- Comment on Gaza war: Five Israeli soldiers killed 'by tank fire' in Jabalia 9 months ago:
The tanks identified a weapon in the building and fired two shells towards it, the probe found.
Seven other soldiers were injured by the tank fire, three of them severely.Sounds like a tank gunner panic'ed when he/she saw a possible weapon that could take out the tank, with no communication for ground troops.
Another tragic loss of life. So Netanyahu can escape corruption charges.
- Comment on Ron DeSantis signs bill scrubbing ‘climate change’ from Florida state laws 9 months ago:
Ron DeSantis went to Harvard and has the critical thinking skills of someone who bought his degree from Harvard.
Climate scientist predict the planet will heat up to 3 degrees more. And this dum dum is thinking he can swat it away if people just don't talk about it.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
No satire? Guess anything on the internet is out of the question then.
Engaging or providing subjective negative reviews
What do they think a review is?! If they wanted an advertisement, buy an ad spot on Google ya cheap bastards.
- Comment on "Severe geomagnetic storm" may hit Earth today: Everything you need to know 9 months ago:
Earth's magnetic field will dissipate almost all the electromagnetism that would harm your devices. If not that, then your house/car is technically a Faraday cage.
Satellites in high orbit are going to be disrupted. So long as they stay on the same course, they should be alright. But internet outages will hit quite a few people.
- Comment on UCLA students describe violent attack on Gaza protest encampment: ‘It was terrifying’ 10 months ago:
Some three dudes were ripping apart barricades and one of the older staff started trying to stop them. They basically said "no way you can stop us old lady."
Watched as three counter protestors held down and punched out one dude.
Someone threw a lit 3-5 lb firework into the protestors.
Tons of mace and tear gas.
Worst thing I saw done to the counter protestors was a guy getting a splinter from trying to remove one of the boards.
Police were 15 yards away watching.
- Comment on Elon Musk goes ‘absolutely hard core’ in another round of Tesla layoffs 10 months ago:
I don't know how one man can think he can do the output of 20% of his engineers.
We aren't going to see another model Tesla after this are we?
- Comment on Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are. 10 months ago:
I think people do not realize that for large gatherings where violence could break out this is pretty standard.
Most Sports stadiums have them.
I do not think it is wrong to be cautious, or at least have some pieces on the table in case something breaks out.
Which I am sorry to say, could very well happen.
1:5 Americans believe that an act of force is justified. RIght wing or left wing, that could be a terrifying concept if someone motivated by zealous anger to attack a protest they don't fully understand.
- Comment on Health insurance giant Kaiser will notify millions of a data breach after sharing patients' data with advertisers | TechCrunch 10 months ago:
I know many people will shit on Kaiser for being a health insurance company, but as a person who has work through Cigna, UHC, Humana, Kaiser was the only health insurance that I felt people were being helped, had access to that help. With no hassles.
It's a fucked up system, but kaiser was one of the few I would take a slap for. Everyone else can get shit on.
- Comment on Tesla profits nosedive as more job cuts announced 10 months ago:
Thank you
- Comment on Tesla profits nosedive as more job cuts announced 10 months ago:
Or in job terms, 466,667 jobs that pay $120,000 a year.
- Comment on Tesla profits nosedive as more job cuts announced 10 months ago:
I couldn't imagine being a software engineer for Telsa, pouring your heart and soul into making a good product.
And in your bosses' drunken haze, gets to make an ass of himself on the world stage and get paid 1,000,000,000x your salary to do it.
Loose advertising investors, loose quality and face on the products you have to build. Still gets to be CEO of three failing companies
But your job is the one that gets canned to save the stock price.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
I hear it has the same release schedule as Half Life 3, Knights of the old republic remake, and Road Runner vs. Acme.
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
Why on earth do they have a monthly subscription on something people maybe use once every 1 or two years?
Who is actually going to pay a netflix sub to see marginally bad data that often?
Like Netflix I understand if you cannot help yourself.
But is there a band of computer nerds out there, that I don't know about, that want play by play updates on how a graphics card is preforming compared to others? On a monthly basis?
