vice signalling
Not seen this before. Nice neologism!
Comment on Attempted right-wing takeover of National Trust backed by Nigel Farage fails! 1 year ago
The linked article doesn’t go into detail about why there was an attempted right-wing takeover so here’s a TL;DR from this Guardian article:
Restore Trust opposes what it describes as a “woke” agenda – including National Trust displays about slavery and historical figures – and has said it wants to steer the charity “back to its core purpose of looking after our heritage and countryside”.
In a post on Facebook where he invited councillors to join, [Andrew] Kennedy[, a former Conservative campaigner for Truss, Johnson and others], said he was working with Restore Trust, which he said was led by a group of longstanding National Trust members “who are concerned that the NT has abandoned its original remit and is now, like much of the charitable and third sector, pursuing a politically motivated ‘revisionist’ agenda”.
How dare the National Trust, who owns more than 200 historic houses, want to teach people about history? /s
It’s just blatant vice signalling. So, yeah, glad to see this attempted takeover failed.
vice signalling
Not seen this before. Nice neologism!
I’m lefty as fuck but I don’t think it’s appropriate to use the guardian to describe a “right wing takeover”. Guardian can be as biased as the daily mail on most days
Is it inappropriate? I’ve been clear with what source I’m pulling from, so if the Guardian is biased then people can take these quotes I’ve provided with that knowledge in mind.
Fair enough
So you will contort your ideas to be neutral even if truth is biased?
No one is truly unbiased, even if they think they are
What would your preferred terminology be?
This isn’t a Guardian article, unless I’m missing something?
It’s discussing the guardian article linked in the parent comment of this chain 1 year ago
The way these people complain about the ““woke agenda”” reminds me of antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jews secretly being in control at every level of society. The banks are woke, the government is woke, industry is woke, charities are woke, NGOs are woke, the church is woke, etc etc.
It’s absolute dogshit. 1 year ago
Image 1 year ago
This meme is woke and I don’t like it 💢 1 year ago
I heard that woke figures in key positions meet at their secret woke clubhouse where they discuss their woke evil plans on controlling the world and making everyone woke.
Honestly I want to start the secret society of woke, not because I expect it to get a single influential member, but because just existing will make every right wing nutter blame every single thing on the secret woke society 😄 1 year ago
It should be called " The Secret Woke Society". Tagline “sh don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret”.
The office address should be opposite Tory party headquarters, and there should be a big satellite dish on the roof, for talking to our international woke operatives.
Really go to town on it. Go way over the top. Let’s see how mad we can get them. 1 year ago
! 1 year ago
The first rule of Woke Club… 1 year ago
“It’s a secret. Everybody welcome.” 1 year ago