- Comment on Tesla sales crash continues in Europe, with Germany down 70% 3 days ago:
- Comment on Mullvad's privacy-focused search engine Leta is now free for all users | Leta acts as a proxy for Google and Brave search results 4 days ago:
Its cool seeing the Mullvad team keep pushing forward with privacy related services. If I ever need to search Google with JS turned off, I’ll use…SearXNG, but this is cool too.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Gym, Meditate, Therapy, Volunteer, Meetup, Hobbies. Any combination of these, at least 2.
Accumulating money doesn’t count as character building nor living. Spend it wisely, but do spend it. Wisely is subjective, but see above for what I think that means. Good luck.
- Comment on Another OpenAI researcher quits—claims AI labs are taking a ‘very risky gamble’ with humanity amid the race toward AGI 5 weeks ago:
I know the infinite conversation has only gotten better and better! 🤪
- Comment on Politics content to be pushed on all Instagram and Threads users 1 month ago:
Jesus Zuck, what are you doing? Playing all the hits lately. Misogyny, Transphobia…just roll out the Nazi flag already, we all know you got one.
- Submitted 2 months ago to technology@lemmy.world | 1 comment
- Comment on Potential Decentralized Fediverse Alternative to Ko-fi, Patreon, etc.? 2 months ago:
Yeah that makes sense. I appreciate your thoughtful response.
- Comment on People have no idea how understatimate is the New Year Eve celebration in Iceland! This is pure madness! People are just for the fun over here! Fireworks for hours and people plastered and happy 2 months ago:
I believe I have statimated the people of Iceland accurately.
- Comment on Potential Decentralized Fediverse Alternative to Ko-fi, Patreon, etc.? 2 months ago:
Yeah I can see that. It needs to be centralized due to just the nature of, y’know, nation state backed currencies, and crypto ultimately is too vulnerable to becoming a centralized power structures to be taken seriously as an alternative to national currencies.
My only interest in this is whether or not Patron, KoFI, etc. Can still provide their services at the level they already are, but way cheaper (I.e. give a higher percentage back to the creators). I know its somewhat low currently, but is it as low as possible?
Just something I occasionally think about.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
Fair enough. To be clear, I am saying I would not like any of these aspects of humankind, not that they are necessarily in any way equivalent. Nor am I trying to necessarily relate them to each other. On their own, I dislike them.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
I have been struggling with this lately. I am staunchly anti violence and anti war, and yet, I am conflicted on how far I truly would be willing to go to cull classism, fascism, racism, transphobia , homophobia, misogyny, and pedophilia from the world.
These things are abhorrent to me, and I wonder how much of my humanity I’d be willing to sacrifice in exchange for even one of these no longer being in existence amongst the ranks of humanity.
How much help does pacifism give to the world? How much harm does it give.
Two scenes from media I consume have lately continually resurfaced in my mind. One is this scene from Vinland Saga, where the main character’s father confronts him when he finds his sword. The father is about to go off to war, and somberly asks his son who he wants to kill with his father’s sword. This culminates with the father, who again, is about to go off to war, that there is no such thing as enemies.
The other is this scene from Star Wars Andor, in which the leader of a burgeoning Rebellion is asked by a spy who wishes to defect to the Empire asks what he sacrifices for the fight against the Empire. The monologue he delivers is chilling, acknowledging he sacrifices all things that make him human, he becomes like his enemy in order to defeat them. When he reflects on the question, and asks, “So what do I sacrifice? Everything!”
That…is how I feel when I think on the fascism that has come to America. Having no enemies… if only. Truly. Having enemies robs me of my humanity. The thing I struggle with is…am I the one who makes them my enemies? Or are they? And if the only thing we can agree on is that we are enemies…then what choice do we have when they come for me and those I claim as my kin?
- Comment on Susan 3 months ago:
Lol. Nicely shitted.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
This. Sorry but I’m a web developer and one of my colleagues obviously uses it without checking if it is correct, then bugs me or others when he doesn’t understand why it doesn’t work as expected. It is frustrating as hell and I’ve explained it to him multiple times:
Over prompt the AI if you are going to use it. Long lengthy prompts that are very succinct but give as much context as possible.
It is highly preferable to check other sources first like Stack Overflow. Even Medium articles can be better than using AI sometimes.
Type out what the AI output rather than just copy and paste. As you type line by line, explain to yourself what is happening.
