- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
Sprouts do well with Braising, this is roughly how I do them, based on a whim that turned out fantastic.
- Halve and clean your sprouts, salt and pepper them
- Sear cut side down in oil of your choice. Bacon is the classic but absolutely not required if you want to do it vegan, maybe use some smoked paprika to get the smokey flavour, add aromatics like garlic near the end, it burns easy.
- Deglaze with balsamic vinegar, add enough liquid to just barely cover the bottom of the pan, cover and simmer until happy.
I know sprouts are far less bitter than they were when I was a kid, but I legit thought I disliked them. Borrowed a lot from braised cabbage recipes, just with a bit more aggressive browning. The sprouts hold up really well to longer cooking IMO (can’t say the same to leeks, braised leeks are great, but not how I did them, turned into a textural nightmare), they’re amazing hot or cold.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 1 week ago:
Combat changes put me off initially but honestly, enjoyed it far more than inquisition, combat is far closer to me:a and that’s a good thing, me:a is easily the best mass effect game mechanically (and that’s coming from someone who still loves me1), skill tree is massive and you can respec whenever to try different things, as an RPG I personally felt it’s quite strong. Also, felt da:v was more focused wrt maps, da:i has really large, empty maps that I originally tried to do everything in, by the hissing wastes unless it was shards or an interesting side quest I ignored it.
Felt them making companions invulnerable was a good idea too, da:i on nightmare they usually died almost immediately against things like dragons or dlc bosses unless you micromanaged the hell out of them.
Story wise, it’s me:2; you collect a bunch of experts for an impossible task. Personally, I like bioware RPGs, they’ve always been cheesy. Shepard has lots of one liners that are sarcastic quips, “it’s a big stupid jellyfish” comes to mind immediately, half the dialogue between Shepard and Garus in the later games (especially me:3). One criticism is probably shared with me:a, we had time to experience the me characters over the course of the games, they weren’t immediately like that, but honestly it never really bothered me, jade empire has really cheesy dialogue and is up there for me flaws and all.
IMO one thing bioware has always done well is world building and veilguard isn’t an exception to that for me, I like that the set the game in a region only really mentioned in previous games.
is it the best game I’ve ever played? No but definitely an enjoyable one, I personally feel we’ll see retrospectives in a handful of years like I’ve seen with me:a recently (another game that was actually solid and had some interesting ideas and concepts)
- Comment on Getting a Steam Deck to emulate retro games? 1 week ago:
You’re golden then, I do Wii and earlier on mine, 360 games run but I haven’t really played much with them. I quite like the deck for emulation and it runs old titles well (and recent stuff too, I really liked Nine Sols, it’s not a demanding game though, apparently cyberpunk plays well on the deck, not tried that though)
I bought an LCD model when they were really cheap, still a good model and solid device, but I got my partner an oled one as a gift, I highly recommend that one if it’s in your budget, it looks better, has HDR and a better battery life.
- Comment on If you're on the fence about building or buying a 3d printer enclosure, please let me give you a push. 2 weeks ago:
Bit of a, bit of b, thermal protection on printers sets a minimum hotend and bed temperature, it’s configurable but 0c is pretty common. Drop below that and the firmware will trip an emergency shutdown in klipper, some (mk3s) set off an alarm beeper when that happens.
Higher ambient helps with chamber temps too depending on what you print. I let my printers heat soak for at least an hour before I print anyhow, the space heater gives some stability in ambient temps.
Also done prints where I’ve just blasted the hotend and build plate with a heatgun to get above the min temps to be able to get a heat soak going. Vorons have a decently powerful bed heater (~600w if I recall), my mk3s isn’t nearly as powerful but still capable of sustaining itself (would definitely benefit from insulation)
- Comment on If you're on the fence about building or buying a 3d printer enclosure, please let me give you a push. 2 weeks ago:
I don’t live in the coldest place but it’ll hit -20s c at the coldest in the winter with -10 +/-5, summer is 30 +/-5. My garage isn’t climate controlled but not the largest, a space heater is enough to bring ambient up enough to be comfortable, certainly enough where the printer firmware doesn’t kick out on low temperatures.
I have enclosures so it helps some, mk3s doesn’t get super warm as it’s currently setup but I do regularly successfully print abs on it, petg and pla aren’t an issue at all, voron gets substantially warmer. Summer, enclosures need to be open to print pla depending how hot it is. Even with all that, I’d recommend it, I do it primarily for air quality reasons, I’ve printed abs indoors without an enclosure in the same room exactly once a long time ago, 0/10 don’t recommend.
- Comment on What is your ideal ambient humidity? 3 weeks ago:
Stuff that’s in use I try to keep inside the enclosure, no humidity control in my garage so at the whims of humid continental climate, gets nasty in the summer. I keep things vac sealed with silca gel for long periods and print from dry boxes or enclosure mounts to take advantage of the lower humidity while printing.
Working on a powered dry box using solid state dehumidifiers like used in this, hope that’ll help with humidity issues.
Some filament isn’t super sensitive, my experience pa6>petg>abs=pla.