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
Oh no! My outdated political takes and league of legends rants are going to be used to train AI!?
We're all doomed!
- Comment on CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 1 year ago:
The findings, based on interviews with 4,702 company chiefs spread across 105 countries, point to the far-reaching impacts that AI models are expected to have on economies and societies, a topic that will feature prominently at the annual meetings.
Once you start digging into the article it is quite hysterical what executives think a predictive chat model are going to replace. It reads more like a wish list then anything else.
But they expect AI to replace transportation, Tesla and General Motors are not having any success with this.... yet. There appears to be a bandwidth issue that isn't going to be solved until the US upgrades to fiber.
Boston dynamics are having a lot of success with their robots of late. Everyone else is stuck still getting robots to stack boxes. Which is also having it's problems with bandwidth. And apparently logic issues.
They also expect things like Energy and power/utilities to be replaced by AI. And that is just dumb. Automation has already swept through the power sector, and AI is not going to help with much else, unless it is going to start repairing power lines, transformers, or the regular substation.
Above all, this is not taking into account the new jobs this also creates. People will need to repair and troubleshoot equipment at multiple layers.
What is also absent from the article is the executive jobs AI will also replace. Once AI can view things at multiple levels. True, you don't need the average worker anymore. But you don't need someone that is just collecting a paycheck, do you? If AI will be programed to replace redundancies, then it won't only find those at lower levels.
- Comment on Pentagon Scientists Discuss Cybernetic 'Super Soldiers' That Feel Nothing While Killing In Dystopian Presentation 1 year ago:
This feels more like the pentagon's wish list, more so then a path forward.
I imagine those mind enhancing stimulants, those pain numbing drugs, and bioweapon on death, are not going to play well together at all.
Brains, connected to computers that allow telepathic communication.
Be able to regrow a limb, like a lizard.
Lab grow embryos that can be edited with muscle enhancing strength.
That is a lot of systems that have to work well with each other.
- Comment on Chinese hackers steal chip designs from major Dutch semiconductor company — perps lurked for over two years to steal NXP's chipmaking IP: Report | Tom's Hardware 1 year ago:
Agreed, there is a bit of hubris in my argument
However, I don't think it matters either way because China has the information, so it's more about likelihood of replication.
Which I would say, China has the best chance of replicating that.
But just because you copied someone else's homework doesn't mean you understand it, or that it was even helpful to understanding the sum of the whole.
Don't get me wrong, this data breach is terrible, but the only way this is a death sentence for the Dutch is if China got a 1:1 schematic and build process of the chips, including material composition.
Which I don't think they have.
- Comment on Chinese hackers steal chip designs from major Dutch semiconductor company — perps lurked for over two years to steal NXP's chipmaking IP: Report | Tom's Hardware 1 year ago:
However, even though it confirmed the theft of its intellectual property, NXP says that the breach did not result in material damage — saying that the data stolen is complex enough that it can't be easily used to replicate designs. As such, the company didn't see the need to inform the general public, reports NRC.
Looks like China got to peak at the Dutch's homework. However, that isn't going to do much good if China doesn't know how the Dutch got to that solution. However, I have no doubt it is just a matter of time and resources.
Also, it is unclear if the information that was taken was helpful at all. I doubt they had full schematics of next gen chips lying around. It also sounds like there is another layer of security they feel hasn't been breached. Which is good for the most part because it means the information has knowledge layers that have to be understood first for the manufacturing process.
- Comment on CORRECTED EXCLUSIVE OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster -sources 1 year ago:
Given vast computing resources, the new model was able to solve certain mathematical problems, the person said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on behalf of the company.
Accountants are about to be out of a job.
In all seriousness though, it just means the tools we have will become more precise, so you can dig though a company's financials within seconds and know where irregularities lie.
Which is great news for the IRS. If they could get their hands on that setup.
Which is also bad news if you are a stock trader and an AI just took your job.
Which is a crazy idea to think about....
Who had capitalist AI overloads on their apocalypse bingo card? - Comment on StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS 1 year ago:
I'll keep an ear to the ground.
But I don't like that $90 preorder logic at all, it's almost weird it exists.
