- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 3 days ago:
But this is a bad idea.
Areas with high property value have higher quality schooling. Area with low property value have lower quality schooling. The rich stay rich. The poor stay poor.
Maybe education money shouldn’t come from property taxes. Maybe corporations should pay for the education they require their workers to have visa corporate taxes
- Comment on DOGE slashes entire government agency with average salary of $131,000 a year to just ONE staff member 3 days ago:
Ah, you have no answer. I’m not surprised. Thanks for validating my stereotype. A part of me was hoping you were better
- Comment on DOGE slashes entire government agency with average salary of $131,000 a year to just ONE staff member 4 days ago:
Tell us what you know about charity, economic development, soft power, and trade deals.
- Comment on US fab construction costs twice as much, takes twice as long as Taiwan 2 weeks ago:
I live in Korea. How do you define “loyal to workers?”
- Comment on Millennials are exhausted by working more for less. 10 months ago:
I’d argue it depends on context. When it comes to corporate budgeting, ‘resource’ is appropriate, as it could be a contracted company, a tool, or an individual. When it comes to actual manpower, I think referring by title is reasonable.
But in the context of hiring and HR, “resource” is the only term they understand, especially if there is trouble making the ROI clear
- Comment on OpenAI’s GPT Is a Recruiter’s Dream Tool. Tests Show There’s Racial Bias 11 months ago:
Not the original commenter, but I would guess that the goal would be to reflect the population. Women are about 50% of the population, so assuming all things created equal, they should be about 50% of any other population, like those with a specific job title.
- Comment on What were your top favorite video games as a kid? 1 year ago:
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat
The Remembrance speaks to us on the evil of man’s will, of the reasons for Exodus, and the Rites of the Traveler. Arcadia is our destiny and our right. Enlightenment is our gift. By the Bloodnames of the founders we must return, return and protect that which is unique among the stars. Terra awaits us as it was written. We are the last of the Wardens, the sole hope for the Earth.
Wolves still prowl
- Comment on Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default 1 year ago:
This makes sense, especially considering the features the author cited. The by design parts may just be for clickbait purposes
- Comment on China receives US equipment to make advanced chips despite new rules-report 1 year ago:
And I’m guessing a smaller chip makes it even harder to detect. Makes sense. Thank you
- Comment on China receives US equipment to make advanced chips despite new rules-report 1 year ago:
Can anyone inform me regarding the purpose of preventing China from producing these more advanced chips? Is it protectionism? Is it anti-China policy? Is there some kind of particular military application?
- Comment on Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default 1 year ago:
Maybe I’m part of the problem, and if so, please educate me, but I’m not understanding why blocking is ineffective…?
And block lists seem like an effective method to me.
The security improvements described seem reasonable, so it would be nice to get those merged.
I understand that curation and block lists require effort, but that’s the nature of an open platform. If you don’t want an open platform, that’s cool, too. Just create an instance that’s defederated by default and whitelist, then create a sectioned-off Fediverse of instances that align with your moderation principles.
I feel like I’ve gotta be missing something here. These solutions seem painfully obvious, but that usually means I’m missing some key caveat. Can someone fill me in?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Ah, sorry. I realize I wasn’t clear at all. I wasn’t agreeing with the previous comment. Just mentioning how it was a problem. This author sounds like they don’t know much
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Haven’t read outliers, but I live in Korea. Weak people in authority here is a serious problem. See the Sewol ferry incident:
The culture of saving face and not causing disturbance compounds the problem. For example, some married couples prefer to not know if their partner is cheating so as to not disturb the peace of the family. Fortunately, this is becoming more rare, but it is still an issue.
- Comment on Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ 1 year ago:
Sure, but when did bring in your right mind preclude you from being a customer? There are plenty of industries based on preying on idiots
- Comment on Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM 1 year ago:
Good point. That stuff is chill. I dig me some Johnny Cash now and then, too
- Comment on Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM 1 year ago:
That whole culture is cancer. A lot of Koreans here think country music is typical American music, and i have to explain to them how that whole culture is super, super fucked and how they need to turn off that fucking music
- Comment on After ChatGPT disruption, Stack Overflow lays off 28 percent of staff 1 year ago:
Not exactly what I was hoping for, but that works. I can do a bit of answering, per the comments. Thanks!
- Comment on After ChatGPT disruption, Stack Overflow lays off 28 percent of staff 1 year ago:
I don’t get all the hate and vitriol for StackOverflow. Sure, some people are assholes. Welcome to humanity. At least the system provides for voting to suppress the shit takes and general assholery.
SO combined with Google is usually enough to help me find an answer that either gives the context I need to make a solution or a straight up solution. If people are posting and expecting a super detailed, correct answer in a matter of hours, I think their expectations need adjustment.
I’ve posted very few questions and had decent responses for the majority of them. Is my experience uncommon?
But yeah, layoffs suck, and I hope they find a way to be profitable. Hell, if they do a Patreon-esque model where people can just throw money at them because they appreciate the service, I’d subscribe. (If a similar thing exists that I don’t know about, please link)
- Comment on What programming languages aren't too criticized here? 1 year ago:
That’s because PowerShell blurs the line between programming language and scripting language. By accessing the entire .NET library, if course it’s going to have more features than a basic scripting language that relies on open source utilities installed on the system.
The reasons people hate it are because they hate Microsoft, it breaks from traditional shells too far, and it’s a pain in the ass to type (verbose). To use PowerShell effectively, you almost need to write full software programs. At that point, just use C#.
As for you preferring it to Python… I think you don’t know Python. I’m trying to come up with every way possible to make PowerShell sound better than Python, and I got nothing. Maybe you don’t like whitespace? I cannot understand your point of view here. Help me out
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC nominee, finally giving Democrats a 3-2 majority 1 year ago:
I don’t think you put much thought into this, friend. Many social media companies are incorporated in the US to make use of US ad revenue sources. Where the servers are hosted doesn’t matter. The legal corporate entity is the important bit.
And as mentioned in the other comment, privacy protections would operate the same way, seeing as they are literally rules for social media, among other sites.
But yes, privacy protections would be great. Let’s do that
- Comment on I can't code. 1 year ago:
What are these answers…
Wrong place to ask, but whatever.
It depends on what you want to build. If you’re not sure, start with Python. It’s likely easiest to pick up and get running. There’s a book called “Automate the Boring Stuff.” I think there’s an online version.
If you don’t want to set up Python (or any language, really) on your computer, there’s a tool called a REPL that you can find online. So you can just search “Python online REPL,” and you’ll get a functional online environment to code. Now, you won’t be able to do stuff interacting with your local computer this way, like reading files, but it’s good for learning the basics of the language.
In terms of software for writing code in on your local computer, Visual Studio Code (NOT to be confused with Visual Studio) is a free, lightweight code editor. It supports every language via plugins.
If you do go the Python route, make sure to learn about virtual environments before you do ‘pip’ or ‘conda’ anything. Also, unless you’re doing data science things, stick to pip. (Maybe some personal bias there, but I hate anaconda.) If you’re starting from nothing, it’ll be awhile until you get there anyway, so don’t worry too much about it.
Most importantly, find a community that welcomes new learners. Learning to code is absolutely fucking brutal, so having supportive people available makes a world of difference. Bonus points if you can find an offline meetup in your local area.