- Comment on Petition calls to ban Elon Musk's X in Europe 3 months ago:
Everyone who signed the petition should close their Twitter accounts. And write their newspapers that they would cancel their subscriptions if the articles quoted or embedded tweets. I didn’t sign any petition, and I’m already doing it. Well, sort of. I didn’t have any Twitter account ro close.
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
We have access cards to unlock the office doors; this is tracked. Everyone is required to be in the office for a certain amount of days per month, and a monthly report is always generated. I found when the fewest people are coming (nobody on my floor), and that’s when I come in, given that my entire team are digital nomads, so I’d communicate with them via Slack anyway.
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
I’m on hybrid, but my entire team is all over the world, so I’m just as alone in the office as at home. The only difference is that in the office I’m bound by the train schedule, so I can’t take out of hours calls. My coworkers and manager keep petitioning HR to let me work from home full time.
- Comment on "Times Heals All Wounds" and "This Too Shall Pass" may be true, but the time window doesn't have to happen during your lifetime. 4 months ago:
I once went to a proctologist who had a “This too shall pass” plaque on his desk. I decided to trust him, there and then.
- Comment on What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres? 4 months ago:
HoMM is a turn-based strategy game, not RPG (with the notable exception of HoMM IV where you had real hero development). That said, there was a genre of RPG’s, which used to be very popular in the 80s and 90s, and which all but disappeared. Those were party-based first-person RPG’s with turn based (or close to it) combat. Popularized by Wizardry, and followed by Might and Magic, they inspired other series like the Ishar Trilogy. Other games employed real-time combat, but slow enough or pausable, to mimic turn-based. Popular series were Eye of the Beholder, Lands of Lore, Dungeon Master, and others. Nowadays, I occasionally see one of these games from independent projects, but it seems that the golden age of this sub-genre has passed.
- Comment on Must EU banks provide basic service via internet? 5 months ago:
Just to be pedantic: we’ve had a hell of a time implementing dynamic resizing of svg’s in Firefox. Works fine with Chromium. We spent far too much development time to keep our 4% of users happy, but eventually we did it. Perhaps newer versions of Firefox changed this, but there are customer-facing oddities the bank’s customers may experience.
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
Without hard data it’s difficult to tell to what extent this is accurate, but there seems to be a substantial portion of Linux gamers (including Steam Deck users) who are pissed off that due to the anti-cheat they can’t play the game on their platform of choice anymore. Some of them may have joined the DDoS campaign, so there is a genuine venn diagram.
- Comment on Who is your favorite video game developer? 5 months ago:
Since this is retro gaming, I’ve got to go with Microprose (Civilization, Colonization, X-Com games and more). But my love also goes to other developers that EA destroyed, in particular Maxis, Westwood Studios and Origin. Special shout-out to three more studios I had amazing memories with: New World Computing (Might and Magic), Sir-Tech (Wizardry) and Blue Byte (Settlers, Battle Isle, Albion).
- Comment on I hope you don't have any plans this evening. 5 months ago:
Spoiler alert: it’s already happened, and all the virtuous people already ascended to heaven.
- Comment on Apple told to pay back €13bn in tax by EU 5 months ago:
You know how many bike stands could be built for that money? Dozens!
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
Where’s the “four slices per freezer bag and keep in the freezer” option? Or am I just too good for this chart?
- Comment on Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now? 5 months ago:
Two years ago, I quit FB for six months. Then I checked my feed, and counted six friends’ updates and zero group posts in the first 100 items. 94% of posts were ads or “suggested” content. So, I closed FB and never went back again. Whatsap statuses is where I find my friends’ updates these days.
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
World of Xeen? Such a fun concept, combining the two games. I’ve been trying to run the mod that lets you play 6, 7 and 8 within the same game, but my current PC can’t handle it.
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
And before that, Swords of Xeen, as MM 5.5. But other unofficial spinoffs, in particular the King’s Bounty series, weren’t half bad, either.
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
I call this “The curse of Might and Magic”. This franchise was established by Jon Van Caneghem who founded New World Computing. The company later got into financial trouble and was absorbed by 3DO. Over time (mainly due to the commercial failure of its console, which came after the acquisition of the M&M property), 3DO started slipping into the hole. It dissolved, and in its fire sale, Ubi purchased the rights to Might and Magic. The rest, as they say, is history…
- Comment on Hellooooo! 7 months ago:
Sorry; the automod here seems to have removed a naughty word in the URL. Linking directly to the picture.
- Comment on Hellooooo! 7 months ago:
Bring back memories of tthe removed dog. It never fails to make me smile…
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
Ironing is the only time of the week where I have the time to watch TV or movies. Not that I don’t have free time, but I usually spend it in other ways. During ironing, I’m a captive audience. That said, I don’t iron all that much. I remember the last season of The Boys took me four months to finish…
- Comment on Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows 9 months ago:
I’m still using Winamp 2.91. I’m just too used to it to change. Now, if someone added Flac support to the same interface, I’d be happy. And if someone ported it to Linux and Android, I’d pay big bucks for it.
