- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
There is a surprising amount of empty space between atoms, and even inside atoms between the eleftron orbitals and the nucleus. Small black holes are so dense they mostly fall through this empty between-atom space and don’t actually hit anything. Even in a matter-rich environment like inside the Earth, you’d need a black hole with more than half the mass of the moon to be large enough to eat matter faster than it loses matter to Hawking radiation.
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
It’s wild that there is so much space between atoms (and inside them, between the elctron orbitals and the nucleus), and black holes are so incredibly dense, that a small black hole can fall all the way through the Earth and not hit enough matter to gain appreciable mass.
- Comment on Sun God 3 days ago:
There was a time people thought Mercury would have some “twilight” acreage that was always at habitable temperatures. Then we learned that, while yes it is tidally locked with the Sun, it is locked in a 3:2 resonance so it does rotate with respect to the sun, and everywhere gets both scorched and frozen to uninhabitability.
- Comment on Fucking pigeons 1 month ago:
I sometimes come across a dead baby pigeon inside my work building, a large manufacturing structure many pigeons find their way into. Presumably the death is from falling out of the kind of nest in OP’s image.
- Comment on Bat Drip 2 months ago:
Estrus in bats - some bloody discharge while in the fertile part of their cycle. Only great apes have menstrual cycles (shedding unused uterine lining at the end of a cycle, NOT fertile when discharging blood).
- Comment on Toilet specific plungers get the job done faster and with way less effort and mess. 5 months ago:
Many sinks do not have overflow drains.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
There will always be some level of unemployment (a percentage of people who want job a won’t have found one), but if automation made the unemployment rate permanently go up, all the people who used to hand knit socks who lost jobs to powered looms, all the people who used to drive plows with oxen who lost jobs to combines, all the blacksmiths who lost jobs to powered forges, and equivalent percentage of the population for subsequent generations forever would remain unemployed. And yet, somehow, subsequent generations have managed to mostly find jobs.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
Jobs are not a finite resource. If there is a pool of people who want to work, someone will find stuff to pay them to do.
I seriously would love for my entire current set of job responsibilities to be automated. There are a couple of value-adding full-time jobs’ worth of work I could be doing for my employer that are just being left on the table right now.
- Comment on Continental D r i f t s 10 months ago:
It has a lot of dissolved water that, if exposed to atmospheric pressure, boils off. So it could be said to have components that are boiling?
- Comment on beds 10 months ago:
Beds predate language. Non-human apes build “nests” - beds in trees - to sleep in.
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
The ozone hole size is influenced by the strength of the polar vortex, the Antarctic temperature, and other things in addition to the concentration of CFC molecules. It’s barely shrunk, but CFCs are so long-lived that was expected - the critical point is it stopped growing over 20 years ago. I believe they expect to start seeing shrinking within the next decade.
- Comment on But isn't it dead too? 1 year ago:
It used to be more true, when straight chlorine was what was used. Now most municipalities use chloramine, which is more stable. Most plants don’t care, but it’s an issue for fish, so there are “water conditioner” products for aquariums that remove both chlorine and chloramine.
- Comment on I can't argue with his point. 1 year ago:
So says Robin Red Breast, the bird with orange belly feathers
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
To an extent, this is already happening. I work in manufacturing, and the last couple of years there was more demand for our product than our factories were physically capable of producing, and prices were raised to weed out the number of customer orders to what we could handle. Projections for this year are for softened demand, and sales expects to have to offer significant price cuts to keep enough orders for our manufacturing lines to stay busy.
Collective “we have enough stuff and will buy less” at work.
- Comment on Task failed successfully? 1 year ago:
Or hold on for two years. At least in the US, the non-payout for suicide is only allowed the first two years of the policy.
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
You are probably being sarcastic, but for those who haven’t come across it - operating rooms are often called theaters.
- Comment on San Francisco says tiny sleeping 'pods,' which cost $700 a month and became a big hit with tech workers, are not up to code 1 year ago:
With a housing shortage, say 10 people needing a place to live in this space, renting 2-3 houses leaves 7-8 people homeless. Making progress can’t be just a rejection of sub(sub)standard solutions, it has to also be building acceptable but dense housing.
- Comment on Hell freezes over, MS Paint adds support for layers and PNG transparency 1 year ago:
They did. I guess the community outcry was so loud even Microsoft had to heed it and reverse course.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
If volunteer admins are at their limits, tools to enable admins to manage larger communities needs to come before further growth. Yes, lemmy needs an order of magnitude growth to be able to seriously compete on content, but outgrowing admin capacity is not a sustainable path.