- Comment on Using Microwave Heating To Locally Anneal CNT-Coated FDM Prints 3 weeks ago:
Quick look, found a place that offers some They’re not cheap but you can definitely get them.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Using Microwave Heating To Locally Anneal CNT-Coated FDM Prints 3 weeks ago:
Probably, it’s not pleasant stuff afaik, was looking at it earlier and it seemed like you could probably source it domestically fairly easily too, didn’t seem like you’d need special licenses or anything. Not stuff I want to keep around though, not that a lot of solvents that work on thermoplastics are nice to be around for one reason or another.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 4 weeks ago:
Ducky has programmable keys FYI, while you don’t have dedicated media keys it’s really easy to bind media key macros, fn+pg up/down are volume, fn+end is pause etc on mine.
Razer keyboards I’d shy away from personally, found their build quality isn’t great, mice specifically, the ducky is more comfortable for me to use anyhow. My partner has a one 3 tkl in white with clears, I have a black one with browns (used blacks for years, prefer tactile+clicky after having used them).
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Canada | 'I did not expect to be a slave': Amnesty International report exposes abuse of migrant workers 4 weeks ago:
Just search TFW on the CBC’s website, program is just rife with abuse, both of workers and “improper” usage, it’s abhorrent to me.
- Wage suppression? √ (through companies skirting requirements)
- Class of workers with no path to citizenship (some got extended pr during covid, I may be mistaken but my understanding is the permits have a hard end date)? √
- Multiple instances and allegations of both physical and sexual abuse of workers? √
- Horrendous working and living conditions, contributing heavily to covid excess mortality? √
- I recall reports some workers had their passports confiscated, and some places charge a lot for lodging.
It’s made worse that everything I’ve mentioned is from headlines over at least the last 2 decades. It’s not just agriculture either, Tim Horton’s has has them, so have other fast food places.
To be clear, I’m for these workers being here, they deserve to be safe to do their job, a good wage and if they want to stay, a way for them to become citizens.
- Comment on Sweden is Building the World’s Largest City Made Entirely From Timber 5 weeks ago:
I thought that too when they started doing wooden condos in some areas of Canada, but it’s an engineered product (cross-laminated timber), not just plain wood. Apparently it’s super dense and chars instead of burning outright, some tests had them self extinguishing from this abstract (using a specific adhesive)
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
Jack Layton was the NDP (New Democratic Party) leader from 2003-2011, in that period we had legit talks of a coalition government after the incumbent Tories lost confidence, parliament was prorogued and those flopped unfortunately. The NDP was the official opposition in 2011, which is a big part of his legacy, unfortunately he pass from cancer several months after the election, managed to pull that from being far behind the liberals entering the campaign, liberal party became a third party and Justin Trudeau became the elected leader of the liberals after that (semi interesting is Bob Rae was the interim leader, he was the NDP premier of Ontario in the 90s that still seems to haunt the provincial NDP somehow)
NDP itself is a social democracy party, its roots are in the CCF (Cooperative Commonwealth Federation), very pro labour, it’s the party of Tommy Douglas who is widely credited as being the creator of Medicare in Canada as the premier of Saskatchewan. During Layton’s years, they were always very pro privacy and net neutrality amongst other positions that are still 100% applicable today. Mildly interesting, Justin’s father Pierre Elliott Trudeau was originally part of the CCF and NDP.
- Comment on Any recommendations for a low-cost, low-hassle printer? 3 months ago:
Second hand though would help, wouldn’t be surprised if we see a bunch of mk3s and maybe even some mk4 with their new printer coming out. I still use my mk3s pretty frequently, made a bunch of mods to it, still chugs along.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 3 months ago:
It was reminding me of an evolution on Andromeda’s combat, actually plays well, went in not a huge fan of that change (da:o is still my favourite of the series) but after how dumb as fuck the companion AI was in inquisition (I always play sword and board, unless I micromanaged people in inquisition they’d all be dead during dragon fights), but ended up really enjoying it, between that and the sphere grid skill tree, there’s some decent stuff to work with.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
The have active electronics in them so that if any non-apple right angle connectors are used it limits them to usb 1.0 speeds and 5v 0.5A power delivery. It’s for your safety.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
Was a thing when I took geo in first year, rock test (and the professor) was kinda a legend within engineering.
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
It could totally be setup to feel/work like a trackball, remember playing a bunch of warframe with mine and being able to “throw” it and have it stop when you touch the pad again, took getting used to but substantially more flexible than a regular analogue stick.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
Just for the heck of it, if you heat protein enough to denature it but have no Maillard reaction (let’s say you’ve just steamed an egg or something), would that not be considered cooking by that definition?
My understanding is that denaturing is a physical structure change, not a chemical one (and according to Wikipedia can be reversible in some cases), not a biochemist or food scientist though so totally accepting that my understanding is incorrect/incomplete.
