- Comment on Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law 2 months ago:
No sex worker should feel ashame for their job. The ones I know don’t at least.
I get you were joking and I see how my comment may come over as prude. It’s just that it’s a very harsh Industrie that is often marginalised. More often than not it intersect with people of lower class seeing it as one of the few ways to earn money. Those that work it often have to hide it, even if it’s legal, because there is a huge taboo around it. And then of course there is a huge dark area where mostly females are human trafficked into a country and then forced into prostitution.
Makingsex work to be a legal job and getting legislation like in this thread here helps a lot and is indeed progressive and positive.
I feel like making fun of these people isn’t helpful, or progressive at all. Nothing against a lighthearted joke, but your comment offers nothing else but sex jokes and a lip service remark about how progressive the law is. I feel like it is making fun of sex workers more than anything else.
If that makes me a prude gatekeeper in your eyes (and the eyes of the downvoters) then be it so. You can think of me what ever you wish. I’ll have to live with that burden.
- Comment on Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law 2 months ago:
But seriously, wonderful progressive policy.
It is. Not so much: your comment.
- Comment on 360 Degrees Owl 2 months ago:
Spoiler much?
- Comment on Ukraine sees influx of Western war tourists 2 months ago:
You know, this sounds liks something good old American capitalism could dab into. Obviously there is no war in the US (yet). But I see potential there.
Visit the Californian Homeless-Camps. Have a tour around a Texas school where kids have no idea evolution exists and think Noas Ark was real. While you are there, visit an Emergency rooma parking lot: you might be lucks and see a pregnant teenager die in her car. Then go to West Verginia and play a fun game of “spot the Junky”. Bath in the misery of black people working three jobs to live from their hand into their mouth all around the country. Be a shocked but o so entertained bystander while they are beaten up, or, if you are lucky, even shot by a police officer on their way home.
- Comment on Eat lead 3 months ago:
This is so fucking cringe that it hurts my brain every time they say it.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 3 months ago:
Bulldozed over them. Alive and dead. Couldn’t take the gore no longer.
I have empathy for him, honesty. He beloved the propaganda about defending the country an all that. Then was ordered to to horrible things. He experienced the difference between a lie told and a lie lived and just couldn’t deal with it.
He not the bad guy here.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 3 months ago:
Dude killed himself.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 3 months ago:
I disagree.
Evolution is not so much a numbers game. Otherwise Bacteria, Ants, Viruses and the like would have to be crowned winners. So the point op brings up is mute.
The point you add, that they keep reproducing, is also not relevant in evelotionary terms. The short amount of time that we have domesticated chickens, let a side the very resent industalisation of animal farming (it started in the 1950s ish), is just not relevante in evelotionary terms.
I’d say what makes a successfull species is resilience. 99 % of all species have gone extinct. The “winners” of evelotion are, in my opinion, those species that have lasted the longest. And in that regard, chicken ain’t looking to good. They are highly dependent upon humans. Most industrial chickens are genetic aborninatons, bred for beeing fat, fast growing, egg laying machines to the point where their own bones brake because they lack calcium. I’d argue that chickens in their current form would not last long in “the wild”. Hence once humans are gone their is a high chance chickens will follow.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 3 months ago:
And live their lives in fucking misery and suvering, at least most of em.
- Comment on Implants 3 months ago:
I thought the same :-).
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 3 months ago:
And this is it. This is how we arrive were we are now.
We’ve spend 2000 years slowly being nature to our wims. It has destroyed the planets ecosystem on a scale only seen by planet wide desasters in the past. We have driven countless species into extinction, and still counting. We take without any regard or resecpt for anything then our own needs.
That is exactly the mindset the comment I am replying to has to me.
- Comment on NASA thinks it found a moon light-years away spewing gas 3 months ago:
I find it fascinating that so much of astronomy is having data and trying to make educated guesses about what that data could maybe indicate. It shows just how much more there is to find out, realy.
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 4 months ago:
Yeah, but try saying something slightly to nuanced about the Israel - Palestine situation almost anywhere here and you get nuked.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 4 months ago:
Masnick gives 20 levels of devolpment. Elon stopped here:
Level Two: “We’re the free speech platform! But no CSAM!”
And that’s about it. Ex-Twitter has copyright infringement, hate speech and doesn’t give a fuck about local laws unless the law actually has teeth (Brasil, anybody?).
- Comment on What? 4 months ago:
It’s such a shame. Children have so much curiosity for the world.
Adults should realy nourish that, not kill it.
I’ve worked with children in that age range (6 and older) and it’s realy crazy what they come up if you give them a bit of room to experiment with their ideas.
- Comment on Science Journalism 4 months ago:
Just that they are actively recruiting people from STEM.
Not only that, we have a couple of social science people around too :-)
- Comment on Poggers 4 months ago:
Let’s say ist a postmodern interpretation of the meme idea.
- Comment on Political uses of the ancient past on social media are predominantly negative and extreme 4 months ago:
They don’t sound like it is the best choice, just the best avaible one.
