- Comment on Anyone remember this? 6 days ago:
I’m pretty sure I had that same mouse movement thing happen. That was a deeply buried memory until you mentioned it .
- Comment on The science is divided 1 week ago:
Okay but all monkeys are sharks.
- Comment on Amazon boss Jeff Bezos could face prison over knife sales to children 1 week ago:
Odds are actually less than a meteorite randomly killing him , and those odds are literally astronomical.
- Comment on no words, much feelings 2 weeks ago:
The real trick is to build these in places where the tap water is naturally cold, and to heat the free stuff.
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 3 weeks ago:
They get away with it because they don’t have serious competition and the reason for that is that allowing anyone to upload videos for free, to be viewed by anyone else for free, is by itself not a viable business model.
- Comment on Donald Trump imposes tariffs but Canada and Mexico hit back 4 weeks ago:
I don’t know why he wouldnt. We did the same thing last time. I think this round will get worse. There won’t be a free trade deal at the end of it, I think that era is gone. I think Canada and Mexico will have to take further measures eventually, moving away from American IP agreements and doing it in such a way that it forms a model for other countries that are hit with US tariffs .
- Comment on A baby boomer tried to show me a positive side to the cost of living crisis. It didn't help 1 month ago:
This is the sort of thing someone says when they have nothing to say but feel like they should say something. Sort of like being 200 words short in a 500 word essay.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Others have explained it (places where social interaction is the primary intent - not home and not work) but I’ll add - old European cities (and most smaller towns) have some sort of public square. Many have lasted to this day and are still used. We can still build them, we but our chosen form of urbanization isn’t that conducive to it so we don’t. In North America in the 80 and into the 90s, malls we’re 3rd place. Then they started aggressively going after loitering in malls since simply sitting in a mall doesn’t produce economic activity. Many malls died and many are still dying. Those that survived achieved the - nobody goes there to chill anymore. Just to buy what they need, maybe eat, and then leave. Nobody plans to “meet at the mall” anymore.
- Comment on DOOM® CAPTCHA 1 month ago:
The hit boxes appear to be huge. I got it just by turning and shooting from the starting position.
Fun, but a relatively simple script could likely be developed to solve these.
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 1 month ago:
Does that even work?
- Comment on Equal under the law or something 1 month ago:
The fact that PR might play into whether a specific attack is terrorism or not undermines the whole concept.
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 1 month ago:
- Comment on Dentist the Menace 3 months ago:
A concept doesn’t become acceptable just because the French have a term for it. Usually that’s a red flag.
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
One day your Internet search history is going to traumatize a police officer.
- Comment on Journalist asking the hard questions 3 months ago:
Is commander in chief an active military position?
I think it’s specifically not a military position. The president being a civilian is how in theory the military must operate under civilian control.
- Comment on A Netflix exclusive 3 months ago:
I didn’t watch the whole thing but Paul’s shots didn’t even seem like they had any power behind them. He won on points obviously because Tyson was drained but it felt like even old man Tyson could have just stood there and tanked those weak-ass punches.
Disclaimer: all I know about boxing I learned from Rocky movies.
- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 3 months ago:
I home they own Jones’ likeness to the point where they can give DJs the rights to remix his shouts into something of value.
- Comment on YouTube tests removing viewer counts — here’s what we know 3 months ago:
In this case YouTube can do literally anything they want due to the lack of real alternatives. Hosting videos for free, for anyone (and any number of viewers) to watch, for free, is rather predictably not a very profitable business model. If you want to see what it takes to actually be profitable with such a model, look at the average free porn site. Extremely intrusive ads everywhere. If you don’t want to pay, and ads are the only revenue, advertisers are the customer, not you.
- Comment on Pee posting? 4 months ago:
Still a better love story than twilight.
- Comment on Mom of the year 4 months ago:
NGL if HBO made this into a 6 part miniseries I would watch. I would hate myself as I watched but I would watch.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Time Cube is much older than AI bruh .
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Here’s one for your time :
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Everytime he’s asked for any kind of reasoning or evidence he goes straight to victimhood and how “mainstream archeology” doesn’t want you to know the real truth.
- Comment on Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says 5 months ago:
He was never going to go Mars. The first trips to Mars will be extremely dangerous - think the early Viking settlements of North America (they all died). There will of course be far more systematic prep for mars, but the the environment is also far far more hostile. These oligarchs like themselves too much to take risks like that.
- Comment on AT&T sues Broadcom for refusing to renew perpetual license support 5 months ago:
The wise thing is to not offer perpetual licenses in the first place. You can’t predict the state of your business in 10 years let alone beyond that. Why make commitments that? Marketing of course. So if they’re going to raise capital that way (by one-time revenue from sales of perpetual licenses) then they can’t just decide that perpetual doesn’t mean perpetual anymore. All in all this will come down to a legal duel between expensive legal teams.
- Comment on How to cut your energy bills by 30 per cent with a heat pump 5 months ago:
The problem with induction (including everything you cited there) is down to implementation, not the tech itself. The difference in UX between a bad induction stove and a good one is far far greater than the difference between a bad and good gas stove. A bad induction stove is just… really bad.
After using a great induction stove (with knobs, knobs are mandatory) I can’t ever go back. Yeah you get 5000 watts of heat with gas most of that just heats your kitchen, face, and pot handles. It only tangentially interacts with the food you’re trying to cook.
- Comment on As He Realized His Mistake, Elon Musk Begged Twitter Staff to Turn Off the New Feature He'd Pushed For 5 months ago:
The fact that this tweet caused their stock price to dive really shows what a joke the stock market is .
- Comment on Diversity 6 months ago:
Id like to see if with less pixels, thanks.
- Comment on AAAAAAAAAA 6 months ago:
Don’t they also have to fuck at some point in those 4 weeks?
- Comment on Check the facts 6 months ago:
Downvotes literally don’t affect your life at all so bravery really doesn’t come into it.