I try to imagine going to a gamestop and a gaming associate was like, buy that game 3 days later and I'll give you $20.
Skip the in game pet and mount, that most people forget exists after the expansion, and I'll make that $40
But then.... why does this system exist?!
- Comment on Battling Anti-Israel Hate with AI Bots - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 1 year ago:
Covering APIs, AI-driven translators and other tools based on their proprietary large language model, it is already collaborating with some of the best-known experts in the field, including at AI21 Labs, Google, and Microsoft.
Imagine AI being able to instantly check whether a post violates the terms of service (TOS) of the specific platform where it’s made.
Imagine the ability to report said post on the spot.
And if it doesn’t violate the TOS, to instantly generate the best counterargument?
Kind of a weird apocalyptic way to kick humans off the internet:
When online opinions no longer matter because, he who has the strongest computer, will have the best AI. Which will also have the best public opinion(s).
At that point, only places where people can confirm you are a real human will matter.
- Comment on Stephen King calls on Elon Musk to change 'X' back to Twitter 1 year ago:
If you build it they will come.
Focus on making your communities great, having great conversations, seeing something from a different lens. People like Steven King hang out in great places, so focus on making this a great place to visit.
- Comment on Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ 1 year ago:
Folks he is conning
Call themselves wolves, march like sheep
I do pity fools. - Comment on youtube getting more agressive 1 year ago:
They are probably hitting people in waves, in an effort to make sure this isn't a surge, then a massive protest like the Unity situation.
But once google realizes they'll have to burn serious money and make their product worse on the global stage to fix the problem, they'll quit just like Microsoft, AOL, and Netscape.
But I think this campaign is just there to loosen the people who installed an ad-block, but have no idea what an ad-block is.
Which will be different from the people who know about "alternate methods," and will easily slip the google net unnoticed.
- Comment on New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer 1 year ago:
The understandable difference being that a gun has but one purpose: Kill people.
Whereas everything else I have mentioned, including 3d printers are multi-purpose. Not intended to kill, but to serve multiple roles.
Though, it is a good point that few devices could be cobbled together to make infinite guns so long as you had material. So I am not saying it isn't a class of it's own, just where does the logic end with that point?
Is it only legal for a company to print guns? How does a license alone protect people? I don't think that is something I could answer.
- Comment on New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer 1 year ago:
A surprising enlightening read. Thank you for sharing.
- Comment on New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer 1 year ago:
I think some people would say the ability to print a gun is more deadly then a knife.
But I kind of agree with you.
If we start licensing people to own stuff that has the potential to do harm, then eventually you are going to run into a never ending list of household items and laws of natural physics:
- Bleach
- Vinegar
- Salt
- Sugar
- Chlorine
- Gas
- Natural gas
- Methane
- Fertilizers
- Electricity
- Paper
- Fire
- Propane
- Etc.
- Comment on Lemmy developer, @SleeplessOne1917, argues for the killing of Israeli civilians and children 1 year ago:
Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one.
I imagine you look into someone's life deep enough, there is eventually something you are going to disagree ethically about.
I think that is why it is important to have the conversation, rather then pretend the issue doesn't exist. Because that is what Israel has been doing for 20 years. It is also why the people of Israel and Palestine have bodies in the streets.
This is 20 years of inaction boiling over into one single event. We either learn the lesson, or continue in ignorance.
- Comment on She Was Supplementing Her Income 1 year ago:
In some ways, I do think you are right.
If everyone saw the president doing porn I imagine that would impact how people engaged with him politically.
That being said, I do feel like you are treating the symptom and not the source.
Teachers are not using work like porn for freedom of expression, they are doing it to put a roof over their heads. It's meant to supplement income that is not part of their primary source: Teaching.
So long as we pay teachers a poverty level, I don't think we can debate the morality of survival. Or punish them for the inaction of politicians.
- Comment on Twitter/X removing the block feature 1 year ago:
The block feature is not there out of the goodness of their CEO's heart.
It is there to limit liability from harassment. After all, why police harassment laws at your expense. When you can get the end user to enforce it for you.
It's just Dumb evil.