- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 3 weeks ago:
"Hey, there’s Evan. "He’s a young guy. “He likes the Stereophonics.”
- Comment on Do you want me to heat that up in the "Michael Wave"? 3 weeks ago:
I only use my Erin Friar these days.
- Comment on Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community! 4 weeks ago:
I’ll have a look if I can sandbox in lineage first, then maybe apply for the beta test if it looks possible.
- Comment on Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community! 4 weeks ago:
When you say “android” does it depend on any google services? Or will it run on lineageOS with no(minimal) google stuff?
- Comment on Horse denier 2 months ago:
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 2 months ago:
How do they if you dont plug them in to the network, do they have cellular, or some sort of PLC? Can they hack WPA? maybe they’re more powerful than i’d creditt them for.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 2 months ago:
Linux doesnt “force” chip makers. It tries to collaborate , that’s the point of what Linus has been saying and doing for several years. I don’t know which market you’re talking about though, embedded - which is relevant here, or consumer PC. I don’t even think MS gives a shit about consumer PC, it’s worth next to nothing to anyone - maybe apple does.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 2 months ago:
I’d think most people woud go for a cheap used ultra Small Form Factor pc or raspberry pi set up as an htpc. Plug in to either tv screen (via hdmi ) or monitor / projector directly. Never connect the tv to the internet - or even to your LAN if you’re really paranoid. You can arse around with a remote control a bit bodgy, or just use wireless Keyboard/mouse.
I cant imagine spending the time to jailbreak a tv to get less functionality for more hassle - but i’m sure some crazy will have done it - good luck finding them though.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 2 months ago:
I think he needs to work with HW manufacturers and chip designers/manufacturers to get drivers. They’re always going to have some proprietary HW and FW and communication protocols somewhere in their stuff. I think if he pisses them off too much he has to to bit-bash or reverse engineer all drivers for loads of stuff - which is never going to happen.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 2 months ago:
Thanks I was looking at the answer and thinking it didn’t fit my memory. i’m sure most of mine were ACs. TBF with things like VPAM coming in the late 90s, you did have backspace and all sorts of stuff like that.
I still remember doing linear regression in a stats exam on i think a casio fx-115W something like that . Excellent calculator - but just no, it was time for some things to be on a real computer.
- Comment on Microsoft wants $30 to let you keep using Windows 10 securely for another year 2 months ago:
Best replacement for excel is: anything that doesn’t rape your data whilst pouring sugar in you gas tank. /s
TLDR - R, Python, mariaDB, for real data analysis stuff + minor role for whatever spreadsheet package.
For hobbies / analysis / data manipulation , storage , graphs and general stats fuckery here’s my advice; as someone who does this stuff - “badly I might add” - for a shitty public sector organisation that just can’t decide whether to bend over M$ barrel or Oracle’s barrel:
use R (via R-studio if you need an “environment”) for more statsy stuff and easier graphs.
Python for more general mathsy / programmy / web scrapy stuff - can do decent graphs with libraries like plotly and matplotlib stuff like that, scipy, numpy, and pandas are the other basic libraries for analysis and maths and large datasets. peopl like using ‘jupyter notebooks’ - I don’t get it personally - but 50 Phil Ochs fans cant be that wrong.
Set up a mariadb or something if you need databasey stuff, I doubt you need to look at more hardcore stuff like postgresql for “hobbying” ; my personal (1 user) databases were built several years ago and mariadb is just fine for that. but some of the high vol transactional DB at work do use postgresql.
These are all good to learn in my experience, even if you think they’re harder than excel; ( are they tho’? array formlae!?). They’re sort of interoperable - subject to learning. They - naturally - have their open-source annoyances.: a million ways to do everything, and versioning issues. (Excel still has fucking vlookup() tho’ - talk abut legacy baggage - but no it’s not as bad as the open souce maelstroms).
You can still ouput data into a spreadsheet for viewing formatting and messing with stuff - but there are other ways.
Footnote: Yes I do still use excel, but normally mostly for final formatted report for customer who wants it. Having R/python directly write data into excel is so much better than letting excel open anything. Excel just can’t let an innocent SNOMED code go unmolested; you have to be on high alert if you let excel actually do anything.
Also spreadsheet for messy data cleansing - for looking at mess, to help refine the R/python cleansing script. I’d happily use libre/ods for any of these but I don’t fancy putting the request in to IT and . . . having to speak to IT about it.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 2 months ago:
oh “online community” , sorry I think I’ve misunderstood this whole thing. I mean, I don’t even know what a GenZ are. Is that, like, doing the emails? https://youtu.be/jK-ZRxeJIiU?t=14
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 2 months ago:
I’d call that a “webpage” though, one with an ill-fitting name. One person with a sandwich board and a megaphone yelling at a few passers by who at best smile, give a half-hearted thumbs up, then walk away.
To me, for it to live up to the name “community” that implies several people sharing stuff and a bit of reciprocity.
