Is SpaceX failing?
Comment on Tesla profits nosedive as more job cuts announced 10 months ago
I couldn't imagine being a software engineer for Telsa, pouring your heart and soul into making a good product.
And in your bosses' drunken haze, gets to make an ass of himself on the world stage and get paid 1,000,000,000x your salary to do it.
Loose advertising investors, loose quality and face on the products you have to build. Still gets to be CEO of three failing companies
But your job is the one that gets canned to save the stock price. 10 months ago 10 months ago
You’re a little loose with those extra Os there. 10 months ago
Technically $56 billion.
Or in job terms, 466,667 jobs that pay $120,000 a year. 10 months ago
They were talking about your use of loose in place of lose. 10 months ago
Thank you