Question everything. Do you think this code will work. Why will it work?
Test the code. If it doesn’t work as expected, trouble shoot it.
Don’t be afraid to scrap the whole thing and start over. Even open another prompt and try again if you really think the AI can answer the question (there are many cases where your problem is just too specific and the AI can’t).
He does none of these things. I swear he is the laziest developer I’ve ever met, and I’ve met my fair share.
- Comment on Relationship goals 4 months ago:
Agreed. I mean, to each their own, but I’ve been open and tried the gamut of butt stuff more than a few times with a few partners, and I’ve gotta say…just not a fan of either giving or receiving anal. Oral, on the other hand…
- Comment on Netflix has closed its AAA gaming studio 4 months ago:
Well, they produced Oxenfree 2 which was a welcome sequel that I enjoyed. But other than that, I didn’t really hear about anything else from them.
- Comment on Tesla issues 5th recall for the new Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview camera 5 months ago:
Oh yeah, here’s Some More News on that.
- Comment on Girls taking shits is hella hot 5 months ago:
Coprophilia is a thing, yes.
- Comment on FTC Says Social Media Platforms Engage in 'Vast Surveillance' of Users 5 months ago:
We need you Lina Khan. We need you, but stronger, faster, better. Let’s fucking go.
- Comment on ‘Terrorgram’ Charges Show US Has Had Tools to Crack Down on Far-Right Terrorism All Along 5 months ago:
What about whataboutism? Gotta protect against that too.
- Comment on cohost to shut down at end of 2024. 5 months ago:
Damn…this looks really good actually. I’m sad to day I never heard of cohost until now. But I’ll admit I just identify with the founder’s sentiments around the tech industry, and their strict adherence to moral values around how a platform like that should interact with their users. I wish their developers all the best in looking for new work.
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
Well fuck you and your co² farting anus, Brian Niccol!
- Comment on Hey Reddit lurkers! my ad-free, open source Reddit viewer RDX is on Android now 6 months ago:
I’ll second this request. I prefer to get software through FDroid when possible. I use Stealth in combo with Libreddit currently, but this has a nice UI.
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
Can you recommend me more than a few hardcore leftist content creators exclusively releasing content on Odyssee?
- Comment on Analysis: ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Season 5 Teaser Reveals Alt Cerritos, ‘Enterprise’ Gag, And More 6 months ago:
Oh fuck yes. All hail The Giant Koala! Lower Decks! Lower Decks!!
- Comment on Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled 7 months ago:
This. Google is pushing MV3 to single out and neuter the more robust and customizable ad blockers, like uBO. They’re trying to appease their advertising investors by force feeding them to you and they’re plugging the leaks.
If Firefox ever gets popular enough, what do you wanna bet money bags Google, their primary monetary contributor, will put a condition on the next round of funding that they stop support for MV2?
Stay small and crazy customizable Firefox.
- Comment on Star Trek: Lower Decks Returns in New Ongoing Comic Series 7 months ago:
Better than nothing, but man am I gonna miss that voice acting, smooth animation, and brilliant writing. I’m still grieving this show’s cancelation. It deserved 6 seasons and a movie.
- Comment on what is with child names like Aiden, Braiden etc? 7 months ago:
It could always be worse.
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
Yeah, I do wish they incorporated nitter as well, but otherwise it’s got every privacy respecting frontend and has a lot of public instances in their default listings. One of the best extensions I’ve come across.
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
Honestly, reddit’s search engine is okay, but yeah it doesn’t get as exact as standard search engines because I think it prioritizes keywords from the post title over comments and also prioritizes most recent posts over subject relevance. That said, the old reddit posts are still going to be accessible via standard not google search engines.
I’ll admit this is somewhat of a bandaid fix, as should reddit keep this deal with google going, eventually this workaround will prove less effective than it currently is.
This workaround just gets you the newest posts related go your query, and otherwise, for older posts, the search term reddit in search engines is still superior. So I don’t know, it’s the best solution I can think of for now.
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
I’ve posted this elsewhere, but it bears repeating:
Just use ddg bangs if you use Duckduckgo and you can search reddit directly.
!reddit search term
!r search term
It still picks up latest posts related to reddit, it just searches reddit directly instead of searching Bing’s results. It’s that simple.
You can even use a redirect extension like Libredirect in conjunction with this Duckduckgo feature to redirect your search to a privacy respecting frontend like redlib.