- Comment on Can you actually suffocate to death from holding your breath? 20 hours ago:
When my child started holding her breath when tantruming the doctor made sure to tell us not to worry and that if they manage to hold their breath until they pass out they’ll start breathing as soon as they go unconscious. Kids are wild
- Comment on I wish they'd stop calling themselves Conservatives 1 day ago:
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 2 days ago:
Both WordPress and Ghost support federation to some degree, so that would also enable interaction via the Fediverse!
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 2 days ago:
Everyone I know who has a deck absolutely loves it
- Comment on Microsoft begins turning off uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in Edge 2 days ago:
Looks like Image
- Comment on Microsoft begins turning off uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in Edge 2 days ago:
Firefox also has SSO integration with M365! Last I tested it it was less clean than Microsoft’s but it does exist and work the last time I used it
- Comment on Microsoft begins turning off uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in Edge 2 days ago:
How would being federated with affect how a user on sees content posted by a account?
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
Both of my cats came from my in-laws farm and it’s been funny with the older of the two as she needed to learn from another cat how being friendly gets you pets and scritches, meanwhile the younger one who basically came inside as soon as she was on hard food hasn’t had that difficulty
- Comment on Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?! 6 days ago:
I’ve noticed it definitely varies depending on how you access it. The web version is flawless as long as the software has the resources it needs to run (my server is slightly very over-provisioned and gets crazy IO delay pretty frequently from running too much on too little).
The official Android and IOS apps are pretty good but do glitch and hitch from time to time, but apps on other platforms are less perfect. Also the third party Streamyfin and Swiftfin apps both seem to work a bit better than the official one but have their own quirks to be aware of.
The Roku app only just got consistently usable around 3-6 months ago, and still prefers to crash without displaying an error when fed media it can’t direct play, and for some reason some user profiles just don’t work on it. I don’t have anything else to try other apps on but that’s my experience so far
I haven’t really used Plex so I don’t know how clean of an experience it provides, but Jellyfin is very usable and honestly at this point most of the problems I have are specific to my media or my setup and not so much problems with the software itself
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I’ve learned from trans friends that we share some experiences of gender, because I generally don’t fit the traditional masculine model despite being a cis male. I remember being interested in “girly” things as a kid and being frustrated that I wasn’t “supposed” to play with the toys that I wanted to I could see where in another life, with the right people saying the right things at the right times that could lead me to believe that I’m trans when I don’t actually seem to be
- Comment on lol 2 weeks ago:
I can’t remember off the top of my head what the specific series of events was with regards to the almost-losses by SVB going bust.
But one interesting thing that came out of that is banks immediately had the requirements for how much cash they were required to keep liquid increased significantly. The bank I worked at at the time immediately shifted into hard costsaving mode, and ultimately I lost my job with pretty short notice.
Banks have rules for how much of deposits they can invest vs keeping available to withdraw, as well as requirements for how much they must hold in assets compared to the value of their deposits. There’s also strict cybersecurity and workforce training requirements as well for banks, all enforced as requirements to receive FDIC insurance
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 2 weeks ago:
The sad thing is I work at a small office with a half dozen nerdy dudes in their late 20s/early 30s and that is literally how all of them eat.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t be surprised if it varies by monitor but I’ve encountered plenty of monitors professionally where I could not tell the difference between the VGA or HDMI input, but I can absolutely tell when a user had one of the cheap adapters in the mix and generally make a point of trying to get those adapters out of production as much as possible because not only do they noticably fuck with the signal (most users don’t care but I can see it at least) but they also tend to fail and create unnecessary service calls
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
VGA and DVI honestly were both killed off way too soon. Both will perfectly drive a 1080p 60fps display and honestly the only reason to use HDMI or Displayport with such a display is if that matches your graphics output
The biggest shame is that DVI didn’t take off with its dual monitor features or USB features. Seriously there was a DVI Dual Link with USB spec so you could legitimately use a single cable with screws to prevent accidental disconnects to connect your computer to all of your office peripherals, but instead we had to wait for Thunderbolt to recreate those features but worse and more likely to drop out
- Comment on Anyone Can Push Updates to the Website 2 weeks ago:
I still think it’s incredible he named his not yet an actual government department after a should-be-treated-as-a-security-by-the-SEC that he pumped and dumped
- Comment on my version is better 2 weeks ago:
The ambiguity might be intentional too! It would allow different ways of reading into the emotions
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 3 weeks ago:
The concept of file extensions really break down when it comes to audio and video files
Honestly anywhere other than windows they start getting a bit funky since most ecosystems don’t actually rely on the filename to determine the file type
It also doesn’t help that so many file types are just a bunch of text files shoved into a zip file wearing a mask. It’s all abstractions all the way down baby!
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 3 weeks ago:
Find somewhere that accepts/generates ewaste and you might be able to score an internal CD/DVD drives. We were doing some reorganizing at work and I saw a literal box full of 5.25" drives
- Comment on This is America 3 weeks ago:
Wait that didn’t go through yet? I thought that name change went through years ago
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 5 weeks ago:
I’m mostly talking out a technical solution for community redundancy, similar to setting up redundant VM hosts or more accurately like redundant network hardware, where the data and configurations all exist on both servers, and might be load balanced to some degree between both servers, but ultimately should one go down there’s no loss of uptime as the other server takes over until the time that it’s mate comes back online or a new one is setup and connected
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 5 weeks ago:
I’m thinking more unifying communities that either have the same mods or for annexing communities with inactive mods, and I keep referring to redundancy because that’s the specific purpose in my mind, with the side effect of cleaning up the multiple dead communities with the same name on various instances.
There’s a real risk in the Fediverse of the one server hosting a community going offline, and we’ve already seen at least one notable Lemmy host shamble on as a zombie server with absent instance administrators. Instead of forcing communities to tell eachother to migrate or to recreate themselves on a new instance should one disappear suddenly, by having the community effectively load balanced and replicated across 2 or more instances is a lot more resilient
I fully respect when moderator teams have different opinions running similar communities with different rules and expectations and in not saying that should be taken away. I’m just thinking about technical solutions to improve overall Fediverse health
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 5 weeks ago:
It would be nice to see a way of unifying communities on multiple instances for redundancy and improving the situation with redundant communities across instances.
I’d imagine it would probably need to be an option-in option on a per-community basis where one community can request to unify with another one, then from the other community the moderators can accept or reject the request, then the posts, scores and comments would be copied and maintained simultaneously across instances. Differences in block lists between instances would probably be a challenge but not an insurmountable one. Bigger challenge might be latency problems with the mirroring and federation but there’s enough existing redundancy protocols that allow for servers with rediculous redundancy so that’s probably also not insurmountable
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 1 month ago:
I remember back in the day I heard that /r/counting was the easiest place to farm some starting karma on a new account since they didn’t have a karma requirement to comment
- Comment on Help, what have I found 2 months ago:
Elevating the most realistic comment from the linked thread:
This is quite common for extensions in the UK at least. If there is a man hole you can often get permission to build over it but you would need to be able to provide access should it be needed. In the 15 years of living in a houses with one under our kitchen no one has ever needed access. These is one just outside in the side passage so likely most blockages should they arise could be cleared from that one. A previous property was similar but they had tiled and concreted over so would make a mess should they ever need access.
Edit: one in our kitchen, if access was needed they would need to move kitchen units and break grout.
- Comment on Good night, sleep tight... 3 months ago:
Bedbugs can’t survive heat. 1 hour over 100F or a few seconds at 200F kills them. Depending on what you have available, either throw your clothing in a dryer on high for an hour or use a steamer that goes over 200F to rid them. Alternatively placing them in a black garbage bag in a parked car for a day if it’s hot out will also do it. Depending on what is infested, some plastic totes to stage things that haven’t been treated yet can greatly limit their ability to re-infest while you’re treating stuff, and re-treat within a week if you’re not certain (their life cycle is about a week, so treating the same item twice in a week kill get any that survived before they can multiply again)
- Comment on Good night, sleep tight... 3 months ago:
I read somewhere that bed bugs actually evolved alongside humans, so they’re about as old as bedding and that’s it
- Comment on Save big money, but not your soul. 3 months ago:
Is this the secret to how you save 66% on everything?
Or is the real secret that you’ll never remember to mail in the rebate card until it’s long past the due date and just stuck with the 11% higher price?
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
you can use it to watch linear TV if you don’t feel like making a selection.
These days that’s through a box the cable company provides that plugs into the HDMI more often than anything else. If you happen to have actual towers in range maybe you can actually plug an antenna into the antenna port but that’s what TV Tuner cards that you plug into your Jellyfin/Plex box are for. Basically for folks looking for a dumb TV chances are they have no need for any of the actual TV features except for maybe the remote
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
If the room is small enough room with the seating closet enough to the screen, a large computer monitor could do the job pretty well. You’d have to be fine with doing all input switching and audio control on a receiver or only ever use a single device as the input.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 3 months ago:
I think it’s more trying to win political favor by spending big with the company owned by someone close to the incoming presidential administration.
Or it’s just wanting to market their ads on that platform and as you said, not having the balls to stick to their boycott