- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Ya know, I wasn't expecting to see Goetse, that's a throw back tomiddle school. So thank you for the nostalgia? 😆
- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
God it was so awkward, it must have been like 2011 because I was freshly 21. And it was at this local bar. And everybody greeted eachother by " the narwhal bacon's at midnight" and it was just fucking weird. For a while our local subreddit was running a monthly one and then it just kind of stopped.
- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
One time I went to a local Reddit meet up. Yep, it was all that cringy
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
Do you have any recommendations for a book on this topic? I'm super intrigued.
- Comment on After 5 years of non use, what precautions should I take before turning on a Commodore CBM 3016? 1 year ago:
Wow, I didn't even know that that was something to be concerned about. I will be much more cautious when I finally dig my Atari on the storage. It's been probably 20 years since it's been turned on. I don't even know if it would turn on at this point. Thank you for the heads up!
- Comment on Does Harry Potter only know fifth grade math? 1 year ago:
To add, the podcast is phenomenal. Definitely worth listening to as well
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
Similar to the person who commented below. I live in a very rural area so it would be 10 bucks in gas just to drive to the closest Target to buy a pack of pens that I need for work the next day. And I know that I could just swing by on my way home from work and pick them up, but then it becomes a time thing. I mean my entire plan is to ditch Amazon prime after my current subscription expires. But man, there are some interesting things that have just become normalized with the convenience of getting things mailed to me that I'm totally going to miss. But fuck bezos
- Comment on Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales? 1 year ago:
I'll just be over here sobbing in Absolvers empty arenas. I really enjoyed that game. And then it just died.
- Comment on Are there typically limits to the size that ROMs can be when it comes to emulators? 1 year ago:
That was awesome to learn. Thank you.
- Comment on Twitch updates attire policy to prohibit implied nudity. 1 year ago:
To be fair, if somebody starts streaming without their skin on I'm going to nope the fuck out really quick.
- Comment on To prevent mashed potatoes from being gummy, boil the potatoes whole. 1 year ago:
Every couple months I make the mistake of thinking that I'll speed up mash the potatoes by using an emulsion blender. Then it's just potato snot
- Comment on To prevent mashed potatoes from being gummy, boil the potatoes whole. 1 year ago:
I'm very baked and I want some minor clarification before I attempt to do something stupid at some point. But you say put it all in the stand mixer and then you say boil it. Am I able to put my kitchen aid bowl on the stove? Again, not trying to be an ass. Genuinely baked in the bathtub
- Comment on To prevent mashed potatoes from being gummy, boil the potatoes whole. 1 year ago:
That's madness. I want to try it.
- Comment on Cloud engineer gets 2 years for wiping ex-employer’s code repos 1 year ago:
Ah fuck me. I missed that. He named his AI grok. What a fucking dick.
- Comment on Is there a way to see user likes and dislikes on lemmy? 1 year ago:
My brother is literally part of Facebook groups just for arguing politics. It's like a drug addiction to him. It seems like such a weird use of energy and time. I like being on the fediverse because I feel like I have more genuine actual conversations. And not arguments.
- Comment on Old RTX 3080 GPUs repurposed and modded for Chinese market as 20GB AI cards with blower-style cooling 1 year ago:
I am over on and upvotes and downvotes don't carry over instances, but on my end there are no downvotes at all in this whole thread. I am just stoned and thought that was interesting.
- Comment on Old RTX 3080 GPUs repurposed and modded for Chinese market as 20GB AI cards with blower-style cooling 1 year ago:
I'm not the person you're asking either lol but I was curious so I poked around till I could find something. This says that the last time GPU mining for Bitcoin was 2014.!
This isn't an area I know like literally fucking anything about. So this was just me googling. I don't know how reliable this source is
- Comment on Job losses likely at VW as the people’s car brand becomes uncompetitive 1 year ago:
That's how I feel about my 2010 Tiguan. It is just such a piece of shit. I like how it handles but every other day something on its breaking or the electricals acting up. Never again
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I agree 100%. I live in Oregon, and without doxing myself too much, the town I live in has some great parent support groups for parents of lgbtqia+ and specifically groups for parents of trans and gender non-conforming children. A group like that might either be a good space or have someone who would be willing to talk with OP. But online most groups have had to be very locked down due to trolls on or hateful individuals.
- Comment on The Biggest SM64 Speedrun Discovery Just Happened 1 year ago:
Man, as someone who knows nothing about super Mario 64 or speed running, that was dope to watch. I watched the whole thing and it was a blast.
- Comment on Australian journalist calls her baby ‘Methamphetamine Rules’ as a test of naming regulations 1 year ago:
It would be a hell of an I've breaker "tell us one thing we might not know about you"... "Well my legal name is methamphetamine rules"
- Comment on Tony Blair says junk food should be made too expensive for the poor to afford through new sugar and salt taxes to tackle obesity 1 year ago:
How about instead of taxing junk food we just start eating the rich.
- Comment on Tony Blair says junk food should be made too expensive for the poor to afford through new sugar and salt taxes to tackle obesity 1 year ago:
100%. I did my undergraduate degree in public health, and one thing that I constantly saw about program development for nutrition and food subsidy programs was people thinking that the main issue to an individual getting proper nutrition was not having an education on how to cook or recognize nutritious versus non-nutritious foods. So they wanted to have stupid bullshit like nutrition classes for snap benefits. Where you wouldn't get the benefits unless you took the classes, how fucking shortsighted and missing the entirety of the issue. As if a single parent who's working two jobs is going to have the time to cook or even the time to grocery shop well.
- Comment on ‘Frasier’ Revival Sets Premiere Date at Paramount+, First Two Episodes to Air on CBS (+teaser). 1 year ago:
I literally have a tattoo of Frasiers dad's chair and the text "I'm listening" tattooed on my arm and I am asking the same question. There is no need for a continuation.