- Comment on Tesla sales crash continues in Europe, with Germany down 70% 2 days ago:
Because only rich Ukranians could afford them, and the rich ones fled Ukraine when the war kicked up.
- Comment on Sun God 1 week ago:
Screenshot from Rick and Morty S6E9 Bring forth the sheers of stumping!
- Comment on xkcd #3056: RNA 1 week ago:
The advances in cancer research and treatment in the last 40 years is crazy too.
In grade six (80s) I lost one of my cohorts to leukemia. It was a long road for her to her passing, with the stereotypical no hair and sick every day looking worse and worse.
My neighbor’s grade 6 kid has a friend with leukemia and now they’re “just” sick “every once in a while” because they had chemo the previous day and they’re supposed to avoid sports, but is expected to be fine before they go to high school. Wild.
- Comment on Framework ships RISC-V board for its 13" laptops along with "boardless" laptop chassis. 4 weeks ago:
And MIPS too. NT 3.1, 3.5, 4.0 all saw MIPS, Alpha, and x86 releases.
- Comment on Caveman technology 2 months ago:
That was clever. Thanks for the share.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 2 months ago:
No, but being in Spain during the summer lends itself to doing as the locals do. I couldn’t have given less of a care about what time zone I was in.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 2 months ago:
I spent about a week in Toledo, Spain for a wedding a few years ago during the summer. We were taking siestas on our second day there and eating dinner at 10pm.
It was actually quite enjoyable operating on the Spanish time-conventions.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 3 months ago:
Or. I said or.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 3 months ago:
I mean, yeah. There are places to buy toasters with eth, BTC, ltc, or buy a gift card for a retailer and use that.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 3 months ago:
I don’t agree. My raw ETH holds up pretty well as money.
- Comment on Intel CEO Lost A 40% Discount For TSMC's Latest Chip Tech After Taiwan Remarks - Report 4 months ago:
He Heard it was the new thing to do.
- Comment on xkcd #3004: Wells 4 months ago:
The fact that people were still paying for ‘professional’ dowsing services as recently as 20 years ago says a lot too. Many people genuinely thought that wells needed to hit a specific spot to get water, the comprehension of how water tables work was certainly lacking.
- Comment on I found a weird IP address on my network that had transmitted an insanely small amount of data. I put the address in my browser and got this. what the heck am I looking at? 5 months ago:
What’s weird about this is that it should be getting a response from IIS like you showed us in the screenshot.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
How obvious is it that it’s a bot?
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
My i5-4690 and i7-4770 machines remain competitive to this day, even with spectre patches in place. I saw no reason to ‘upgrade’ to 6/7/8th gen CPUs.
I’m looking for a new desktop now, but for the costs involved I might just end up parting together a HP Z6 G4 with server surplus cpu/ram. The costs of going to 11th+ desktop Intel don’t seem worth it.
I’m going to look at the more recent AMD offerings, but I’m not sure they’ll compete with surplus server kit.
- Comment on Unreal Engine supervisor at ModelFarm blasts 50% failure rate with Intel chips — company switching to AMD's Ryzen 9 9950X, praises single-threaded performance 7 months ago:
I used to think so too, but I’ve got an Intel box where I have to turn hardware offload off in order to not have networking ‘crashes’ (complete with kernel dump data) that take out my networking for 5-15sec. Chip is i218-LM r05.
I’ve never had an issue with my i210 and x550 chips, but this 218 is super frustrating.
- Comment on Forgot to pay my domain for a year and now I have to spend £2200 ($3000) if I want to get it back 7 months ago:
My last year of uni I was broke. The previous year the parking passes had red letters, that year purple. That was the only difference. The colour. I traced over all the letters of my previous parking pass with a blue sharpie and parked for free all year.
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
She did? Which wife?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago: