- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
To me it looks more like they’re saying they’ll monetize their work no matter what, tho. One way is through direct payments by those who consider their articles worth paying for, then they don’t need to sell userdata or show ads; the other way is selling userdata. Well, there’s also non-targeted advertising, but mb it doesn’t worth as much or something (and targeted ads already pay close to nothing from a single viewer, afaik).
Where I personally draw the line is when such subscriptions still include ads (looking at you, “ad-free” disney+) or have unnecessarily large costs and so on. I mean, if they charge close to what they’re making with ads and selling data, we could get most websites ~tracker-free for probably a couple of bucks a month each. This, in turn, lessens the power of ad network owners, which again makes the web better. Although, mb I’m idealizing too much, idk.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
Idk what’s the big deal, honestly. Remember the memes about yt premium, “I either give you my money, or my data, but not both”? Well, it’s kinda like that. The caveat is, their payment provider likely still collects data, and some info is saved on the backend anyways, but that’s another can of worms.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 1 week ago:
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
Idk, repairing is often fun and may be faster actually. As in you don’t need to spend time searching for a suitable product and waiting for it to be delivered. Also, most breaks are more or less trivial to fix, so it’s at least worth a try, imo.
- Comment on Rock on Fedi 2 weeks ago:
Fediverse used to sound kinda lame to me, but that’s probably because I’ve encountered “metaverse” first.
- Comment on And he is annoyed that he can't get a better job then sanitation at the local Mc Donald's 2 weeks ago:
I’m so fucking getting this tattoo if I ever loose a leg
- Comment on Anyone Can Push Updates to the DOGE.gov Website 2 weeks ago:
What did you expect from a department named after a memecoin anyways
- Comment on Might be fun idk 2 weeks ago:
I don’t dislike most of them per se, I just don’t understand most of them. I mean, it’s quite impressive what those people can achieve, but I’d rather watch some dude free-climbing in the grand canion or something of that nature ('cause for me even climbing a 20m pipe was scary asf).
Now that i think of it, football is probably singled out in my mind due to its fans doing some batshit crazy stuff oftentimes. Like dude, chill out, it’s just a bunch of people kicking a ball. Save your molotov for your friendly local politicians.
- Comment on Be honest. Your first thought was would this be an advantage or disadvantage during masturbation 2 weeks ago:
I’m wondering if the fingers move independently or also mirror each other’s movement. Because if they do, those people are one custom keyboard away from pretty comfortable PC usage.
- Comment on Might be fun idk 2 weeks ago:
What’s fun about football, tho? I mean, it’s basically a bunch of dudes hitting a sphere for some weird reason or fighting for the pleasure of carrying an egg (and making more money than the most of us while at it)
- Comment on I don't exactly remember it that way 3 weeks ago:
In my case it’s
And yes, I know that obscure board I’m intending to bor(e)row an ic from is in the far left corner under my bed. If you relocate it, I won’t find it when I need it.
- Comment on CURSE OF RAH 3 weeks ago:
Rah-rah rah-uh-ooh…
- Comment on Crypto Hackers Edit Trump's Old Tweets to Insert Fake Nude Photos of Him 3 weeks ago:
Welp, trump supporters are certainly an interesting bunch, yet even they don’t deserve to be emotionally scared like that.
- Comment on Dell kills the XPS brand 1 month ago:
Wait 'til they switch from Intel to their custom d1 CPUs.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
What if their dad took his wife’s 1st name as his last name?
- Comment on New social experiment 1 month ago:
sudo chmod -R 666 /
- Comment on JetKVM's Source Code is now public! ✨ 1 month ago:
Oh no, what a dealbreaker
- Comment on Persistent problems require persistent solutions. 2 months ago:
As one of the suicide bombers in Cory Doctorow’s Radicalized – which coincidentally also explores the idea of ppl getting violently sick with medical insurance providers saying “tnx for the money, now die” – said, violence is never the answer, as long as you ignore all the fucking human history.
- Comment on Absolute slander 3 months ago:
Americans will use anything but metric
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 3 months ago:
Huh, I was honestly expecting something like youtube.com/watch?v=dcYlytyuKsc
- Comment on that’s a long baby 3 months ago:
So, you’re an optional argument?
- Comment on My little buddy (pack of 12) 3 months ago:
Yeah, that probably means you should overthrow that boss and elect a new one. Just sayin’
- Comment on Bad news 3 months ago:
Lefthand side is empty, “empty” is not a number, hence x is NaN.
- Comment on Is there is any rss feed reader for android that accept the following feeds? 3 months ago:
Feeder works fine with the 1st 2, but the last has no articles (i mean the file the site provides) so it’s hard to check. It can def. add it, tho
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 3 months ago:
I mean, “give access” and “double your bitcoin” are somewhat textbook phrases for scams…
Although, I def. see how one can miss it at first. I remember one bank scam call where the thing that ultimately clued me in was a rather unprofessional response along the lines of “don’t call crying back to us” when I’ve said I’m a bit busy to go check the card or whatever they’ve asked to, while what should’ve done this in the 1st place was another textbooky “have u transfered any funds to Joe Shmoe”. Looking back, would’ve been funy AF to pull the Karen on them 🥲
- Comment on Court Orders Google (a Monopolist) To Knock It Off With the Monopoly Stuff. 3 months ago:
I don’t really understand the 1st requirement…
allow 3rd-party app stores
So, apparently f-droid/aurora/etc are not allowed or something?
let stores distribute the same stuff gplay does
As in “give 'em a way to pull stuff from gplay and not punish for letting ppl download it”? Mb useful, but the lack of specificity may defend the purpose. Like currently, AFAIK, nobody really prevents ppl from publishing both on gplay and f-droid, for example
The rest lgtm
- Comment on Russian TV companies demand 2 undecillion rubles from Google 3 months ago:
You can, but why’d you want to platform something on a social network singlehandedly lowering the IQ of the whole IP address range?
- Comment on Support local bands 3 months ago:
The drummer def. noticed the lack of sb playing with ½bar delay
- Comment on Be happy if you woke up today and your throat didn’t hurt. 4 months ago:
Idk, given a common cold is caused by viruses, simply limiting the exposure to them generally helps not having a runny nose. Soo, why not be pissed off that you have to be around humans instead
- Comment on Be happy if you woke up today and your throat didn’t hurt. 4 months ago:
Nope, butit’s a feature