- Comment on Using GPT-4 to generate 100 words consumes up to 3 bottles of water — AI data centers also raise power and water bills for nearby residents 5 months ago:
I would be really surprised if anyone is cooling data centres with city water except in emergency, that’s so unbelievably expensive (could see water direct from a lake though but that had it’s own issues too). I recall saving millions just by adjusting a fill target on an evaporative cooling tower so it wouldn’t overfill (levels were really cyclic, targets weren’t tuned for them), and that was only a fraction of what it’d have cost if we’d’ve used pure city.
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
If you’re ok with some bulk, go for an nvme enclosure. I have a sabrent one with a 256 GB crucial gen 3 drive in it, it’s a slow cheap drive, still substantially better than any usb key and you can put one together for under $100 cad including a longer high speed cable.
- Comment on Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? 5 months ago:
My partner and I gave up destiny before witchqueen dropped, played pretty consistently since house of wolves with a pause just before forsaken until shadow keep. Absolutely loved the core mechanics and the PvP is some of my favourite, but it just felt so stale, barely any new maps, sunsetting old ones, lack of committing to ideas (4v4 was actually solid, some of the maps do not play well in 6s, 3s are fine though), rotating gamemode playlists like d1 had (for 6s I find control annoying after a while, 3s I liked relic in d1, mix in elimination and I’d be good)
It’s a shame because as I said, core mechanics rock, slug shorties and hand cannons feel amazing, and fusion rifles are legitimately awesome as well. I have really solid memories of doing stupid things with stuff like the Le Monarque and No Land Beyond. Wasn’t a huge fan of some metas but had some fun times with the games.
- Comment on Worst PC hardware trends that disappeared 5 months ago: has decent hardware support
- Comment on Octagon Spiral + RGB filament = woah! 5 months ago:
That looks amazing!
- Comment on Should I distill IPA (isopropanol alcohol) at home for 3D-printing? 5 months ago:
Was more a thought about if you are concerned about micro fibre particulate (what I took from your post, sorry if I misunderstood) plastic on plastic or plastic on metal are fine for sure, maybe a little exaggerated. Do wonder though about the wear of 3d printed bushings, surfaces won’t be smooth, some of the glass filled nylon I’ve used has almost a soft surface to it, it’s really hard to describe, some post processing though would probably make my (mild) concern moot though so.
Wrt composites hobbyist/prosumer grade manufacturers (some that target engineering customers in that bucket too) claim they don’t experience the same warping or shrinkage in general, whether or not that’s true I don’t have enough information to tell you unfortunately. Have found both common types definitely have more rigidity, I use them in places where that really matters.
It’s pretty common to see cheap bearings in 3d printed parts, actually mildly interesting to me that bushings don’t seem to be, at least at the hobbyist level. To go further, how many designs do you see with heat set inserts or pressed in nuts?
- Comment on Should I distill IPA (isopropanol alcohol) at home for 3D-printing? 6 months ago:
Shit just even for filament printing, there’s some solvents that get thrown around online that yeah, you really shouldn’t use in a home setting, it’s really easy to get things like MEK, which work, but starting to get into nasty territory for stuff that will dissolve filament.
Most people do not have adequate ppe or ventilation to deal with chemicals at home, or a fire cabinet, or even know how to find an SDS.
Semi related, lithium batteries are straight up terrifying, primary cells more than rechargeables, but same idea, I honestly hope no one ever gets to experience an actual full on cell failure, I avoided them thankfully but heard stories of just how much energy is released in even one C or D sized cell going.
On the composite filaments, abrasive filament sure sounds like a great thing to make wear surfaces out of! There’s a list if things that idk if I’d print, and that’d be up there, ots oil bronze bushings are like, a buck, maybe 2? And they’ll last a hell of a lot longer.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
I’m not sure if regedit has changed much either, certainly seems like it’s the same since using it in xp? Odbc windows are 100% 3.1 though.
Feel like task scheduler, event viewer and partitioning tools have been relatively static as well, but they’re not as old as the odbc window. Tbh I’m not surprised that administrative/dev tools haven’t had a ui change.
- Comment on 3D Scanning advice for noob 6 months ago:
Do you have an iPhone or any phone with lidar built in? It’s been a while but I recall it being an option for scanning, make use of tools you already have. I’m not sure what exists for Foss related apps though sorry, and afaik they’re not super accurate (dedicated scanners can get <0.01mm resolution from what I’ve seen but they’re expensive) but if your goal is layout that’d do the trick in my view. Heck, as you said, camera scanning would work, there’ll be cleanup but should be good enough to get you dimensions.
Another thought, could check with local makerspaces or the like, totally possible they may have scanners you could use, or could put you on the right track. Diy wise, kinects as mentioned, I’m not experienced with these but there are photogrammetry tools, micmac could work, there’s meshroom but that needs some compute hardware and COLMAP could also be worth looking into
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
If you’re not committed, you don’t actually need an appliance for it, have had great results with a Dutch oven and a programmable BBQ thermometer monitoring the water temp. One of my burners goes really low so just a matter of adjusting to keep in range. You don’t get forced circulation (get some natural circulation though) and it’s not set and forget, but you can do with stuff you probably already have on hand. Done with heavy freezer bags before I was gifted a vacuum sealer.