frankly I can completely get behind even if I don’t believe it as such.
Frankly I don’t get the mind bending logic to ignoring all the “everyone is God’s child, he has made them as he sees fit, he loves them, you should love them too” stuff in the bible and skipping past to a small subsection which says that men shouldn’t sleep together, especially when they ignore the fact that the same section says that anyone who works on a Sunday should be put to death along with a bunch of other wild and wacky stuff that we just all collectively agree was a product of the time it was written… 1 year ago
Also Jesus pretty much tossed out all the "unclean" nonsense in Peter's dream or whatever.
I wonder how many of them follow the diet though. 1 year ago
Well us and Africa… and Russia 1 year ago
Yeah, there’s a lot of history to this, but it’s a part of why there’s so many unusual or distinctive off-shoots of Christianity that come from the US: Jehovah’s Witnesses, LDS, Seventh Day Adventists, Evangelicalism, etc…
It’s not just the Puritans, in fact, it’s mostly not, though they’ve given us plenty of other cultural baggage.
Because we weren’t our own nation, we didn’t have our own bishop in the church of English, so for ministers to get ordained they had to go to England to be trained and then come back.
This gave rise to a conflict between the New Lights and Old Lights. The New Lights were basically proto-evangelicals and they determined that the proof of qualification to be a minister wasn’t a degree, education, or some church approval from overseas, but the ability to gather a church.
This meant that charisma became the defining trait for a successful minister. This is why evangelicals have such terrible theology. There’s all these ideas that are mainstream evangelical ideas that never existed before this period.
The rapture was created during this period. That’s right, for nearly 1800 years Christians wouldn’t even know what you meant if you said “the rapture” and now evangelicals wander around telling everyone to be prepared. 1 year ago
Do you have any recommendations for a book on this topic? I'm super intrigued. 1 year ago
I don’t know of any. It’s just an aggregation of research over the years. If you find something let me know!