- Comment on periodic tablets 11 months ago:
Right, please tell me. Is this just a meme thing or do people actually knock on other people’s doors to try to convert them to their religion?
And does this only happen, bizarrely, in the country with the highest number of gun-owning cowards?
It just seems such an odd combination
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Well fucking tell us in the headline, you clickbaity cunts
- Comment on French couple who kept 159 cats banned from keeping pets 11 months ago:
Research begs to differ
I just researched that research you researched and it turned out someone else researching it discovered that the research was extremely misleading and biased -…/6d22dffefbf88bc4b3a8a1…
So if your research is right, so is theirs
- Comment on Pantshitter 11 months ago:
Yeah I thought it meant proud Pants Shitter jerk off
- Comment on French couple who kept 159 cats banned from keeping pets 11 months ago:
I’ve worked on quite a few dairy farms in my time, and have never once seen an animal being “abused and tortured”.
Cows and sheep are unbelievably stupid, you’re projecting your own thought processes onto something that has the brain capacity of a plywood door. If I kick its arse to get it to move so it doesn’t crush me, it doesn’t think “Oh my god help I’m being oppressed”, it goes “Duh, might move, might not”
Do you know how much a fucking cow is worth? 😂 Farmers are the tightest gits on earth, they’re not out there torturing their profits mate
If you Google “Un agriculteur accusé de maltraitance animale” you’ll find a lot of articles, which means that the laws against the abuse are working, if you mistreat your livestock you will get shut down because there’s no way to hide it and other farmers will definitely report you.
Might be different where you’re from, but don’t accuse all farmers of torture and abuse
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
Oh god yeah I still use flat screwdrivers on a daily basis, basically as levers
“Little ass plugs” are called “grub screws” btw 😂
In 30 years you’ll catch up and they’ll all be 2.5mm Allen screws. I do remember them being slotted, it was a massive pain to find a screwdriver that fitted!
- Comment on French couple who kept 159 cats banned from keeping pets 11 months ago:
We should probably eat militant vegans. You do more harm than good for your cause with irrelevant comments like this
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
Fuuuuckin hell, I haven’t seen a slotted screw since the 1980s. Philips screws are exclusively for electrical.
Is this yet another way the US has dropped 30 years behind modern countries?
- Comment on I feel so old. 11 months ago:
And missing “u” and “ur”
- Comment on Botswana offers to send 20,000 elephants to Germany 11 months ago:
Can I have one?
- Comment on Trash from the International Space Station may have hit a house in Florida 11 months ago:
Yeah fuck that site, that forced shit is illegal in modern countries
Then the blocked back-click too with forced ads
Should be reported each time
- Comment on Trash from the International Space Station may have hit a house in Florida 11 months ago:
It changed to imperial on the way down wtf man
- Comment on What has Britain come to when yoghurt is sold to us as the main item in a meal deal? | Imogen West-Knights 11 months ago:
I can hear a Frenchman somewhere hon-hon-honing about the fact that our food culture is so pitiful, we have convinced ourselves we actually like eating an overrefridgerated supermarket sandwich out of a cardboard box and calling it lunch.
Have you ever had a french supermarket sandwich, hen? They’re fucking awful. He’s not right
Consider two people: one getting ready salted crisps, a BLT and a San Pellegrino, the other a spicy chicken pasta pot, the hard-boiled egg two-pack and a banana Yazoo. Which one would you rather have as your babysitter?
Dunno, I’m not a judgemental wank like you, I’d take it on merit
This is fucking GASH journalism and the advert for her “book” at the end says it all
- Comment on Public satisfaction with NHS falls to lowest level on record 11 months ago:
Poor access to GPs, long waits for hospital treatment, staff shortages and a lack of Government funding
So basically it’s not a dissatisfaction with the NHS, but with the evil fuckers that are trying to drive it into the ground so they can make huge profits on healthcare?
- Comment on 'Slaughtered': UK farmers protest post-Brexit rules and trade deals 11 months ago:
No farmers
No Food
Yeah if there’s no bees, none of that matters anyway!
- Comment on Baltimore Key Bridge collapse: vehicles fall into water after being hit by ship 11 months ago:
Kyrgyzstan is looking shifty as fuck today
- Comment on Electronic waste has grown to record levels. Here’s why that’s a huge problem 11 months ago:
hErE’s wHy tHat’S a HuugE pRoBlEm
You don’t fucking say. How to spot shitty journalistm without even clicking the link
- Comment on Kuriga kidnap: More than 280 Nigerian pupils released 11 months ago:
He looks like he ordered his gun off
- Comment on Wyoming governor vetoes bill on concealed carry of guns in public schools 11 months ago:
Found the fucking coward 😂
- Comment on K-pop: How jealous 'super fans' try to dictate their idols' private lives 11 months ago:
Good cover version -
- Comment on Responding to ShotSpotter, Police Shoot at Child Lighting Fireworks 11 months ago:
OMG journalist ends with the same letters as sexist
- Comment on Detectorist strikes gold with largest ever nugget found under English soil 11 months ago:
It’s British. We know when to stop 😂
- Comment on Responding to ShotSpotter, Police Shoot at Child Lighting Fireworks 11 months ago:
If a journalist uses “words invented by white girls with the sole purpose of making them feel better about themselves without actually making any difference whatsoever to the lives of those they made up the nomenclature about”, they can’t expect anyone to take their column seriously
- Comment on Responding to ShotSpotter, Police Shoot at Child Lighting Fireworks 11 months ago:
Rachel, “LatinX” isn’t a fuckin word. This is why you’re still an intern
- Comment on Detectorist strikes gold with largest ever nugget found under English soil 11 months ago:
If you’ve never watched The Detectorists, it’s one of the loveliest programmes ever made
- Comment on legs to die for 11 months ago:
Have you ever met a Belgian? Same thing
- Comment on Charles III 11 months ago:
- Comment on Swiss police halt far-right activist Sellner's speech 11 months ago:
Ha ha we did the fascist thing about 80 years ago. Enjoy your turn lmfao
- Comment on She did her best ok? 11 months ago:
Have you actually heard a Scottish person speaking? There’s nae commas or full stops, just a stream of incomprehensible drivel from start to finish
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
Yes exactly