Of course that might take time, the first poster might be one of those proverbial people planting those trees that they’re never going benefit fron the shade of. Theres no harm in just creating it making a few posts and leaving them there- it might become active eventually. But it could be never and it will inevitably take a lot longer if the platform only has a million users a day total than if it had a billion.
You can probably do some sort of critical-mass / chain-reaction / markov chain type model to get a handle on the chances of a niche community becoming active in small population. Like that ‘Drake equation’ for trying to stop people wasting resources on SETI.
- Comment on Can’t forget terrormisu 🤌🏼 2 months ago:
torturelini spookghetti penne arra-bat-a Pizza Morguerita
and you can serve Vampolicella or Mortepulciano
- Comment on Ads 2 months ago:
I do update freetube about 1 time a week these days (which is approaching the annoyance level of ads).
I used to have a lot more issues with it when I didn’t update so frequently - or maybe that was just a different stage in the arms race; I’m sure the reliability will vary, and eventually the developer of freetube will give up.
I mean, I wont be throwing out the bat or anything crazy like that.
- Comment on Ads 2 months ago:
i find using freetube keeps Ernie calm.
- Comment on The Worst Apology Video on the Planet 2 months ago:
That might make it less dystopia-ish. Perhaps they can rent a mod-bot from amazon.
Seriously though the first rule does suggets bots are not allowed.
- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 2 months ago:
LEELA Should we really be celebrating? I mean, what if the second garbage ball returns to Earth like the first one did? FRY Who cares? That won't be for hundreds of years. FARNSWORTH Exactly! It's none of our concern. FRY That's the 20th century spirit!
- Comment on I'm back with another great recipe 2 months ago:
I totally made that up by the way so don’t rely on it at all with actual Germans.
Don’t forget their neighbour with numbers like “quatre-vingt-dix-sept” though, I think theres a reason for so many renowned French mathematicians.
- Comment on Are 'micro-apartments' converted from offices the answer to the housing crisis? 2 months ago:
“cost” or “price”? If a high price isn’t clearing a market . . . something uncompetetive is probably happening.
- Comment on Are 'micro-apartments' converted from offices the answer to the housing crisis? 2 months ago:
It’s student accomodation - short term , probably ok for youths for whom sharing with strangers as part of the “experience”.
That’s no place for putting down roots, or for a full time worker. It’s not a bad idea in principle - i agree. But each unit should be 2-3 times the size and include a private shower room, toilet. and at least a small kitchenette. And the conversion should be nominally permanent - i.e. require a plaanning application to reverse.
That plan doesnt even have a washbasin/water supply. My guess is they want to cheap out on plumbing - hence the communal bathroom and kitchen. So that it is reversible back to office space - they’re not building a home if they want it reversible - it’s temporary “accomodation”. No good for a lasting comunity. I’d want this type of accomodation to be no more than a few percent of the homes in an area.
To me the fact they scaled down the plan of the “traditional studio” to make their plan look bigger betrays the fact that these are disingenuous salespeople not actually interested in making viable homes for people.
- Comment on I'm back with another great recipe 2 months ago:
hard-boiled hexegg. It’s better in German, hartgekoctsexei
- Comment on Eat lead 2 months ago:
If I were god I might do all sorts of shit to test the supposed intelligence of my creations. That might include including telling them “do some pointless thing, or else”.
It might interest me to see if they’re capable of reasoning or testing to determine that the task is pointless and the threat is empty. Probably not, but its hilarious for them to think they matter to me; It’s like a videogame to me.
It only takes 6 days for me to start whole a new game. I’m probably bored of it long before now or at least well ino my hundred and somethingth play-through light-years away. I prefer keeping the dinosaurs because they’re way cooler than humans.
- Comment on Eat lead 2 months ago:
Also, did you ever get a sense of dejavu?
QED. - Comment on xkcd #3001: Temperature Scales 3 months ago:
I recommend staying in abstract then. Real world stuff like latent heat and state-changes might maky it boyle.
- Comment on xkcd #3001: Temperature Scales 3 months ago:
Solved global warming. Nice.
- Comment on Microsoft has a big Windows 10 problem, and only one year to solve it 3 months ago:
I they call it Windouze I’ll consider it.
- Comment on Solar panels between railway tracks? 3 months ago:
i think they’ll crack from the vibrations, or to avoid that they’ll need to be built a lot sturdier than normal.
In which case just make the cheap version put them on top of buildings, in cities, near to demand; like everyone with a quarter of a brain has known since their invention.
Don’t install sensitive/ fragile equiipment in dangerous places near massive energetic machines uness it’s neccesay for those machines or there is really no where else to put it.
Can I get 60 grand to shove a solar panel up my arse as an “experiment”? Maybe some of these dumb experiments will help figure out a way to manage all the challenges of idiots who have more money than sense - that might be worth it.
- Comment on There you go little guy 3 months ago:
It’s well in the shade already.
- Comment on Meta fined $102 million for storing passwords in plain text 3 months ago:
Thanks, I appreciate that. I paid an independent IT security consultant lot of money to help me come up with it - so I don’t want to have to change it.