- Comment on Using Ubuntu may give off a hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect. 9 months ago:
I used to use Ubuntu up to 12.04. By the time the support ended, the new versions had the Unity desktop, I didn’t like it, so for a while I switched to Crunchbang (may it rest in peace), and now I’m using Mint Cinnamon. Some of my developers are using Ubuntu with Unity. Everyone is free to pick what suits them; I’m not one to judge them.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
Aux port is precisely what I’d look for when getting a new car. Even though by the time I do, perhaps my last Sansa Clip mp3 player will be dead and I’d get a new model with Bluetooth.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
Yeah, I hear you. I’ll settle for an aux port when I get a new car…
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
As long as it can play tapes, I’m okay. Still using a tape adapter to connect my mp3 player :)
- Comment on My opinion on Bone conduction earphones 10 months ago:
A bit late to the game, but for what it’s worth, my experience with the Shockz. I run about 6-7 hours per week, and listen exclusively to audiobooks. As a result, I can’t comment on the sound quality, but I do have some other observations.
- Waterproof. I’ve been running for more than a decade before I got the Shockz, and no earphones lasted more than 6 months in the local rain. No such issue with these headphones.
- Not falling off. By their design, they would not fall off, unlike any and all earbuds I ever tried. I may have weird ears in this regard, but I had to learn to run with a hat or headband to keep earbuds in place.
- Spatial awareness. Excellent at keeping me aware of my surroundings.
- Good battery life. A single charge lasts me through the week, and a quick partial emergency charge can carry me over the next 2-hour run. In addition, the “battery low” status actually works well. With any other brand of earbuds, from Mpow to Anker, once I got the “battery low” warning, I had about 20 minutes of charge left. So, going for a long run at “battery medium” was always a gamble. With the Shockz, I never ran out of charge when I started at “battery medium”, even on my long runs.
- Not too comfortable. I have a big head, and even so the band behind my head is standing off enough that I can’t wear my hat over it. So, in winter it’s earbuds, held in place and waterproofed by my hat.
- A bit too quiet. Everything, including the persistent wind here, is interfering with the sound. So, for audiobooks, I have to process them in mp3gain to around 95 dB, and then play them at max. This, however, may be more related to my mp3 player; I didn’t do an analysis of it yet.
- The controls are weird. My sense of touch is not too good, so pressing the controls while the Shockz are on my head is a futile exercise. I just can’t feel the buttons properly, so I have to take off the headphones and see which button I’m pushing.
I didn’t test them with music or calls yet (for the latter, I’d have to pair them to my phone), so can’t comment on those features.
- Comment on If managers are so good at managing things, how come they can't manage to manage themselves? 11 months ago:
Middle manager in an IT company here. My job description is saying “no” to requests outside the official pipeline, in order to shield my team from outside interference and burnout. I need a manager to fight for me whenever I pick a fight with one of the VPs who think we need to drop everything and refocus on their pet project.
- Comment on How A Small Video Game Narrative Studio Wound Up At The Heart Of A Massive, Anti-Woke Conspiracy Theory - Aftermath 11 months ago:
When I was still buying new games, I’ve had development studios I preferred, and others I avoided. Those were simpler times (and simpler games), when one small studio did everything.
Later, additional external companies got involved, and some teied to hide their presence. I remember when The Adventure Company started using a very customer unfriendly sort of copy protection, and I started using a list of affectted games, so that I could avoid them.
These days, multiple companies are involved with game design. As a consumer, it’s only normal that I’d like to know who had their hands on developing a game I’d be interested in. I haven’t played any games Sweet Baby was involved with, but if I did and had a strong opinion (negative or positive) about their work, I’d appreciate a list of games they worked on, to make a purchase choice that would suit me best.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
That’s how I was taught. Quarter past, half past, quarter to, and add to it the minutes. Then again, I was also taught to hide under my school desk in case of a nuclear attack. I think times may have changed slightly since then…
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
Last summer, I was in a water park, one of the few people still wearing a watch. A man asked me what time it was, and I replied “half past one and ten minutes”. To me, this was completely natural, and I didn’t even think about it. I’ll never forget his confused look. You could almost see slight movements under his hair as the wheels in his brain worked overtime to translate it into digital time…
- Comment on Cute :3 11 months ago:
This physically hurt. I hope you’re happy, op.
- Comment on Which option lads? 1 year ago:
Walking the kids to school, walking to the shop, and an average of 70-80 km of running per week. Life is good when you permanently work from home.