TLDR: They had the dataset lying around from previous (unrelated) research and can’t get new data because Facebook removed API access after the Cambridge Analytical Scandal.
"This corpus comprises Facebook pages and, within them, views representing different positions towards Brexit, with some being in favour and others against [10]. It was compiled as part of previous research [10, 11], but ethical approval for new analyses was sought and obtained in 2022 from the University of Edinburgh. We chose to analyse our existing dataset for two reasons. First, examining social media data about Brexit, a high-profile event that has been intensely studied, offers significant opportunities for comparing our findings to existing work whilst contributing to ongoing scholarship on public discourse about political phenomena. Second, in the UK and in many other countries, institutional ethics policies require researchers to acquire data in compliance with platforms’ Terms of Service (ToS) agreements. Like other major platforms including X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and TikTok, Facebook’s ToS state that data must be extracted using its application programming interface (API). Yet following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook closed its public API, making it challenging to acquire additional data from the platform. "
Quoted from part 2.1 Materials
- Comment on Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid. 4 months ago:
sending random stuff to developing countries is one of the problems.
Relevant Video.
- Comment on Donald Trump has fully embraced sharing AI generated images of Kamala Harris. 5 months ago:
I disagree. When I make Ai images I create like 1000 versions of a promt and chose the one that comes closest to what I want it to convey and work from there.
- Comment on Donald Trump has fully embraced sharing AI generated images of Kamala Harris. 5 months ago:
I get the sentiment and it’s cool you put some time into this. That said I think it looks go much like him leading the protesters. The composition isn’t ideal for the message, you know.
Not want to be an asshole, it’s just what seemed off to me, becuae when I saw this in my feed it looked like a very much pro trump image on first glance.
- Comment on Elon Musk loses fight with ex-Twitter staffer, must pay $600K 5 months ago:
“Going forward, to build a breakthrough Twitter 2.0 and succeed in an increasingly competitive world, we will need to be extremely hardcore,” Musk wrote in the all-staff email. “This will mean working long hours at high intensity. Only exceptional performance will constitute a passing grade.”
This is so fucking cringy.
- Comment on Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' . 5 months ago:
He paid 44 billion for twitter. He could pay the legal fees of every American for a year and it would hardly dent his wealth. It’s obscene how much money one person can have.
- Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 6 months ago:
This here is also a good video to find out why one would call her that.
- Comment on NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense 7 months ago:
How many predators can take down prey 50 times their size?
Ants and a couple of Insects I guess. Also Bacteria and Viruses.
How many species can thrive in tundra, jungles, plains, forests, mountains and deserts?
Well, obviously also most Bacteria. If we are speaking more sentient live then the answer is: mot of them. Birds, Mammals, Insects. It might take a generation or 10 to get them adopted to their new envirment, but almost every species. Is able to adopt to their evolutoany niche.
How many species can be found on every continent?
Most of them?
How many species figured out how to fly despite never developing wings?
Technology. Yes, that’s a human thing at last, at least at the level we use it.
How many species developed hundreds of distinct methods of communication
Various species have methods of communicating, from bees dancing to each other to whales having distinct regional dialects. Yes, humans have added some complexity to it by introducing technology, but that’s realy what it comes down to. Technology.
How many species have been to the moon?
Technology, once more.
So your point is that humans have learned to use technology, therefor they are badass.
I disagree. We are living in an absolut singularity tight now. Humans have learned to use finate resources (oil for example) to amplify the energy that we have at our hands. A single humans beeing today can use energy that would be equal to thousands of men’s work every day.
Since we are drawing on finate resources there are two ways how this will go: we will learn to exploit other, less finate sources of energy (say, fusion) and the groth path will continue (to the stars, eventually). Or we will run out of energy or ruin the livable world by doing so and will fall back to an earlier level of development. Since most of the resources needed are used up we will not be able clime back up. At this moment we are on the second of those paths.
And in our way in getting here we have started the sixt mass extinction, accidentaly started turning the climate into something less sustainable for humans and polluted every single space on this planet, including areas like the deep ocean that we have never even touched physically.
Humans are not badass, in my opinion. We are fucking cancer.
- Comment on NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense 7 months ago:
but humans are evolutionary badasses
How so?
- Comment on Ron DeSantis signs bill scrubbing ‘climate change’ from Florida state laws 8 months ago:
That would be cruel to the people hit by a natural Desaster, people that might not be on board with this law at all.
Further it would just give the right wings nuts a reason to point to how evil Democrats are.
I instead propose to create a safety fund on the federal level that can be used to support states hit by natural Desaster. Just call it something realy obvious, like the “Climate Change Damge Mitigation Fund”. Make it a requirement that states publicly announce how much money they are asking for from said fund.
- Comment on neptune 9 months ago:
I quite liked Astrums cover of Voy 1 and 2.
- Comment on fossil fuels 9 months ago:
Only the it’s not companies but entities which include China, the former soviet union and the Russian federation. This is such a fucking missleading title the guardian ran here.
- Comment on tremendous 9 months ago:
I second this, it seams a bit one the nose to be real.